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The Awakening Alarm
A Third Great Awakening is now at our door—the door of the East Gate. So far we have focused on the potential the Lord is affording us in this season. We feel a mandate to also share warnings accompanying this great potential as a prelude to our Glory Procession. We’re calling this series “the Awakening Alarm.”

We are seeking to see the “east gate” of our nation opened for the Lord. But this year God also wants us to shut the “gate of sabotage.” Today we feel strongly impressed to share a dream the Lord gave in 2006. In the dream, lawless criminals had been captured and imprisoned. But corrupt authorities were freeing and even arming the very enemies they had sworn to defeat.

The warning, again from 2006, quickly proved very accurate in many spheres. The head of the National Association of Evangelicals was soon “caught in the act”—literally embracing the very sin he actively campaigned against. We also saw a global economic collapse related to corruption by financial leaders—known until then as the “masters of the universe.”

Our sense is that, from Guantanamo to the deserts of Iraq to the shores of America, the warning still applies today. God’s awakening alarm is sounding!

Dream—The Sheriffs are Aiding the Criminals
In the dream some friends and I were in an “old west” town, complete with sheriffs and bandits. Our job was to track the bandits and bring them in.

My friends and I would round up gangs of these bandits, strip them of their weapons, and present them to the authorities. Their loot would be turned over as well. The capture of these gangs would bring great celebration to the town. Authorities would parade these gangs through the streets, gaining popularity for their accomplishments.

Re-arming the Adversary
But when night fell, some of these same authorities would sneak to the jail and unlock the gate for the bad guys to escape. They would give them money, and even re-arm the bandits with their weapons.

Two times in the dream my friends and I risked our lives to capture the same bandits. Two times we got breakthrough, overcame the gang and confiscated their loot. We presented the bandits and their goods to the authorities. They were paraded through town in a great celebration… and then to my surprise, these criminals were once again secretly re-armed and released in the middle of the night.

During the last battle my friend got wounded, nearly losing his life in a gun fight while trying to recapture the posse. The bullet he took was from a gun returned to the bandit by a sheriff!

In the dream, I became aware of the actions of these subversive sheriffs. The battle suddenly became real. And so did my resolution for justice.

The Staged Victory
The scene changed to the town courthouse. In the dream, the bandits were all on the courthouse steps, chained to each other as though finally brought to justice. In fact, this was my initial sense—this cycle was finally over.

The town’s authorities were leading a parade towards the courthouse, celebrating and being celebrated as the gang of bandits finally had been bound and captured for good.

But as the authorities drew near to the steps, the gang members shook loose their handcuffs and chains. Clearly, neither the chains nor the handcuffs had even been locked. They had staged their own arrest! The bandits then grabbed guns from behind their backs and began taking out the un-armed authorities at close range.

The Grief of Warriors
In the dream, the friends who rounded up the criminals and presented them to the authorities were actually intercessors. They prayed through for their communities until the enemy was bound and restrained.

But the principle applies across the board, to everyone now giving your lives to protect our land from lawlessness. The web definition of an intercessor is “a person who intervenes on behalf of another, especially by prayer.” You are all intercessors, intervening on behalf of multitudes in harm’s way.

Unfortunately in the dream, a few of the authorities were subversive. They kept much of the “loot” for themselves, while re-arming the bandits and turning them loose in the middle of the night. By this the bandits kept plundering the townsfolk, and re-lining the pockets of a certain few when captured.

Seasoned warriors will immediately bear witness to this picture—with tears of grief in their eyes. Because again and again, the corruption of a few have often sabotaged their noblest efforts and most fervent prayers.

Game No More
In the dream, it all seemed like a game—or a wild west movie—until my friend got shot. Then it became real. And so did my resolve.

I want to articulate a very clear warning here. Our pride in victory often blinds us to consequences that the humble quickly discern. Personally and corporately, we can only release and re-arm our sworn enemies for so long before they turn on us and cause much greater destruction.

Many have become so detached from the reality of true challenges that they almost seem like a round of poker, or a video game. As long as my side “wins” everything’s good, regardless of the collateral damage.

Friends, our resolve needs to reflect the reality of our season of history. God is doing whatever He can to awaken us, and drive out of our lives a toleration for compromise and betrayal. Because He wants a better future for us all than what our current actions are securing.

Remain Vigilant! Don’t Claim Victory Prematurely
We all remember President Bush being mocked for declaring victory prematurely in Iraq. Now President Obama is facing the same criticism for declaring victory over Al Queda in his term.

Two lessons here. First, lets not succumb to judgement, because we don’t want to be judged in the same manner.

Second, lets remain vigilant, resisting the temptation to declare victory prematurely and “let down.” This dream is a warning. And in the dream, our enemies knew exactly how to take advantage of our swelling pride. And they knew also how to take advantage of our desire for a prolonged crisis to finally be over.

Therefore our enemies had actually staged their own arrest. They pretended to be conquered and restrained while actually positioning themselves to strike even more effectively.

Lets draw out our greatest weapon at this time to counter the enemy’s strategies. Lets humble ourselves before God and repent for our pride, and the collateral damage our pride has perpetuated. We can see, hear, analyze and act—and still not truly perceive. Because the internal sabotage of our own pride can still delude us.

Friends, unless the Lord guards the city, the watchmen labor in vain. So wherever we have offended God, lets repent in Jesus’ Name. And lets seek the Lord diligently to retain His hand of protection over our land. Lets invite Him, not kick Him out!

We Honor You
Lamplighter Ministries wants to personally thank the intercessory warriors in every sphere who have endured hardships to subdue the enemy and protect our leaders, churches, communities and nation. We are in challenging times, I know. Many of you have been misunderstood. Many of you have taken a bullet in the service of a friend.

PLEASE continue to keep your heart pure, and your fire burning. Run your race with renewed endurance. You are honored and cherished by the Lord! With humility and vigilance, you can counter the emerging threats of this hour.