









CALL WEDNESDAY! Conference call number: 805-399-1200 access code 552-690. Use *6 to mute/unmute. Invite your friends to join us!

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HAPPY THANKSGIVUKKAH!  Crown & Throne is launched! The jet has taken flight! God’s resurrected army is marching toward victory. And the Revolution is on…

What an incredible time we had together this weekend! So much higher than even our greatest expectations. The Lord truly met us… for His revolution. Many have requested audio messages from the conference and we will let you know just as soon as they are available.

The Revolution gathering truly set the course for our future. We will share much more in postings ahead. But God’s glory is coming in through His gates this year!

One of the greatest privileges of our lives was to officially launch our first book Crown and Throne. This “Field Guide for Spiritual Revolution” is now available to order through our website! CLICK HERE TO ORDER.

We will share excerpts from Crown & Throne today and ahead. Below is simply our dedication—first to the Lord, and then to the Lamplighter family. We are beyond grateful for your standing with us through this journey. Please be sure to order your copy soon. And again, Happy Thanksgivukkah 🙂

Jon and Jolene dedicate Crown and Throne to Jesus Christ, the slain Lamb and the Lion of the tribe of Judah, that He might receive the rewards of His sufferings in the nations of the earth. Lord, use these insights for your glory!

We wish to acknowledge and thank our broader Lamplighter family, whose travail in prayer helped bring this to birth; Bill and Marlene Brubaker along with Russ and Julie Zylstra for their care and generosity; and Martin and Cindy Frankena for helping to keep us on track. We promised you’d never be bored!

It has been an honor and a delight to work with Brian Francis Hume, founder of Burning Lamp Media & Publishing. Carol Miller, the editing process was a joy thanks to your feisty directives and gentle hand.

Grateful for Gabriel Leonhard for your fantastic layout of the book, on deadline! And thanks to James Nesbit for your extraordinary cover art.

Finally, Jon and Jolene wish to convey our gratitude to the many mentors whose impartation and guidance has propelled us forward in Jesus Christ. We respect and appreciate each of you, and hope you see within the following pages a perpetuation of your own legacy.