In a few hours, the Jewish day of mourning known as Tisha b’Av and the three week period of mourning known as Dire Straits will have come to a close. The world is still seemingly on the brink of world war, terrorist tragedy and financial collapse. But the Lord has been restraining. And your intercession has absolutely helped to empower this restraint!

Remember that our Dire Straits prayer project does not end today. When the Holy Spirit spoke of a “World War Watch,” He emphasized the time period between 5-8 and 8-5, a week from today. And I have a feeling this watch will continue long after its official end. It’s so vital to continue interceding for Israel, America and the nations!

Today on Tisha b’Av
Today on Tisha b’Av, presidential contender Mitt Romney spent time praying at the Wailing Wall in Jerusalem. Remember that the Wailing Wall is the only remainder of the Second Temple, which was destroyed by Romans on this tragic date in history. To Jews in Israel and the nations, his actions on this date speak louder than any words can convey.

In neighboring Syria, “the mother of all battles” is now being fought. This conflict TODAY, on Tisha b’Av, still has the potential to propel the region and world into war.

Israel is on high alert, poised to intervene and secure deadly chemical weapons before they fall into the hands of terrorists. Iran has warned that any foreign intervention would bring their army into the engagement. Russia and China have vetoed international sanctions and stood adamantly against foreign intervention.
Meanwhile, today on Tisha b’Av, Defense Secretary Leon Panetta has embarked on a 5 day trip to the mideast, including Israel, Egypt, Tunisia and Jordan.

Warning–September 1-22
What’s ahead? Remember how the Lord spoke to Jolene about this summer, and also the time between September 1-22. We were in Vermont, ministering with pastors Janet and Alan Bishop, when the Lord awoke her on June 24 and spoke again about our summer prayer project. “World War Watch… and I mean it!”

Jolene knew immediately that we were not to travel and minister this summer, but to remain in DC and pray. As an aside, we are so grateful for your continuing financial support through this time!

The Holy Spirit then warned her about events between September 1-22. He spoke, “What is coming will affect every home in America.” No clarity was given on the events, just that this time period would be pivotal. And above all else, that He is worthy of it all!

Today’s Commissioning
Indeed He is. As we continue, lets remember how God has equipped us and positioned us just for this season. Unexpectedly on Friday, the Lord Jesus Christ issued a Throne Room verdict–sovereignty of America retained! His angels have been released accompanying this verdict.

We have been cleansed from unbelief, and a window has opened to redeem the time. The Lord has commissioned us like Joshua, Caleb, and Gideon to face the giants and take the land!

Facing the Future: Three Key Prophecies
Finally, I want to frame the future by bringing to remembrance three significant prophecies. We will be focusing on these more this coming week.

But to encapsulate: At the beginning of this year the Lord showed us how the enemy would try to “X us out,” but how He was establishing a bridal canopy over the land. This vision by Cindy Jacobs is so important to understand!

Second, remember Jolene’s Labor Day dream about a coming storm. When the Lord spoke about September, we had no idea that Labor Day weekend is September 1-3 this year. On Labor Day–Huge waves were hitting our shores with increasing frequency due to a storm on the horizon. Behind the large waves was one of unprecedented magnitude, with a potential to cause destruction. The only safe place was a tent on the beach.

The third word was given to us while ministering with pastors Becky and Allan Greenstreet in Danville VA, right as we entered 2012. “Light the lamps and pitch the tents, for this year I tabernacle with My people!”

David’s Tent: Bridal Canopy is Forming!
How amazing that my friend Jason Hershey is facilitating “David’s Tent” on the ellipse of the White House! From September 25 through November 6, we’re going to experience 24/7 worship that builds a Throne for Jesus Christ in the governmental seat of authority of our nation. Beloved, this is a sure witness of God’s intent to tabernacle with us! Lord, make it so, in Yeshua’s Name!