This Tuesday marks the 40th anniversary of Roe v Wade, the landmark Supreme Court decision that legalized abortion in America. This tragic date, 1-22, literally mirrors Pharaoh’s abortion mandate in Exodus 1:22. “Then Pharaoh commanded all his people, saying, “Every son who is born you are to cast into the Nile…”

Over these years, God has been granting His people earned authority to stand against this onslaught. I believe Isaiah 22:22 trumps Exodus 1:22! Go is giving keys to “break through the history line” and decree a shift from death to life.

On Monday we will have culminated this year’s first 22 day watch. And we are beginning a second 22 day watch! This time, from January 22-February 12, the Heartland Apostolic Prayer Network (HAPN) is moving together nationwide on the project. More on this below.

Keys of Lincoln
A few days ago, we shared Jason Hubbard’s prophetic experience about the “Keys of Lincoln.” It’s interesting that we “coincidentally” began our 22 day New Birth of Freedom Project on the 150th anniversary of Lincoln’s Emancipation Proclamation. Again, it was Lincoln who coined the term “new birth of freedom.” The inauguration and 40th anniversary of the Supreme Court decision culminate our first 22 days and launch our second 22 days. With the HAPN project, we are now ending this season of prayer on February 12, when President Obama gives his State of the Union address. It happens to be Lincoln’s birthday!

Window to LIFE 
Yesterday we shared Jason and Kimberlee Hershey’s incredible prophetic journey related to the ending of abortion. Just after arriving in DC, they participated in a “Life Siege” at the Supreme Court. There, Holy Spirit spoke to Jason about a son that would be a sign for the ending of abortion–and soon discovered Kim was pregnant. Their prophetic journey is a signpost to the nation, and a major mile marker in this journey is Cadence Isaac’s birthday on March 8!

Because of God’s “New Birth of Freedom” mandate, Jason’s timetable stunned me. Many other leaders have also perceived a strategic window where prayer and action can actually catalyze breakthrough. Lou Engle, Ben Atkinson and Matt Lockett are launching 40 days of prayer for these 40 years. HAPN is starting a nationwide initiative.

Can’t make this up. GOD IS BRINGING A HOLY CONVERGENCE–with movements focusing on a release of what we’re calling a “new birth of freedom.”

Jan. 20 at noon, President Obama officially sworn in by Chief Justice John Roberts in a private White House ceremony.
Jan. 21 7am-11am Presidential Prayer Breakfast. Info at
Jan. 21 11:30 am Inauguration at Capitol, parade. Inaugural Balls in evening.
Jan. 22 National Prayer Service with the Obamas, Bidens, National Cathedral

Jan. 22-Feb. 12 HAPN National “New Birth of Freedom” Project
Jan. 22-March 4 “40 Days for 40 Years” with Lou Engle, Ben Atkinson
Jan. 22-March 8 “Breakthrough 45” with Jason Hershey & W-HOP
LIFE sieges daily at Supreme Court, praise & prayer nightly 7pm-11pm at Embassy Church (formerly Christ Church), 3855 Massachusetts Ave. NW DC.

March for Life Rally DC
Jan. 25, noon rally on Mall between 7th and 9th Streets, march to follow.

“Sing to the Lord. Give praise to the Lord! For He has rescued the life of the needy one from the hands of evildoers” (Jer. 20:13).

He has rescued life. This verse so poignantly conveys God’s fierce intention for all His children. He gave this passage–Jeremiah 20:13–as our theme for 2013!

Over these next three weeks, we want to continue on this course together for breakthrough–for a new birth of freedom! We will be sending regular (not daily) postings throughout the project, and welcome correspondence and fresh input.

Altars Empowering Darkness
When I think of altars to Baal, my reference point is a Masonic lodge. For my friend Matt Lockett, national director of Bound4Life, the reference point is an abortion clinic! The cruel reality is that unjust bloodshed is empowering spiritual darkness.

This 40th year of Roe v Wade, we have a God-given mandate to receive His verdict of divorce from Baal at these clinics. Katherine Watsey told me today the Lord spoke the same directive to her last November. This project will be started during these 22 days, and completed by Passover.

Thanks to Apostle John and the OAPN, Oklahoma has already prayed through the divorce decree at every abortion clinic in the state. Tangible transformation has followed over the years, with legislators enacting perhaps the strongest laws in the nation protecting the unborn!

This breakthrough needs to be extended to the rest of the land. Friends, as we shared at the HAPN gathering, it’s time for a New Birth of Freedom for our nation. Lets join forces, being made strong by what every joint supplies, and believe our God for His verdict of blessing and freedom for our land. We look forward to joining you in intercession and action to accelerate this dream on our Father’s heart.

Special Weekly Conference Calls–Please note change!
We are planning four conference calls for this project. Apostle John Benefiel will be joining for the first call on January 22! Please make plans now to join us.

All calls on Tuesday (not Weds), 9-10pm EST: Jan. 22, Jan. 29, Feb. 5, Feb. 12. Conference call number: 805-399-1200, access code 552-690. Use *6 to mute/unmute.

Exodus 12, Acts 12: New Birth of Freedom
February 12, the date President Obama chose for the State of the Union address, is also Abraham Lincoln’s birthday. It was Lincoln, of course, who declared that “This nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom…”

Exodus 12 chronicles the full enforcement of God’s verdict against Pharaoh and the gods of Egypt. Passover! Acts 12 chronicles Peter’s angelic prison break, actually during Passover.

Through these passages we see how God desires to release apostolic ministry this year from confinement into a new level of breakthrough and liberty. This process ultimately culminates with God breaking through the domain of Pharaoh and Herod. And the word of the Lord had free course!

Feb. 12–Big Day to Pray!
Not a coincidence we culminate the project on this date! Together lets declare God’s verdict on the State of the Union–a new birth of freedom. Consider hosting a prayer meeting the evening of February 12. Pray for a historic break from the tragic legacy of abortion. Lets pray Exodus 12 and Acts 12, asking the Lord Jesus Christ for a fresh release of His breaker anointing, and a release of His angels of breakthrough across the land. Because it’s truly time for God’s new birth of freedom!