Jason Hershey’s intercessory commission to Washington DC wasn’t to do Davids Tent. It wasn’t even to do a House of Prayer.

As you will see below, the Lord encountered Jason and Kimberlee the first day they came to town with a mandate for the unborn. Privately, this mandate has driven their core vision ever since. In fact, the Lord has so twined their call with personal lives that this prophetic journey is now a literal signpost to the nation.

A holy convergence is developing. Jason and his YWAM team are among many prophets, including Lou Engle, calling for 40 plus days of prayer beginning Tuesday, the 40th anniversary of Roe v Wade. Tomorrow we will be announcing a major national initiative facilitated by HAPN during this same time period.

For now–be refreshed and encouraged by Jason Hershey’s miracle journey!

By Jason Hershey

I am writing to beckon and stir you to prayer strengthened by fasting January 22 – March 8.  Kimberlee and I have prophetically been eyeing a 45 day window for many years.  These 45 days are now fast approaching– January 22, the 40th anniversary of Roe vs Wade, through March 8, when our son Cadence turns 7.

In 2005, Kimberlee and I were newly married and praying with Lou Engle and Bound4Life.org at the Supreme Court for Life and Revival in America. As we stood in front of the highest court in the land, God spoke this to me:

“Jason, your wife is pregnant. This is meant to be an act of intercession for the unborn. You are to move to Washington DC as an intercessor for the length of the pregnancy and deliver this child within the District. Your child’s birth will be marker that the prayers of the saints have reached my ears and I have decided to unleash a series of events leading to the ending of Abortion.”

Cadence Isaac–To the Rhythm of God’s Heart….
From that moment on, we have held fast to the promise that Cadence’s birthday is a marker for the ending of Abortion. “Cadence Isaac”  as we named him, means “to the rhythm of God’s heart, His promises will come true.”

The Spirit of God has promised many that His justice will bring an end to the bloodshed of legalized abortion. By God’s own rhythm a sequence of events has been “unleashed” that will manifest God’s sacred promise and preserve LIFE for future generations! We believe now is a major turning point in this sequence.

Prophetic Confirmations
1. After hearing this from the Lord, Kimberlee got a pregnancy test. And sure enough, she was pregnant!

Cadence was born March 8, 2006–a date that echoes God’s scriptural promise of deliverance. For context, Roe v Wade was released Jan 22, 1973.  Exodus 1:22 is the decree of Pharaoh to kill the babies.

Now lets fast forward to March 8–which is Cadence’s Birthday. Exodus 3:8 is the first time God decrees deliverance for Israel, at the burning bush! I didn’t discover this, 3 years into the journey a young YWAM girl pointed this out to me.

That was during the Bush administration. Many were praying that GW Bush would be a “burning bush” for America. It’s interesting to note that’s when we got this promise, but like Moses, the ten plagues does not invalidate the promise of God to deliver.

3. On Jan. 22, 2008 I had dream that someone was choking Cadence to death with a shoe string. I pulled the string off his neck and screamed, “you will not silence the voice of my son.”  That year I did a 40 day fast leading up to his 2nd birthday to “rescue” the faith in my own heart regarding this promise. It was on that fast that I was reading Genesis 1, where God says that the sun and moon shall “govern” over the times and seasons.  I reasoned with the Lord in prayer that if I had heard correctly the night of March 7 into 8 of that year, 2008, had to be a new moon. I checked the calendar and sure enough!!

4. In a not-so-fun conflict, I was forced to resign my ministry in 2008 and die to my destiny, so to speak.  The resignation meeting was set up for me, outside of my control, on Cadence’s 3 and a half year birthday, to the very day.

Rees Howells often shared about identification in intercession as a vital prelude to seeing God move. In some small manner, I was now able to identify with the unborn as my own destiny in life seemed completely lost. After a hard season, God has since resurrected everything. Resurrection is part of intercession too!

5. A prophetic acquaintance, Amy Sollars, called me in March of 2010.  God had spoken to her that Revival in the Ivy leagues was a key to the ending of abortion. I asked her when she had this encounter.  She responded, “the night of March 8th”–Cadence’s 4th birthday!

6. The same spring of 2010 Holy Spirit led me on a 40 day “fast for destiny.” As noted, in the fall of 2009 the ministry that I had poured 10 years into had been sacrificed to stay faithful to intercession for the unborn. I was now 34 years old, with a family of 5, holed up in a 575 square foot apartment on Capitol Hill, with nothing to show for my life. I was fighting for my own destiny and the destiny of the unborn together.

On the 40th day of the destiny fast, Holy Spirit twisted the “better is one day… than a thousand elsewhere” on me a little. He asked me if I can remain faithful to the call for 1000 more days, even if it means no seeming outward fruit. I said, “Yes” then pulled out my calendar and counted 1000 days. 1000 days led me to March 8, 2013. Cadence’s 7th birthday… TO THE VERY DAY!

7. When we first moved to DC in 2005, one of our staff members had gotten the word that Roe v Wade would “expire” after 40 years.  Daniel 12:12 speaks of waiting and watching an extra 45 days.  I did a 45 day fast after the Sept 8 resignation meeting in 2009 based on that verse. This year, not being a leap year, the length of time from Jan 22 March 8 is exactly 45 days.

8.  The summer of 2011 one morning Holy Spirit told me “I put my money where my mouth is.”  The girl that was the prophetic voice that pointed out to me the Exodus 3:8/March 8 correlation, contacted me and said God spoke to her to give me 1000 dollars.

9. January of 2012 I had this dream sent to me from a young man. Neither he nor his mom had ever even heard of me.

“On Nov. 19, 2010 My mom called me up on the phone with a dream she had had: In the dream Dehavilland Ford and I were meeting with Lou (Engle) in Higher Grounds (IHOP-KC Coffee Shop), and my parents were outside in their car waiting in the parking lot.  I was frustrated because Lou was late.  Lou finally showed up and after the meeting Lou came out and told my mom and dad that I need to go to DC.  Then I came out and told them that I need to go to DC. Then as my mom was waking up and she said she very clearly heard a name spoken: “J Hersey.”

I didn’t know Dehavilland, but as I googled her name, I came to find out that her ministry’s name is the “8:18 Movement” after Isaiah 8:18. “Here am I, and the children God has given me.  We are signs and symbols in Israel from the Lord Almighty who dwell on Mount Zion.”  What a dream to encourage me on Cadence’s Promise!

10. During David’s Tent last fall, James Goll prophesied that a window of opportunity was in front of me to turn a culture of death to a culture of life. To my knowledge he did not know my calling on this, or my journey. I knew he was prophesying about the 45 day window–from Jan. 22, when Roe v Wade turns 40, to March 8, when Cadence turns 7.

11. Just this past week, a friend was traveling to come join us here full-time on our intercession community. She was being commissioned out by her friends in Harrisburg Pennsylvania. They, knowing nothing, received from the Spirit that “45 days is significant. Something is going to happen after 45 days, and we are also getting the color red.” We took this as confirmation on the red LIFE tape prayer siege with Bound4Life, and the 45 day window coming up.

It’s popular to say, “we’re in it to win it.” But in this case, all of us together are in it to end it. Please fast and pray one more time.   know so many have been contending for the outlawing of abortion in every way for the past 40 years, but can we press in one more time?

Please pray for President Obama specifically during this time as well.  He is the 44th president, but I am praying for such a metamorphosis that we will think we have a 45th president. (45 days for 45th president, Isaiah 45!)

Blessed is the one who waits for and reaches the end of the 1335 days! (an extra 45 days) Daniel 12:12.

For His Glory always, Jason Hershey