
Ann Graham Lotz sounds an awakening alarm for this season. Prayer now to 7-7. More info at 

Glory Procession Continues!
July 5, 7pm,
The Remnant Church, Brunswick GA.
July 6, 6pm,
Harvest Light Fellowship, Savannah GA.
July 7-8 7pm,
Faith Assembly Summerville SC
Faneuil Hall gathering with Chuck Pierce and Dutch Sheets July 22. More info at


“Gather to me my godly ones, who have made a covenant with Me by sacrifice” (Psalm 50).

HAPPY FOURTH OF JULY! Jolene and I pray you have a revolutionary, faith-saturated, fun-filled day with family and friends as we celebrate our nation’s birth into freedom. May God preserve what our founders died to give us. No King but Jesus!

The Glory Procession is off to an incredible start! So grateful for the affection and hospitality shown us these past few days.

More than twice the expected crowd showed up for our launch Wednesday at IHOP-JAX with Negiel Bigpond. The cafe had to be used as an overflow room! We prayed into the covenantal legacy of Jean Ribault and the Huguenots, who came to the region seeking freedom to worship but were martyred by Spanish conquistadores. Ribault died chanting Psalm 132, begging God that this land would be a dwelling place for God’s glory. Amazing!

Married to the Lord
Friends, our nation was founded by sacrificial covenants made with Jesus Christ—by the Huguenots, by the Jamestown settlers, the Pilgrims and others. From generation to generation, one prevailing reality has been at the core of our protection, advancement and success. It’s very simply this. Married to the Lord!

And as Psalm 50 shows, sacrifice on our part is often involved in seeing Christ’s covenant perpetuated. Yesterday morning brought this home. The Lord began to reveal how a betrayal of covenant with the Native Americans prevented the Huguenots from having the protective covering that could have preserved them. Therefore a martyr’s harvest was the only way the apostolic community they lived for could ever come to pass.

Repairing History
Negiel Bigpond’s tribe is actually from the area. We were so honored that he volunteered to help us repair this breach of covenant. We together literally sought to repair history. As a group, we repented for the breaches caused by covenant-breaking and prejudice by “we the people” and our forefathers. Jesus—and Negiel—received our repentance.

With a gentle authority that penetrated my very being, Negiel then welcomed God’s people onto the land, to establish Christ’s covenant and kingdom. That the land would fulfill the Huguenots’ original intent before the Lord, and literally become a dwelling place for His glory.

What came next brought us all to tears. Pastors Sean and Virginia Killingsworth felt led to present Negiel with a protocol gift. As a sign of covenant renewal, they gave Negiel their own wedding rings.

Far more than our words or our prayers, it was this unspoken sacrificial act that sealed our covenant renewal before the Court of Heaven. Our Father’s delight resounded in the room. We all experienced His smile—a very poignant breakthrough for His Kingdom.

Friends, our nation was founded by covenant with God, sealed with the devotion of love-saturated sacrifice for His glory. And it is how His freedom flame in our land is perpetuated today. We are grateful for you all.


Special thanks to all who have sacrificially contributed to this Glory Procession through your prayers and giving. We are before God together for a turning in our land! 

Below is the Declaration of Covenant, seeking the Lord to marry our land again according to our covenantal foundations in Christ. This is the foundation for everything we are doing today with the Glory Procession. 

We presented presented this petition to the Lord on July 4, 2011, the anniversary of the signing of the Declaration of Independence, at the Lincoln Memorial as a culmination of an HAPN/RPN project to Divorce Baal. 

Negiel Bigpond, John Benefiel, Harry Jackson, and leaders from across the nation prayed together and presented this Declaration of Covenant to the Lord, asking Him to marry our land again. Fifty days later the Lord thundered His response of covenant restoration amidst an earthquake that even cracked the Washington Monument. Please pray through this covenant and add your seal of agreement today!

July 4, 2011 | Lincoln Memorial, Washington DC

Declaration of Covenant

Jon & Jolene Hamill | | RPN-MD | HAPN-MD


When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political and spiritual bands which have connected them with another, and to seek and receive from their Creator both a Pardon and a re-constitution of Covenant with the Lord Jesus Christ, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to this dedication.

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness. And as an Act of Liberty, our Nation was covenanted to Jesus Christ, in the Presence of Holy Spirit, by women and men sent by Him to establish both community and governance for “the glory of God and the advancement of the Christian faith”—

And as successive generations, motivated by greed, compromised these Godly covenants–endorsing the subjugation of their brothers and sisters, both Host People and Immigrants; and embracing various forms of Baal worship, including Freemasonry and the occult—

Thereby yielding in part the corporate will of the people, in community and governance, to the influence of Baal and the consequential denial of justice, even to the unborn—

And whereas stewards of this Nation, rooted in the Land, appointed by God as repairers of the breach, have wholeheartedly repented of these sins, restored covenant, and have labored for a reprieve from the endless reproach these sins have brought upon this land and people—

Having sought and obtained from their Creator a Verdict of divorce from Baal, including the issuance of an everlasting Restraining Order and a Writ of Assistance for the restoration of all the Highest Court has granted as a covenantal right of Possession—and having throughout the year approached this Court with the same intent in every State of the Union, and in towns and cities therein, receiving the same verdict in favor of the saints;

We now, in the Presence of God, present ourselves before the Highest Court of the Kingdom of God, with the intent to re-consecrate this Nation according to the covenants made with Jesus Christ by our forefathers.

And with all solemnity and deference to Your Majesty, request that this Nation, as spoken by Isaiah and Hosea, might again be Married to the Lord, apart from all idols from which You have granted said divorce. And that Your Glory, the Presence and Power of Holy Spirit, might fully return and reside again in this land, releasing awakening, union and reformation. And that by this covenant renewal, as Abraham Lincoln articulated, our Nation, under God, might have a new birth of freedom.

For consideration in this Petition, we present to You the Covenantal legacy of the Pilgrims, who on 11-11, 1620 committed the land and government to “the glory of God and the advancement of the Christian faith,” according to the Mayflower Compact.

And we present to You the Covenantal legacy of the Huguenots who came to this land with the same intention—whose blood was spilled and mission aborted—whose founder died chanting Psalm 132, begging Your Majesty that this land would be a “dwelling place for the Mighty God of Jacob.”

And we present to You the original intent of many Host people of the Land—who agreed from the beginning that both ownership and stewardship belongs to their Creator and Father. Who sought with reverence to honor the Laws of Nature, and Nature’s God. To whom You endowed great wisdom, even to convey and implement principles of democratic governance that framed the United States Constitution.

And finally, we present to You the legacy of the Seed of Abraham, by which Your Covenant with Israel and Mankind has been perpetuated. Our gratitude is immeasurable that You have chosen to graft us into this Covenant—even, as Asher Intrater observed, the Pilgrims “saw themselves as a New Israel, a nation wholly covenanted with God.” To this end, we fully commit our covenantal stewardship to resource the dream of Your heart for Israel, the Jewish people, and for the nations.

In the Name of God, Amen. Having undertaken, for the glory of God and the advancement of the Christian Faith, the sacred task of repairing our Nation’s founding covenants with our Creator; and having diligently and wholeheartedly sought forgiveness for breaches of said covenants, offensive to God and detrimental to mankind; we now solemnly and mutually, in the Presence of God and one another, combine these founding covenants as one Sacred Consecration of this land, the United States of America and all of its territories, to the Lord Jesus Christ.

And to this combined Declaration of Covenant, and all of our founders’ intentions in establishing One Nation under God, with the witness of Heaven and Earth, we do add our agreement that this Land, its people and resources, be entirely consecrated to You. As You have engraved us in the palm of Your hand, we now ask for the Hand of God in marriage, unto whom we promise all submission and due obedience.

In witness whereof we have hereunto subscribed our names in Washington DC this 4th of July, 2011:

We, The Beloved of God, and The Lord of All, do by these present make known that we have on this 4th day of July, 2011, by solemn vow:

Covenanted to be forever bound to one another; I the Lord declare, “You will call me husband” (Hosea 2:16) “I will betroth you to Me forever. I will betroth you in righteousness and justice, in love and compassion. I will betroth you in faithfulness, and you will know the Lord” (Hosea 2:19, 20).

We, The Beloved of God, declare: “We acknowledge you alone.” (Hosea 2:20) “You are my God.” (Hosea 2:23) It is to you alone that we will be faithful. We will know no other. We, The Beloved of God, do acknowledge and declare: We betroth you in our righteousness and justice, in our love and compassion. It is You, our God, we betroth in faithfulness. We acknowledge You alone as our Bridegroom and our provider (Hosea 2:8). And we will at all times look to You—one with Your heart, in covenant with You for our land. And hereto do we make our sacred promise.


The Church, The Beloved of God



And I do receive it.




The Lord of All