Important time for us to remain in DC for intercession. Seek the Lord with us for full provision! Lamplighter donations greatly appreciated.

WEDNESDAY! Prayer for Boston and nation after terrorist strike. 9-10 pm EST. Conference call number: 805-399-1200 access code 552-690. Use *6 to mute/unmute. Invite your friends!

PRAY FOR BOSTON. That was the message engraved on baseball gloves and hockey skates last night, as pro sports teams enjoined with the nation in a Throne Room vigil following the Patriots Day tragedy at the Boston Marathon.

Our hearts and prayers remain with the victims and their families. We continue to pray especially for those still in critical condition, and for law enforcement agencies seeking justice.

Call Highlights Warnings
Thank you Lamplighter family for your last-minute response in prayer! Sixty people joined us for a call both poignant and unsettling. As we shared God’s warning from January about potential terrorism in April, it became very clear we need to intensify vigilance through the ensuing weeks.

Jason Hubbard from Washington State shared warnings given by a mutual prophetic friend. He had been praying for Boston since the weekend, when the Lord warned him of potential terrorist attacks. New York and Washington DC were also highlighted to him. Jason also mentioned warnings about violent “storms” hitting Seattle, San Francisco, and I believe San Diego, possibly related to a war.

2011 Posting Warns of Boston Explosions!
During last night’s call, I was reminded of prophetic warnings by Chuck Pierce about explosions in Boston. I read these warnings from our posting on April 12, 2011. Note that this is two years ago–almost to the day–of the Marathon tragedy. We felt then to be in Boston on the anniversary of Paul Revere’s Ride and the American Revolution, which Patriots Day commemorates.

I decided to provide you with the entire posting, which focused on redemptive prayer for Boston. The insights are as valid now as then. Chuck’s vision is at the end. We’ll explore it more tomorrow.

Over the next few days we’re going to direct our focus towards Boston and the northeast. Here are a few insights on Boston, culminating with Chuck Pierce’s word from earlier this week.

Second American Revolution
Boston historically is known as the Cradle of Liberty—of freedom. The American Revolution was birthed here. More than a decade ago the Holy Spirit spoke to me about how “Every revolution is fought to establish new government. And the Lord is bringing a second American Revolution, a spiritual awakening that will bring forth mature apostolic government in the land. God is now calling the eyes of his prophets to Boston and MA as a major beach-head in this battle.”

It’s very important to understand this during our Freedom Watch. Every revolution is fought to establish new government. God’s spiritual revolution—His move of awakening–is now being released to bring forth a mature expression of apostolic governance in the land.

I love how Jonathan Edwards put it. This father of awakening said, “Revival is a divine attack upon society.” From Seattle to Boston, from Washington to Washington, God’s third great awakening is now being kindled!

Spiritual Paul Reveres
Shortly after receiving this word, a group of prophets tackled me during my first trip to Kansas City. One person prophesied: “You are a spiritual Paul Revere. And I see you holding out a burning lamp. You are going from city to city. And in every place, instead of saying ‘the British are coming, the British are coming,’ you are saying ‘The Lord is coming, the Lord is coming!”

Nobody in this group knew me. They didn’t know my ministry was called Lamplighter. And I certainly didn’t understand the implications of this word related to the forerunner ministry He was somehow calling us to. And I didn’t understand the word two years later when Cindy Jacobs restated this prophecy word for word to me. Only she added that “Everywhere you go, revival will break forth!”

Passover: Prepare the Way! 
This November, Cindy Jacobs prophesied over us that “It’s time for Paul Revere to ride again!” She felt that Jolene and I had to be in Boston for the anniversary of Paul Revere’s ride. What she didn’t know is that the anniversary of Paul Revere’s ride is also THE BEGINNING OF PASSOVER.

Now that’s why we’re coming to Boston this week for “Prepare the Way.” Our friend Linda Clark has been so gracious—and persevering—as we searched the city for a last-minute venue to host this event. Miraculous how it all came together. If you’re in the area, please make plans to join us… (reminder: this is from 2011)

Fire in the Upper Room
The American Revolution began with a fire in the Old North Church. This fire signaled to Paul Revere that the British invasion had begun, and thus began his famous ride. A few days later, explosions rang out in the fields of Lexington MA as the first shots of the American Revolution were fired.

This Passover, I believe a signal fire is going to be lit in the “old north churches” of Boston and New England. This “forerunner fire” in the upper rooms is a spirit of prayer (see Isaiah 62:1). It is the primary way we prepare the way for Holy Spirit visitation. And it’s going to signal to God’s budding forerunners that the awakening in New England has fully begun.

Below is a significant word Chuck Pierce just prophesied to Linda Clark regarding Boston. Linda, by the way, is the apostolic director of Watch Boston… Let these words sink in. Make them a catalyst for prayer. Pretty clear that the time is at hand!

Chuck Pierce: My Spirit will explode in Boston!
Here’s a transcript of Chuck Pierce’s word for Boston, apparently given to Linda Clark earlier this week… But it’s important to note how both Cindy Jacobs and Chuck Pierce are focusing their eyes on Boston at this time.

As I was flying in (to New Jersey) I began to pray for Boston. The Lord says Boston is on my radar. Not only will there be explosions in Boston, I say my Spirit will come again and explode in that city!
I say prepare the places for my explosion to come. For I will explode my presence in Boston, and I will move from there to overtake New Hampshire and Maine. So the Lord says, Get ready–an explosion of my Spirit is coming–but watch the signs from the explosion and be ready to move. And then I say, out of that explosion, as you come from Maine you will see every state–every original state–break its rebellion fold against me. For these states have rebelled against me, but now they will realign, saith the Lord!