Photo courtesy of Cheryl Amabile, JHOP | RPN-MD | HAPN-MD

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A PRIVATE, WOOD-PANELED ROOM will bear witness to one of the most important verdicts issued by the Supreme Court in decades.

This morning, the Supreme Court judges will meet to present their opinions to each other, and assign a single justice to write the majority opinion.

According to the Boston Herald, “After months of anticipation, thousands of pages of briefs and more than six hours of arguments, the justices will vote on the fate of President Barack Obama’s health care overhaul in under an hour Friday morning. The public announcement of the Obamacare verdict will not be issued until June.”

PLEASE KEEP WATCH THROUGHOUT THE MORNING, praying for the justices as they privately share their opinions. Father God, you declared that righteousness and justice are the foundations of Your Throne.  We cover each Supreme Court Justice with the blood of Jesus Christ. Release Your angels to protect and defend, restraining spiritual darkness in every realm and dimension of their lives and work. Visit each justice, Lord, and share with them Your counsel. Make known to each of them Your Throne Room verdict on this issue. Grant favor and unity Lord, with You and each other, in Jesus’ Name.

Based on feedback from the Justices during the case, the constitutional legality of the Obamacare bill is certainly in question. For Jolene and me, two issues on the health care bill loom large. First is individual rights. Second is the vast expansion of abortion provided within this bill. Below is a prophetic posting from our great friend Cheryl Amabile with the Justice House of Prayer in Kansas City. WE ENCOURAGE YOU TO TAKE TIME TO READ THIS THROUGH AND OPEN YOUR HEARTS TO THE PROPHETIC PERCEPTIONS!

Supreme Court: Turning a Page in History
Dear JHOP Family, In our corporate prayer this morning we were crying out for an “Elijah revolution” – the turning of the hearts of the fathers to the children. The fact that the Esther Call in the 4th month of April 5-6 lines up with the scripture reference of Malachi 4:5-6, seems to drive home the emphasis of this prayer at this time!

Malachi 4:5-6 – Behold, I will send you Elijah the prophet before the coming of the great and dreadful day of the LORD. And he shall turn the heart of the fathers to the children, and the heart of the children to their fathers, lest I come and smite the earth with a curse.

Prophetic Backdrop:

The turning of the hearts also coincides in our prophetic history with the turning of the courts. Two signs that we have literally seen in the heavens over the Supreme Court are: 1) 2004 – an arrow in the clouds turning direction; and 2) 2008 – a heart shaped in the clouds (see photo below – taken during the Rizpah Stand)

To add to this prophetic backdrop, we had another profound experience in 2010 on the night that Obamacare was passed….

That night at 11:43pm Aimee Anaya saw the pages of her bible supernaturally lift up before her eyes and turn backwards to Psalm 70… “may those who say to me AHA AHA turn back because of their shame”. The next day as she was sharing this experience with our JHOP company, we realized the clock in the room we were praying in was stuck at exactly 11:43. It was another sign to us that the Lord would surely turn back the page of history as he turned the hearts of this generation.

* He gave us Psalm 114:3 (for 11:43) The sea looked and fled, the Jordan turned back; (a miraculous breakthrough of natural circumstances to allow God’s people access to the promised land and to strike fear in the hearts of His enemies)

  • And again, Malachi 4:5-6 “…He shall turn the heart of the fathers to the children, and the heart of the children to their fathers…”
  • Then, on 10/10/11 during our 40 days in Detroit I was given a dream in which the Lord said once again about Obamacare: “I will prepare a turnback”

Now, as 39 women are walking back to Dallas in this Back to Life campaign, let us raise our voices in agreement with the purpose of God to bring about this turning that He has promised. It could be that April 4:5-6 is a divine moment of climax for the Spirit of Elijah to be released in America according to Malachi 4:5-6.
For a Holy revolution,

Cheryl Amabile