
SPECIAL PRAYER CALL SUNDAY! VIGIL CONTINUES! 9pm EST. Conference call number: 641-715-3605 access code 552-690. Use *6 to mute/unmute. Invite your friends to join us! 

CONFERENCE CALL REPLAY! Covering Crown & Throne Prayer Vigil, Israel Tour. With James Nesbit, Jamie Fitt, Ed Watts. Replay number: 641-715-3598 access code 552-690.

TONIGHT! THRONES OF GLORY in the Reconstitution State. Saturday night and Sunday Morning, Jon & Jolene are ministering at Remnant Church, Brunswick GA with our good friends Jamie and Redonnia Jackson. Please join us!

Do Not Let the Enemy Define Your Parameters!
Thanks for your vigilance over our nation. Please keep blazing! As the news indicates, we are in such a delicate time of transition. Note that yesterday also Donald Trump was officially confirmed by Congress as President of the United States.

At the same time, a terrorist struck. Our hearts go out to the families of those who were gunned down at the Fort Lauderdale airport yesterday. The gunman’s motives remain unclear. But what is clear is that he took advantage of a largely hidden vulnerability in airport security in order to make his move.

This morning I awoke with a word from the Lord. He spoke to my spirit, “Do not let the enemy define the parameters of your life!” We are Kingdom people, and the Gospel of the Kingdom alone should be our only plumbline to define our lives and world. Period. No King but Jesus!

I encourage you to take some time and process with the Lord the borders and boundaries of your world. What boundaries are you tolerating that are not from Him? What limitations? How does He want you to establish your new parameters in this season? How is the enemy seeking to intimidate you so that you remain within his fixed boundaries?

What are Heaven’s strategies for you to break out of the box? How do you need to align or realign in this season?

Dare to ask these questions. This evaluation is so important right now if you want to establish your sphere as a Throne of Glory this year. It’s part of setting your course. THIS IS AT THE CORE OF THE “CROWN & THRONE” JOURNEY FROM SUBJUGATION TO FREEDOM.

Prophetically, as of the New Year the Lord opened an extraordinary window for the redeeming of time. This window will accelerate your journey. It is key for your deliverance from the enemy’s encroachment. But before we share this, allow me to first share with you just a little of our own journey these past few months.

Note from Jon & Jolene
From September to December, Jolene and I faced an unprecedented $17,000 deficit in our ministry. That may not sound like much to some of you. But to us it was a mountain!

Why the deficit? Much of the final leg of the Glory Train was financed by us personally, as was our entire Israel journey. Two leadership convocations, in Oklahoma and Texas, added up. And our cost of living in Washington DC—for housing etc—remains substantively higher than most of the rest of the nation.

Many Ministries Suffered Severe Decline in Giving
It’s important to note that ministries across the spectrum reported that their donations suffered greatly during this same period we experienced our deficit. During the final months of the election cycle many people simply ceased their giving. We definitely experienced this too.

Keep in mind with the culmination of the 50 state Glory Train journey and the extraordinary turnaround God promised even reflected in the elections, we felt we had just experienced our greatest victory. We were also pretty spent, as you can imagine.

Each of us in the Lamplighter family gave our all in every way. We have been praying for you, for Christ’s rewards to enrich every aspect of your lives. And we are very grateful to each of you for your generosity in the Lord towards us. We are simply conveying an aspect of the spiritual intensity that we experienced after the election. Probably all of us experienced this.

And the Warfare INCREASED!
And like you, we expected the spiritual warfare of the season to subside. Time to rest and regain strength. Instead, after the election it seemed like the spiritual intensity ramped up significantly! We felt unusual opposition at every turn. Many simple things became hard. The warfare intensified.

And as we shared, donations declined dramatically.

Agreat example of the ramped-up intensity is the warfare over Israel. You know we began praying intensively for Israel before the election ended. And it’s been nonstop ever since—in the spirit the warfare has been been much stronger than anything we experienced with the elections. From Thanksgiving through Christmas until today. No pause in the warfare. To the extent we actually engaged in an impromptu prayer project together, by necessity, from Christmas to New Years. Who does this?

War Against Throne Room Timing
Another characteristic of the warfare is that God’s timing in our lives was challenged. It was like we became somehow out of synch. Kingdom priorities became unclear. Obligations became overwhelming. We were contending with all our strength when we most needed to rest. In things small and large, we saw an unstated onslaught against both kairos time and chronos time.

And we felt out of synch with the rhythms of God.

Seeking Breakthrough
When we realized what was transpiring, we of course sought the Lord for breakthrough. The enemy was seeking to confine us. He was seeking to define us by his parameters instead of Christ’s. We did not yet have this clarity of language that we shared with you today. But He directed us in many ways.

We increased our giving to other ministries. We also felt convicted to live more simply. Not just to decrease our spending, but to engage in a more healthy lifestyle. Jolene and I both realized we were so conditioned to living on the road that we were eating out more than we should. It’s been a joy to rediscover home cooked meals, rotisserie chicken from Costco, and candlelit dinners for two.

Also, so much better on the waistline! Just being transparent with my friends 🙂

Last Minute Miracle
With all this in mind, I still strongly felt to believe God for the media upgrades He desired for us by year’s end. And to seek funding from the Lamplighter family for years-end donations. The $10,000 requested—for media upgrades and more—covered a basic website upgrade as well as some of our remaining expenses.

We are grateful that, by your combined investments, approximately $8000 came in. At the last moment! We are now pursuing the media upgrade. And by the grace of God, we were able to pay every debt incurred from the Glory Train.

Our Commitment to You
We want Lamplighter Ministries to provide incredible enrichment for you by God’s Spirit. Part of our desire for you is to see Christ’s blessing on your donations.

It’s important for you to know we seek diligently to steward your investment in a way that maximizes Kingdom benefit for you. Part of this means that we are committed to live debt free, both in life and in ministry. We are earnestly convinced that God provides an abundance for every good work!

Jolene and I are also more aware than ever of the incredible difference your investment in Lamplighter—through your intercession and your giving—has made. I earnestly believe the nation has been impacted. Israel has been impacted. And we’re humbled by the reports from so many of you that your lives have been personally impacted through our ministry. This is our heart—and as always, we are grateful to take this journey with you!

All this to say, we share together in the struggles as reaping the rewards. What we are sharing now on refusing to let the enemy’s parameters define your life is absolutely ground taken by force.

Redeeming the Time
Let me close by sharing a key revelation of Christ’s redemption for us in this new year. Most of you know that the beginning of Hanukkah converged with Christmas this year. Amazing!

Not a coincidence a global coalition hit Israel just two days before this historic convergence of Christmas with Hanukkah. We warned about this on December 5. And as in the days of Judah Maccabee, this global coalition actually laid claim to  the Western Wall! Not only is the Western Wall the holiest site in all Judaism, as best I understand it is the only remaining part of the Temple Mount complex during the time of the Maccabees. You remember the intensity of the warfare.

But God showed me this New Years Eve how He made a bridge for you to see the redeeming of time. Hanukkah became the demonstration of this bridge. Hanukkah began on Christmas. And the festival culminated with the convergence of Hannukah and the New Year!

In short, the Hanukkah miracle released us into the New year. This Feast of Dedication became a bridge between the strike against God’s purposes throughout 2016 and a strategic window He opened for the redeeming of time.

The Lord made me aware that He opened this window just as we crossed over into the New Year. I prophesied as He spoke, finishing at precisely 12:12 am New Years Day. A window has been opened for the redeeming of time. Both your kairos and chronos time. The enemy sought to change times, seasons, and laws. But you will see His redemption as you rededicate these things to Him! Because the miracle of Hanukkah is now forming a bridge into the New Year. Perpetual provision, a perpetual flow of oil. Reclaiming sacred spaces that have become desolate, and turning them into Thrones of Glory!

And the redeeming of your time.

I’m still processing. But this miracle  is yours to claim by verdict of Heaven’s Court. Seek Jesus for this! And you should not settle for anything less than the complete redemption of your kairos time and chronos time.