TONIGHT! APOSTLE JOHN BENEFIEL JOINS US! STATE OF THE UNION PRAYER CALL! 9-10 pm EST. Lets hear together God’s perspective on the “State of the Union.” Conference call number: 805-399-1200 access code 552-690. Use *6 to mute/unmute. Invite your friends!

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Tonight after 44 days, we culminate one of the most surprising prayer projects we have ever been involved with. Thank you to all who joined us in this effort!

We began this New Birth of Freedom project on the 150th anniversary of Abraham Lincoln’s Emancipation Proclamation, and end tonight on his birthdate, when America’s first black President gives his State of the Union address. Please join us tonight for the State of the Union conference call!

In between we’ve prayed for a breakthrough on abortion and freedom for nations. We’ve received clear warnings emanating from the heart of God, compelling us to greater desperation. Today, we awoke to a dire warning from North Korea, made tangible by a nuclear test. God wants breakthrough in that nation!

We hope that the Lord has spoken to you, awakened you, and expanded your heart during this journey.

Heidi Baker on New Births!
Heidi Baker has shared about new births in her prophetic word for 2013! Especially in light of these 44 days, the word is beyond encouraging. Check out these incredible insights from a true mother in the faith! Click here to view on YouTube.

America’s Passover
Though the 44 day launch of this project ends tonight, God has highlighted Passover again and again as the true culmination of the project. In the days of Moses, Passover marked the actual “New Birth of Freedom” for the Jews. And in the days of Jesus, Passover purchased the New Birth of Freedom for all mankind!

If Lincoln was America’s Moses, the Emancipation Proclamation literally marked America’s Passover. When we began this New Birth of Freedom Project on January 1, we had no idea it was the 150th anniversary of the proclamation! Freedom was declared to slaves–with the ultimate purpose of preserving the union.

Note that God commanded that Passover mark the beginning of each new year. Is it any coincidence that this Proclamation was given on January 1? During Passover, God finished the fight He picked with Pharaoh when he first instructed Moses to proclaim LET MY PEOPLE GO. This Passover, watch how God finishes the battles He started with your enemy. You will advance to freedom!

Jesus, Commander in Chief
Finally–many mistake the Proclamation as an act of Congress–it was not. Instead, it was an executive order addressed to all offices of the executive branch–especially the armed forces. If you are a soldier in God’s army, better pay attention.

Lincoln wrote this Proclamation as President–but in the capacity afforded to his office as Commander in Chief. In a similar way, we’ve begun to know Jesus as the Bridegroom and the righteous Judge. But He is also the Commander in Chief of the armies of God, both in heaven and in earth.

I felt for a while that the Lord wanted to release a fresh proclamation on freedom. While writing the Life Decree, I felt Holy Spirit speak to me, “There are twins in your womb that are now being birthed.” It was stunning to see Randy Demain prophesy an “Emancipation Proclamation” as part of his word for 2013.

Let me be the first to admit–though the Spirit of God has revealed key principles that frame today’s draft of the Emancipation Proclamation, the work is still unfinished. You might recognize key phrases and concepts from Lincoln’s original proclamation. Anyway, please pray for me on this… and expect a revised version by Passover.

“I have seen Him in the watch fires of a hundred circling camps, They have builded Him an altar in the evening dews and damps; I can read His righteous sentence by the dim and flaring lamps; His day is marching on…”

“Sing to the Lord, praise the Lord! For He has rescued the life of the needy from the hands of evil doers”–Jeremiah 20:13.

WHEREAS THE SON OF MAN came to set the captives free; and whereas a divorcement from Baal and a reconstitution of covenant with Jesus Christ were received and affirmed by the Lord Jesus Christ, containing, among other things, the following request, to wit:

That this Nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom; and that government of the people, by the people and for the people shall not perish from the earth;

Therefore, let it be noted that the Highest Court has reviewed and granted this request, and has determined that the sovereignty of America as a Republic is hereby retained: One Nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.

FURTHER, let it be known that as of Passover, in the year of our Lord two thousand and thirteen; a scroll is unsealed to mark a new era, and the decree on this scroll is Freedom. The Intervention of the Army of God into Human Affairs is thus enacted to bring to bear Christ’s rule, for the ultimate Freedom of Mankind, according to heaven’s Emancipation Proclamation: LET MY PEOPLE GO.

Now, therefore I, the Supreme Judge, Governor of Heaven and the Nations, by virtue of the power conferred as Commander-in-Chief, in time of actual armed rebellion by the kingdom of darkness against God’s authority, and as a fit and necessary war measure for suppressing said rebellion, do, on this first day of Passover, and in accordance with My purpose publicly proclaimed in the full counsel of My own Word and Blood:

I do order and declare the reconstitution of heaven’s Emancipation Proclamation, LET MY PEOPLE GO.

Therefore all persons held as slaves within said designated states and dimensions are, and henceforward shall be free; and that the governance of heaven and earth, including its armies, must now recognize and maintain the freedom of all said persons, including the unborn, purchased with the blood of Jesus Christ. Those unwilling to recognize and maintain these freedoms shall henceforth be deemed in direct rebellion against this order, and shall face all appropriate consequences, even as “By God’s judgments the nations learn righteousness.”

Let it be known that in righteousness Jesus Christ both judges and makes war. His verdict thus received, the Commander in Chief hereby commissions His enforcing agents of heaven and earth to execute the aforesaid judgments.