
TONIGHT! FINAL MIDEAST CALL WITH JAMES GOLL! Wednesday 9PM EST. Conference call number: 805-399-1200 access code 552-690. Use *6 to mute/unmute. Invite your friends to join us!

Friday! “The Warrior Mantle” with Jon & Jolene, October 24-5, Rock Road Chapel, Berne NY. More info at http://rockroadchapel.org


Today, October 22, marks the culmination of a 90-day period of faith-filled prayer focused on preserving God’s covenant purposes birthed during the Glory Procession.

You might remember how Chuck Pierce released a charge at Faneuil Hall on 7-22, compelling us to embrace faith like Moses’ parents, and protect our covenant seed from Pharaoh. In this “Womb of Revolution,” Dutch Sheets had just prophesied a new birth for the nation. Chuck was admonishing us all to protect what the Lord had just birthed.

Lamplighter family, we are so grateful for your watchful vigilance! Because as these 90 days close, God is bearing witness as only He can that His covenant seed has been preserved unto breakthrough.

Of Whirlwinds and Eagles
The Glory Procession began with a whirlwind—literally a hurricane—and ended with a three-eagle flyover. Last week an unprecedented tornado appeared here. Followed by eagles soaring over the Potomac!

Whirlwinds and eagles. What’s God saying? Not only has His covenant seed for our land been preserved—but it has prevailed. And His intentions are now being released to Washington DC!

We began this forerunning journey in Jacksonville FL. Just off the coast, a massive whirlwind—actually a hurricane—was forming. Hurricane Arthur then shot up the east coast, touching the very “13 colonies” we were aiming for.

“And the glory of the Lord came in by way of the gate facing east…” (Ezekiel 43).

At the very end of the Glory Procession, three bald eagles soared right over us just as we were completing a prophetic action to see God’s covenant with the land reconstituted.

We were in Jamestown—actually James Fort. This was the actual ground where covenant with Christ was originally established by Robert Hunt and the Virginia Company. Under a bridal canopy, Jolene and I were praying with an incredible team for the re-constitution of this covenant and the combining of our founding covenants together as one sacred expression before God’s Throne.

And that’s when the three eagles shot past us, in formation. I actually ducked as the low-flying eagle screeched just above our heads.

It’s so interesting that, for the past few days, bald eagles have actually been taking flight in DC around the Potomac. I believe God is conveying something to us as only He can. Judgment has been rendered in favor of the saints—and the covenant seed prevails!

What happened at Faneuil Hall on 7-22? Concisely, the case was presented, and the gavel fell. God’s verdict was released and sealed.  Gary Beaton and I essentially presented the case in the afternoon session. The gavel fell as Dutch Sheets and Chuck Pierce prophesied the verdict.

We also knew the time between then and now was going to be somewhat perilous—not a coincidence that ISIS and Ebola burst on the scene—and that our primary intercession would be towards preserving and nourishing His covenant seed.

When Chuck gave the warning, we immediately asked the Lord to show us the way through. Jolene and I felt led to clear our schedule from traveling ministry, and concentrate primarily on Davids Tent and intercession from our perch overlooking DC. This perch, by the way, was prophetically named the “eagle’s nest” by our friend Grace Wang from San Diego, shortly after we moved in seven months ago. She had seen this very place in a vision many years ago.

Our intercession here has been part of a nationwide thrust towards this same common goal—from our Lamplighter family, from Glory of Zion and the 5:15 Movement, from Linda Clark and her Freedom Journey Outpost, Davids Tent and JHOP, HAPN and RPN, the National Prayer Committee, Sara Ballenger and the Capitol Hill Prayer Partners, Judy Ball and Breaker of Dawn, Nita Johnson and the Gathering of Eagles, and countless others.

And the Spirit of God is now bearing witness that God’s covenant seed has prevailed. 

A Moses Movement
You might be wondering what all this has to do with our recent focus with James Goll on Israel, the Mideast, and the Isaiah 19 highway. This preservation and prevailing was about America, right?

Yes and know. The verdict rendered is all about the preservation of America’s covenant destiny in Christ—and especially the preservation and advancement of His Crown & Throne movement from this nation.

Crown & Throne is a movement of revolution—for America, Israel and the nations. Moses was raised up to partner with God in releasing His judgments against Pharaoh’s unrighteous dictatorship, tied to idolatry and subjugating His covenant people.

Watch this now. In this hour, a Moses movement has been preserved unto this same breakthrough. 

As Rick Ridings declared when he prophesied the Crown and Throne movement, Isaiah 19 is a template for us. The passage begins with God riding on a swift cloud—like a whirlwind. The gods of Egypt and the thrones of Egypt topple. It culminates with Egypt, Syria and Israel being claimed as His own, a transformational region of refuge in the earth!

And our covenant land—especially the Bride of Christ—is called to resource the covenant dream of His heart for Israel and the Mideast.

Taking Flight…to Fight!
Remember the three-eagle flyover. A key vision the Lord gave me regarding the Crown & Throne movement showed three fighter jets entering into formation and soaring across to Israel and the Mideast. You can read the vision here.

And when three eagles in formation shot across our bridal canopy, I knew the Lord had confirmed that this movement, summoned to fight for American and for God’s purposes in Israel and the Mideast, had finally taken flight.

Jesus judges, and then He makes war to enforce His judgment or verdict in the earth. I don’t fully know what it looks like, but God is saying, “Let My people go.” And a new birth of freedom— a revolutionary freedom movement—is now taking flight to fight.