TONIGHT–MAJOR ANNOUNCEMENT–Plus prayer for Boston and nation after terrorist strike. 9-10 pm EST. Conference call number: 805-399-1200 access code 552-690. Use *6 to mute/unmute. Invite your friends!

IN THE AFTERMATH of the “Patriots Day Massacre,” Jolene and I find ourselves continually fighting back tears. Sleep has been elusive. Our hearts and prayers remain with the victims, their families, and with the great city of Boston.

Today I feel to give personal, prophetic context to the tragedy. Since the beginning of the year we have warned of terrorist attacks, and we have warned that the enemy would seek some means to abort God’s “New Birth of Freedom.” In retrospect, it’s no surprise that the enemy would strike Boston, the city known as the “womb of the revolution” and the “cradle of liberty.” And it’s no surprise that the strike was on the day celebrating the start of the American Revolution….

War for Freedom
Whatever the ethnic origin or ideological compulsions of the terrorists, the Boston Marathon bombings are a direct assault on the very freedoms our forefathers fought to secure. Friends, like it or not, we are now enjoined in a war for freedom very similar to the one that broke out more than two centuries ago.

The colonials fought not only to break through oppression, but to establish government where righteousness, justice and freedom would be empowered. How do we perpetuate this legacy while facing down terrorist threats in our very streets? One thing’s for sure–not without God!

Call Tonight Important!
Exactly 238 years ago tomorrow, Paul Revere saw two burning lamps in Boston’s Old North Church, and embarked on a midnight ride for freedom. The American Revolution was launched. The cry of the colonials in battle resounds all the more on our lips today–NO KING BUT JESUS!

During tonight’s call, on the eve of Revere’s ride, we have an important announcement to make. As we mentioned at the beginning of the year, we feel the Spirit directing us to see His “spiritual revolution” break forth, especially in the original 13 colonies.

Lets take another look at Chuck Pierce’s word…

Chuck Pierce: My Spirit will explode in Boston!
As I was flying in (to New Jersey) I began to pray for Boston. The Lord says Boston is on my radar. Not only will there be EXPLOSIONS IN BOSTON, I say my Spirit will come again and explode in that city!

I say prepare the places for my explosion to come. For I will explode my presence in Boston, and I will move from there to overtake New Hampshire and Maine. So the Lord says, Get ready–an explosion of my Spirit is coming–but WATCH THE SIGNS FROM THE EXPLOSION and be ready to move. And then I say, out of that explosion, as you come from Maine you will see every state–EVERY ORIGINAL STATE–break its rebellion fold against me. For these states have rebelled against me, but now they will realign, saith the Lord!

Time for Reveres to Ride 
Two things I want to highlight here. First–Chuck not only prophesied explosions in Boston, which is unsettling to say the least. He also prophesied that we need to watch the signs from the explosion, and be ready to move accordingly.

Friends, I have shared above what I feel the signs of the explosions are conveying. No coincidence this attack was carried out in Boston on Patriots Day, commemorating the start of the American Revolution. Then as now, we are in a war for freedom.

Watch the signs from the explosion and be ready to move. Are you kidding me? Isn’t that exactly what Paul Revere did exactly 238 years ago tomorrow?

13 Colonies
Second thing to highlight. The enemy might have explosions, but God has His explosion planned for Boston. An explosion of His presence that will even catalyze breakthrough for “every original state,” otherwise known as the 13 COLONIES. They will break their “rebellion fold” and realign with the Lord!

In our “New Birth of Freedom” word this January, we prophesied about God’s focus on the 13 colonies this year. As “spiritual Paul Reveres,” we have been earnestly watching for God’s signal. Pretty clear it’s now time to ride!

The Breaker is Coming
Finally–Chuck spoke how the “rebellion fold” would be broken, and the 13 cololnies would realign. Great that rebellion would be broken, but a “rebellion fold?” Makes no sense. Until you realize that one definition of a “fold” is an enclosure, like a sheep pen. It’s exactly what’s pictured in Micah 2:12-13.

I believe the Breaker is coming! And He will break multitudes out of the “rebellion fold” of subjugation and into His Freedom Assembly. That’s actually what we contended for through Passover!

I will surely assemble all of you, Jacob, I will surely gather the remnant of Israel. I will put them together like sheep in the fold; Like a flock in the midst of its pasture, they will be noisy with men. The breaker goes up before them; they break out, pass through the gate and go out by it….

Note: important time for us to remain in DC for intercession. Seek the Lord with us for full provision! Lamplighter donations greatly appreciated.