Thank you for helping us remain in DC! To donate to Lamplighter Ministries, see and click the “donate” button. If you would like to partner with us, please write us at
Dear friends,

Psalm 23 shares how God prepares a table before us in the presence of our enemies. At first, this seems to be an unusual warfare strategy. But one of the ways the Lord overcomes the Usurper is to display His provision in our lives in a whole new way!

This is how Jolene and I are praying for each of you. May Christ shine, and may the brightness of His covenant blessing overtake you, your family and the spheres of your life in this season!

Shining for Jesus in DC
You may remember a recent prophetic encounter where I saw the Lord tending our lampstand, and causing a flickering flame to blaze again. Here’s a back story. About a month ago, our housing funding shifted significantly. Financially, this shift put into question our ability to remain on Capitol Hill or even in the metro DC area. I believe the Lord granted us this vision to build our faith for the future.

As many of you know, Washington DC is very expensive—and Capitol Hill still more. We would not even consider living here except that we know it is in Jesus’ heart that we be here. And with that understanding we are confident he will provide. While praying, I heard the Holy Spirit say, “What was carried by few will now be carried by many.” This is why I even have confidence to approach you today.

Partnerships for 2014!
What are we asking for? Certainly a generous one-time donation would assist us greatly. But my biggest request is that you would consider becoming a monthly partner of Lamplighter Ministries.

Back in November our board started a dialogue with us. They pointed out that a consistent, stable monthly base of income was imperative for us to move forward. We certainly want this benefit! But as we conveyed to our board, we have never wanted to put undue pressure on our prayer partners, and have therefore chosen to raise the majority of finances ourselves through itinerant ministry.

In typical fashion, our board members simply encouraged us to continue to bless our partners and give them the opportunity to bless us back. The timing of their advice has certainly proven to be prophetic. Because to continue funding housing in DC, our current needs would require us to be “on the road” almost continuously. Obviously this would defeat the very purpose God sent us here for in the first place—to make an impact in and for Washington DC! I hope you can see what a “catch 22” this could become.

Immediate Need
With our lease currently expiring we have been looking for less expensive housing off of Capitol Hill. But we also recognize that to sign a year’s lease with integrity, a stable partnership base of at least $3500 per month is an immediate need. 

I believe the monthly partnership is the “table” of provision the Lord is preparing to counter the Usurper at this time. Again we ask that you prayerfully consider our invitation to become part of this miracle!

Lamplighter family, you have always been so awesome to us, and we consider it our highest honor to work together in advancing Christ’s dream. Thank you! We are genuinely excited to see the display of Christ’s provision—in your lives and ours.

Covenant blessings!
Jon & Jolene

To donate to Lamplighter Ministries, see and click the “donate” button. If you would like to partner with Jon & Jolene, please write us immediately at THANK YOU!