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Remember to vote in the MD and DC primaries April 3! Polls open from 7am to 8pm. For more information or to find your polling place in MD go to www.elections.state.md. For Washington DC go to www.dcboee.org

For Family Research Council national legislative scorecard click here. 

For info on local, state, and national candidates see www.ballotpedia.com

This Tuesday, April 3, voters in Maryland and Washington DC head to the polls for the primaries. Lamplighter Ministries, and the Reformation Prayer Network, are asking two things. First is to pray for God’s choices across the spectrum of national and local politics. Second is to vote!

Setting a New Course
For most of us, the election year has been primarily defined by the presidential race. But for values-based voters, the challenges of local politics has been fully upon us since the year began. In Washington DC, one DC council member resigned in early January after confessing to embezzlement charges. Several other DC Council members are under Federal investigation.

In Maryland, Governor Martin O’Malley vowed to overturn last year’s rejection of same sex marriage. By a margin of only 4 votes, he managed to accomplish his goal.

It is now painfully clear how strongly local and state elections actually impact our homes and families. And it became painfully clear how our negligence in past local elections actually framed our present reality.

Lessons learned. This coming Tuesday, we encourage all praying citizens to go to the polls and vote your conscience. Lets seek God, and lets take action. Together we can set a new course for the future!

Key Trends
Historically, Maryland and Washington DC have both primarily voted Democratic. Whereas many states shifted towards Republican candidates in 2010, Maryland continued its historic trend, with the Democratic Party now holding the Governor’s seat, two US Senate seats, and six of eight US House of Representatives seats.

Maryland has a strong Catholic voter base. Increasingly, many Catholics have sought to vote according to the convictions of their faith. This has sparked a growing trend away from a party-centered identity and towards values-based identity.

Many African American and Hispanic voters are also shifting away from a party-centered identity and towards a values-based identity. This trend has grown significantly as urban pastors took a strong stand against legalizing same sex marriage in both DC and Maryland.

Presidential Race
Republican candidates Mitt Romney and Rick Santorum have become the clear frontrunners. Romney has a strong track record as a fiscal conservative. As a governor, he brought much-needed fiscal reform to the traditionally liberal state of Massachusetts. Rick Santorum has a strong track record in the US Senate for values-based voting. His current platform more clearly emphasizes this long-held stand.

US Senate–MD
To research candidates click here. This year Sen. Ben Cardin (D) is up for re-election in MD. In the April 3 primary, he faces competition within his party from 8 contenders. In addition, 10 Republican candidates are vying for the position. Dan Bongino, a former Secret Service agent, and former diplomat Richard Douglas are the two primary frontrunners, each obtaining endorsements from key influencers.

US House of Representatives–MD
To research candidates click here. In November, Maryland voters will elect eight candidates to the US House of Representatives. Two are currently Republican, eight Democrat. On April 3, voters will choose their Democrat and Republican candidates for each of the eight districts. Please do your research now on each candidate, and support those who best reflect your values!

Prayer Points
Pray for values-based voters within both Democrat and Republican parties to mobilize and vote April 3.

Pray for clarity for each voter to perceive the candidates who best support biblical convictions in every sphere of life and governance.

Pray for God to call His people to get involved and bring reformation within both parties.

Pray for corruption and injustice within Maryland’s political system to be exposed and removed so that justice and healing may come.

Finally, please pray for intercessors in each of DC’s eight wards  and in each of Maryland’s eight districts to be quickened by the Holy Spirit to pray for both the primaries and the elections! May God’s Eliakims be promoted, in Jesus’ Name!

For additional prayer points and perspectives regarding Maryland, and especially regarding Baltimore, please email veteran MD prayer leaders Robert and Annette Stagmer