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Passover 50! March 25-27 | With 50 hours nationwide prayer for marriage | 50 hours DC prayer | 50 days nationwide prayer for Supreme Court 

On Monday, March 25–the first day of Passover–we begin “Passover 50,” covering in prayer two days of Supreme Court hearings on same sex marriage. Many have wondered why we’re calling our aspect of this initiative “Passover 50.” What does Passover have to do with marriage?

Through today’s posting, I hope to define for you exactly why Passover has everything to do with marriage, and why it’s so important that we take our stand before God’s Throne at this very time.

Brother in a Suit
A black man in a woman’s bathing suit made his way up a grassy dune, towards an old wooden cross I was photographing. His head was covered with a pinkish swimming cap.

It was 15 years ago, and I was on a photo assignment in Provincetown for the Cape Cod Times. This quaint harbor on the tip of the Cape, where the Pilgrims once cut covenant with the Lord Jesus Christ, is now a homosexual community. And much of this community was out for the annual Swim for Life, hosted by area ministers to raise funds for AIDS victims.

This image of this brother in a suit, moving towards the cross, has haunted me ever since. His journey has literally become my prayer for people embracing the gay lifestyle. The foot of the cross is the only place anyone can truly perceive God. It’s the only place where anyone can receive the identity Jesus died to lavish us with–a new birth of freedom.

Two Unimaginable Realities
Christ’s sacrifice brought to fulfillment two unimaginable realities, both declared by John the Baptist. Through the cross, Jesus became the Passover sacrifice, “the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world.” And through the cross, Jesus purchased for Himself a bride. As John thundered, “He who has the bride is the Bridegroom!”

The Passover Lamb
As the Passover lamb, Jesus became sin for us. Not in a vague way, but in a personalized way. Jesus literally took on Himself every sin you committed, and freely gave Himself to be punished in your stead. For the man who violently stole God’s gift of life, Jesus became that thief, that murderer. For the man who violently stole God’s gift of innocence, Jesus became that thief and that murderer as well. He died for the sins of both the abuser and the abused. He came to break the cycle, and set each captive free.

Passover–God Married Man!
Marriage in the natural is described by the Apostle Paul as a picture of a greater reality–union with Jesus Christ. “For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and the two will become one flesh. This is a profound mystery—but I am talking about Christ and the church” (Eph. 5:31-2).

It was during Passover, by this same cross, that God literally married man. A covenant was cut in blood. Through the cross Jesus redeemed us, and through His resurrection He sealed His covenant for eternity. The marriage invitation has been so lovingly prepared–and delivered by nail scarred hands, upon which your own name has been engraved.

Does God’s Love Validate Sin?
Today, neo-theologians and even politicians want to tell us how God’s love validates all expressions of love, gay or straight. This is a dangerous half-truth. The agony Jesus Christ endured on the cross certainly validates the sinner, but by no means validates the sin. The horrific reality of sin is what demanded the horrific agony of Christ’s sacrifice. To teach otherwise is to literally marginalize Christ’s sacred gift.

Wrong Side of History? Egypt and Sodom
Many believe we are “on the wrong side of history,” and I respect their opinions. But the Bible clearly predicts that when Christ returns, the moral condition of mankind will have so deteriorated that it will resemble Egypt and Sodom. Idolatry and slavery, as personified by Egypt, and sexual immorality and abuse, as personified by Sodom.

What does this mean for us? Even in the final moments of history, God’s standard for marriage will have remained the same as when He first created Adam and Eve. The actions of Egypt and Sodom are still perceived by the heart of our God as defying His will and wounding mankind.

Verdict: Marriage is Between a Bridegroom and a Bride
So I feel that the Lord has given us both a clear definition of marriage, and a clear verdict regarding marriage. Again, as John the Baptist declared, “He that has the bride is the Bridegroom.” Marriage is between a Bridegroom and a bride. However man may try to redefine it, the counsel of God’s heart and word remains.

This Passover, take the invitation from the Lord to stand for His definition of marriage. Lets together appeal to a higher court! Plan now to engage in Passover 50 as the Supreme Court hearings are being held.

Lets also move towards a deeper expression of personal union with Christ. And lets fervently pray together for all who are now approaching the cross to perceive the Passover Lamb, slain for all of our sins!

“As for you, because of the blood of My covenant with you, I have set your prisoners free from the waterless pit. Return to the stronghold, you prisoners who have the hope! This very day I will restore double to you” (Zech. 9:11-12).