TONIGHT! APOSTLE JOHN BENEFIEL JOINS US! STATE OF THE UNION PRAYER CALL! 9-10 pm EST. Final day of New Birth of Freedom project. Conference call number: 805-399-1200 access code 552-690. Use *6 to mute/unmute. Invite your friends!

Early this morning EST, North Korea successfully tested a large nuclear bomb. The test set off a shallow earthquake measuring 4.9 on the richter scale.

This test, more than double the force of the 2009 detonation, comes on the morning of President Obama’s 2013 State of the Union address. According to North Korea, the test was a response to the “reckless hostility of the United States,” reported BBC.

“If the US further complicates the situation with continued hostility, we will be left with no choice but to take even stronger second or third rounds of action.”

Not only does this test prove North Korea to be a viable nuclear threat, it increases the potential that nuclear devices could be made and sold to terrorist groups or nations, such as al Queda or Iran.

It is important to note that prophets throughout the world have warned of an increase in the threat of terrorism against the US. Last month Jolene and I felt strongly impressed by the Lord to pray against potential strikes in April.

Prayer Points
Please pray immediately for the cessation of North Korea’s nuclear capacities. Pray for a “Holy Spirit invasion” bringing culture-shifting awakening and revival to North Korea. Pray for the alliance between Iran and North Korea to be broken. Pray for nuclear weapons to be discovered, confiscated and dismantled before they are delivered to potential targets or potential buyers.

Pray for President Obama, the Joint Chiefs of Staff and Defense leaders, and our intelligence communities. Pray for Homeland Security. Pray for discernment for Congress as the Senate votes on presidential nominees for Secretary of Defense and Director of the CIA.

State of the Union security prayer–As virtually every top US governmental leader will be in attendance, please keep vigilant watch beginning now for any security issues related to the tonight’s address to be exposed and dealt with.

Please especially pray for President Obama as he delivers the State of the Union address tonight. As of February 12, 2013, the world has just become a much more dangerous place.