NOTE: NO CONFERENCE CALL WEDNESDAY. Jon & Jolene ministering Wednesday at Church on the Rock, Oklahoma City

Friends, we are now on a world war watch! Syria’s rogue dictator Assad is apparently responsible for the mass extermination of his own citizens. More than a thousand men, women and children have now died from the deployment of military-grade chemical warfare. Both sides of the Syrian civil war are accusing each other of this travesty.

Assad originally manufactured these chemicals specifically for use against Israel—for the extermination of the Jews in God’s covenant land. Whichever side is telling the truth, the sobering reality is that both sides ultimately desire to unleash this kind of destruction against Israel.

Line in the Sand & World War Watch
For more than a decade, prophetic statesman James Goll has been warning of these weapons of mass destruction in Syria. On our conference call a few months ago, James shared how God spoke to him that when the world is focused on Iran’s nuclear capacities, the immediate danger will actually be Syria’s chemical weapons. Today’s headlines certainly bear witness to this reality. As James admonished us, Shields up!

Earlier this summer, The Lord highlighted to Jolene the time period between 8-21 and 9-15 to watch and pray intensively. We were reminded of a similar watch last year during this time, motivated by the Holy Spirit speaking to Jolene the phrase, “World War Watch—and I mean it!” Though the Benghazi attack occurred during this time, we know that prayer restrained the enemy from greater tragedy.

Right now, intervention is being hotly debated in Washington DC and in the media. President Obama has long warned that the use of chemical warfare was a “red line,” a line in the sand that would provoke the US to act. Armed with alleged proof that Assad is behind the attacks, Secretary of State John Kerry is warning of potential strikes.

Iran heightened the tension today, announcing that Iranian retaliation would make “Israel the first victim of a US strike on Syria,” according to news sources. President Obama’s push to strike Syria could lead to World War III, according to right wing commentator Glenn Beck, with Russia and China joining Iran in opposing the US.

Our primary role, of course, is to PRAY! Jolene and I strongly encourage you to start a prayer watch—immediately. Gather your friends and press in together—for Syria, Israel, and America. Pray for President Obama, Secretary of State Kerry, Secretary of Defense Hagel. Pray for our intelligence community—for accurate intelligence to be received and acted upon. Pray especially for our special forces, the “forerunners” of our military who are deployed ahead of time to prepare the way for coming strikes.

Shields up! We are now essentially in a World War Watch. But we can again see the enemy restrained, and God’s covenant prevail!

Lets follow the pathway of our forefathers in the faith. Hearing the cries of subjugated Jews, the Lord set a precedent for nations by taking on Pharaoh and bringing His people from subjugation to freedom. When Herod “stretched forth his hand to vex certain of the church,” believers grabbed hold of God through unrelenting prayer—much like what is going on in Syria and Egypt today. Peter was freed, and Herod the dictator was literally taken out!

Headlines by Proximity
As Americans, it’s safe to say that geography has tainted our perspective of Mideast tensions. Canada and Mexico are big, peaceable neighbors, far away from the majority of the US population. So when we look at the Mideast, we tend to interpret events from a vastly inflated paradigm of proximity.

Damascus is 135 miles from Jerusalem, Israel. That’s closer than Philadelphia is to Washington DC—by 4 miles. Just imagine how we would respond if military-grade chemical weapons were used to quell an uprising, leaving thousands dead in the City of Brotherly Love. Or if the same weapons were stolen from a military storage camp in Philadelphia by Hamas or Hezbollah, with the intent on unleashing hell upon Washington DC.

Maybe the threat is clearer to you.

The Iranian capital of Tehran is 976 miles from Jerusalem. Ever drive to Florida for vacation? From Washington DC to West Palm Beach is 991 miles, approximately 15 miles farther. Only you’d be driving through Virginia, the Carolinas, and Georgia instead of Israel, Jordan, Syria, and Iraq.

How big is Israel? About the size of New Jersey. Israel is 8,000 square miles, while New Jersey is 8722 square miles. Israel’s Iron Dome protects Jerusalem and Tel Aviv from rockets fired in Gaza, only 40 miles away from either city, as well as potential missile strikes from Damascus and Tehran.

Unfortunately, no Iron Dome can prevent Syria’s Assad from striking his own people. Nor can the Iron Dome can prevent jihadists from smuggling military-grade chemical weapons across the borders.

Clearly, some kind of tactical intervention is needed to at least confiscate these chemical weapons. Above all else, supernatural intervention from God’s own hand is needed to keep this line in the sand from being tragically crossed.

Chemical Warfare Strike in Philadelphia! Thousands Feared Dead
Gas Masks Distributed in Washington DC, Rockets Strike Ocean City
West Virginia Riots! Peace Talks with Virginia Break Down, WV Pulls Out

South Carolina: Churches Burn in Muslim Brotherhood Riots!
Pastors Murdered in Columbia, Priests and Nuns Slain
Prayer Vigils Continue Nonstop Through the Night

Florida Has Nukes! Washington DC Threatened
Secret Uranium Enrichment Plant Discovered Near West Palm Beach
General: We Will Wipe Washington DC Off the Map!