FINAL “DAVIDS TENT PRAYER CALL” TONIGHT–WITH DR. NEGIEL BIGPOND! Negiel started us off on Yom Kippur, and joined with us throughout. We are honored he will be with us for the culmination!

Davids Tent: Witness to the Nation
From Yom Kippur til this morning, 24/7 worship has joined heaven and earth from Davids Tent on the White House Ellipse. We believed God together for a Bridal Canopy to be released across Washington DC and across the nation. This pursuit was confirmed with signs and wonders as we enthroned Jesus Christ through our praise!

By God’s grace, Davids Tent became a witness to the Nation. The Tabernacle of David is being restored. God is tabernacling with His people! And from region to region, He now desires us to secure the secret place of His presence.

Congratulations President Obama
Just as Obed Edom couldn’t help but be touched by the Ark of the Covenant in his backyard, we pray that President Obama, his family, and the Executive Office to which he has been entrusted have all been positively impacted by this Bridal Canopy. Especially by the refreshing presence of the Spirit of God.

And Lamplighter Ministries congratulates the 45th President of the United States for his victory in the elections. In this most crucial hour for the nation, our prayers by the grace of God remain with you.

Why Did Obama Win?
Both Barack Obama and Mitt Romney ran incredible campaigns. Yesterday America voted for President Obama’s leadership to be retained.

Why did Barack Obama win? This might be offensive to some in our Lamplighter family. In the natural, I believe he won the presidency because he ran a campaign of intentional inclusiveness, especially across racial lines.

America literally did not know Mitt Romney’s heart until the debates, during the final moments of the race. I sure didn’t. Even President Obama came to publicly honor Romney’s genuine decency and fatherly love for our Nation.

But until those final moments, to most Americans Mitt Romney came across as a rich white guy, gifted in leadership and business, with good policies but an unclear heart for a very diverse America.

Partnership Choices
Until the debates, the most important way America came to know Mitt Romney was through his partnership choices. For Vice President, Romney chose a young, capable rising star of the Republican party. It was actually through Paul Ryan that Romney’s policy goals became clear. And I am convinced these policies could have immediately benefitted our nation. Perhaps, in a united effort to save our nation, they still can.

But there’s an old adage among preachers that, before people can receive your message, they need to know your heart. In a way that spoke to the heart of America, Romney’s choice was still another white guy. And the stereotypical statements made by Romney in private served only to empower this perception.

Not sure they were available–but Rubio or Condoleeza could have made history, setting a new precedent for the Republican party and building bridges into communities that clearly determined this election.

Stewarding God’s Blessing
But while inclusiveness may have pushed President Obama across the finish line, we as a nation remain as deeply divided as ever regarding policy. And our current direction, especially fiscally, makes us extremely vulnerable to the next “Perfect Storm.”

Biblical truths and values are not just good ideas, they are the resonance of a loving Father who desires all of His is children be protected rather than harmed. He’s just that way!

These virtues work in our lives in much the same way as gravity–whether we want them to or not. Denying gravity exists won’t help you fly. Harnessing the power of this law actually can.

In the same way, we must embrace both the heart of God’s love and the irrefutable laws by which His love is stewarded to creation. To do otherwise is to deny gravity exists. We cannot long remain outside God’s clear covenantal boundaries without sabotaging the blessings entrusted to us.

Clear Verdict: Bridal Canopy Prevails!
Prophetically, I know three things for sure. First–No King but Jesus! The “thrones behind the thrones” in the spiritual realm are truly being reclaimed by the Lord.

Second–the Bridal Canopy prevails! In Christ, awakening and union in Christ are an absolute reality. Joined with Jesus, and in Him joined with each other.

And third–God’s “new birth of freeedom” in this land is still a “go.”

As we have emphasized throughout these postings, God’s move has never been dependent upon an election. Instead, it is based upon the covenantal alignment between Christ and His people (2 Chron 7:14). Which is why Davids Tent worship, and 40 days of nationwide prayer, repentance and fasting in conjunction with this election, have been so vital. No King but Jesus!

Now that said, we know also that this coming move is going to impact governments in a tangible way. And He is still admonishing us to “choose LIFE” that you and your children may live.(Deut.30:19).

Call Tonight and Rearguard Prayer
Tonight is our final “Davids Tent” prayer call! We are honored that Dr. Negiel Bigpond will again be joining us. Jason Hershey and Dr. John Benefiel will be calling in to share as well! What an incredible journey we’ve all been on together. I so look forward to this evening’s call, and to times ahead with you!

Now through November 11, lets remain vigilant on behalf of Jason and Kimberlee Hershey and the Davids Tent team. Please pray for us too. Lets pray for our nation, and take to heart the road before us. Thank you for your devotion to the Lord, and to His dream for DC and the nation!

And remember… no King but Jesus!