Dutch Sheets once observed that “prophets are unusual.” A fact I try not to mention too much to my wife, who’s pretty well-developed in this gifting.

Not being unusual… being a prophet. Like the time last August when she began talking in her sleep. “I-in-in that day, I will shake… the he-eavens and the earth…” She began. And from a deep sleep to full awakening, she quoted the entirety of Haggai 2!

Just a few weeks later, an unprecedented earthquake shook the entire metro DC region. Cracked the Washington Monument. Toppled gargoyles. If you’re familiar with Haggai 2, God also declares that “the silver and gold are Mine.” This quake began in Mineral VA, home to the original silver and gold mines for the US Mint.

Can’t make that up!

From Bull Run to Bull Run
My point in this is that God often gives warnings on what’s to come in unusual ways. Some local friends, including Sara Ballenger, recently felt an urgency to pray regarding July 21. They had gotten the date in prayer, and felt a sense of peril.

At the same time, another friend, Nathalie Hatch, wrote us about an impression she had regarding the Battle of Bull Run. She heard the words, “They fought and ran from Bull Run to Bull Run.” I initially thought to myself, “That’s really…unusual.”

Then I discovered that the first Battle of Bull Run was actually fought on July 21. Not a coincidence! God was alerting us to something. Bull Run is widely perceived as the first “official” battle of the Civil War. It was the first to pit brother against brother as armies in a battle to the death.

July 21: Is War at Hand?
Is the Lord indicating war is now at hand? Maybe, but I am not sure that it begins this Saturday. I believe the Lord is drawing us to July 21 to warn us first of our attitude. As you will see below, this first battle was actually perceived as a spectator sport by Washington DC socialites. Makes me wonder what crisis or contest today’s “DC spectators” are now lightly observing… with the potential to redefine our entire history!

Lets learn a lesson here. We can be Issachar prophets, discerning the times, and still not understand the gravity of the season. Warning! These are actually life and death issues here. Lets not seek information just for pleasure’s sake. Take responsibility before the hour is upon us all!

Prayer Events
I know of two significant prayer events over this time. First is a strategic journey by New England Apostolic Prayer Network leader Linda Clark. She has assembled an incredible team to worship and pray from Provincetown MA through Cape Cod, Plymouth and beyond. Pray for Linda and team as they saturate this covenant root of our nation for God’s glory!

The second event is local. Loudon 24/7 is hosting a “burn” with worship and prayer from 7pm Friday thru 9pm Saturday. I do feel it is significant they are gathering and praying in Northern Virginia, only 20 miles or so from the Bull Run battlefield!

However this all works–lets intensify our vigilance in watching and praying now through July 21, which is Saturday. Below are some insights Nathalie shared with us after praying into her word some more.

Nathalie’s Notes
After reading up on this first real Civil War skirmish a few things come to mind as far as the battle and then the parallel to us today – I am still meditating on this but here is what I am sensing so far:

1. The North thought they were absolutely going to route the confederate “rebels” and march on to Richmond that very day.

2. The people even came out from Washington DC to the battle lines to ‘watch’ this fight and victory first hand – they had women and children, at least one senator and carriages and even a brass band playing victory songs while picnicking.

3. The Federals (the North) were routed on top of a hill at what they called “Henry House” this is where the Federals were routed and fled back and met up with the ladies and gentleman and frenzy took over.

4. The capture of the Union guns was what turned the tide for the Confederates.

5. The rebel yell was key as well as waiting to fire until they were within 50 feet and also giving them the bayonet.

6. Major casualties on both sides.

7. Washington was afraid that the Confederates would continue on, and nothing would have stood in their way as the Union soldiers were in disarray following this battle. But the Confederates did not move on Washington.

What comes to mind in our battle in prayer for the USA is that the battle will not be easily won – we should not be out picnicking while the battle is going on – we need to stay alert! We must continue to advance even when we win a victory but to press on into Washington to gain the entire victory.

Our “guns” in prayer are shouts of praise, thanksgiving, persistence and having strategy – it seemed that neither the north or the south had strategized in this battle and then in the victory or defeat of this battle – not looking to the future battle lines, etc. Bayonets may represent the sword of the Lord, the word of God. And the rebel yell… sounds like Gideon’s yell cry!

Because in my dream I heard the phrase, “They fought and ran from Bull Run and have come full circle” – it seems to be that we are back at the battle site and must have keen insight and understanding to win this battle.

The battle happened July 21, 1861 – anniversary is right around the corner 151 years ago – not sure what this means but it does seem significant – I am not a Civil War historian or hobbyist so I know this was a significant dream – albeit quick and not much detail!