








CBN MIDEAST CORRESPONDENT CHRIS MITCHELL joins prayer call WEDNESDAY! 9PM EST. Conference call number: 805-399-1200 access code 552-690. Use *6 to mute/unmute. Invite your friends to join us! 

FIRST—Veteran CBN  Chris Mitchell joins us WEDNESDAY for our midweek prayer call! You’ve probably seen many of his CBN reports on Israel and the Mideast through the past years—especially on Egypt and the Arab Spring.

Chris is joining us just as renewed talks begin with Iran and western powers in Geneva.

Based out of Jerusalem, Chris has incredible insights on Iran, Egypt and current events in the Mideast. His new book “Dateline Jerusalem” has just been released—a fast-paced prophetic overview of current events in the Mideast and end-time realities we are all soon to face. It is an incredible resource to intercessors and to the broader body of Christ.

Please note again that we are now hosting the call WEDNESDAY, not Tuesday as reported yesterday. This is to accommodate Chris and his busy schedule before returning to Jerusalem.

SECOND—Several prophetic friends have had warning dreams about increased warfare in Israel. One saw a vision of the mountains of Jerusalem on fire. Jolene had a dream of an army marching in pitch black uniforms—similar to the Iranian Quds force. We’re not at all sure what any of this means, except that it’s clear we need to pray.

Obviously we need to continue prayer for the debt ceiling crisis, though a final deal is expected today. From Washington to Washington to Jerusalem, we are in the midst of a history-making week of decision. Which brings us to this timely posting by Marlene Brubaker, an amazing counselor, intercessor and prophetic voice from Washington State. She shares an “Issachar word” for us all.

Stand in the Gap—by Marlene Brubaker
I looked for a man among them who would build up the wall and stand before me in the gap on behalf of the land so I would not have to destroy it, but I found none” (Ezekiel 22:20).

We need to be reminded of this Word to know that our prayers for this nation are important and significant.  As we face the government shutdown, the possibility of economic collapse and martial law, we must remember that God is with us.

Although these shakings of governments and nations are a big problem, many of us are encountering shakings in our personal lives and relationships as well. These events seem to have risen out of the blue and are affecting the very foundations of our faith. When there are personal shakings it is easy to become distracted from national and global prayer, and shift to a self-focus. It is also easy to succumb to fear and doubt thinking somehow we are now disqualified, rather than being made strong in Him and established for the glory that is coming in the midst of this storm.

Trials—From Peril to Promise
Trials answer questions we thought we knew the answers to. Do we really trust Him? Will we really obey Him? Is He really for us? If we allow ourselves and the Holy Spirit to look deep inside, these personal shakings will not only be used to transform us, but will break off self-deception.

I believe that God is coming full circle in our lives to help us let go of all past disappointments, hurts, wounds and failures that will keep us from grabbing hold of the new thing He is doing in the earth. As we agree to the work God is doing in us we will be able to superimpose the Kingdom view over our circumstances and lives. We will understand that there are Kingdom purposes at work!

Through the challenges we are facing the Lord is preparing us and strengthening us for what is coming in the future—and for what is already here. This is really a sign of His goodness and mercy towards us. It is a wonderful preparation of His Priests and Kings to call out of heaven the will of God on earth. The earth is looking for the sons and daughters to stand in that place before God without wavering.

Vision: Thriving Through the Storm
As we were meeting in our home group praying for the times we are in, the Lord gave me a picture of a very large ship. This ship was in the middle of a huge storm  the bow smashing into the large waves with the winds and water raging around it.  The people on the ship were at times throwing ballast into the sea and working together to get through the storm.

As I looked closer the conversations were not fearful as I expected. One would say to another, “wow, did you see that?”  They were intent on thriving in this adventure and watching God ride the storm with them.

That picture reminded me of many years ago when a large earthquake hit our area. My husband and I woke up to loud rumblings and the mirror and photos on the wall swaying back and forth. We immediately thought of our year old daughter. We ran to her room expecting to find her frightened and crying.  Instead, her crib was slowly rolling across the wood floors and she was smiling and giggling and enjoying the ride!

Look at His Ability!
I am not implying that we will necessarily be smiling and giggling, but that we take our eyes off of our circumstances and ability and look to His ability. This scripture in Ezekiel states that God looked for a man. It only takes ONE man of faith to believe God. The Lord does not want to destroy the land, so He looks for that “one.” If we overcome with faith, we are qualified.

The Bible also says in 2 Chronicles 16:9—“For the eyes of the Lord range throughout the earth to strengthen those whose hearts are fully committed to Him.” 

In other words God is looking for those He can strongly support. He is our strength! Even in our most desperate hour we can rise up in faith that He is for us. These momentary trials are being used to propel us forward and set things in order that we may be about the Father’s work.

We are not to be afraid, our focus no longer on ourselves or even on the church, but on the Kingdom. We have a King! And we are of a Kingdom. It is time to overcome and proclaim to our national government and the governance of our lives that there is truly no King but Jesus.