New! Securing the Secret Place Video

Days of awe. We shared yesterday how God desires to bring us into a new day, and separate light from darkness. Let there be light!

I cannot emphasize enough the importance of watching with the Lord through this process. Great blessing is at hand. Yet as Jolene’s dream conveyed, we also face the prospect of earth-shaking crisis. Lets watch and pray continually against sabotage.

Below are four ways you can engage in this “Days of Awe” prayer project, and four disciplines to grow in to maximize your effectiveness during this specific season. We hope you find this helpful as we move forward together.

Four Ways to Engage

Review the project postings daily, and pray! 

We have found there’s always a God-orchestrated progression to these projects. By praying daily through the prayer points, you are helping to establish Throne Room agreement from Washington to Washington!

Participate in weekly Davids Tent prayer calls
We have had breakthrough times on these calls. It is truly an honor to connect weekly with some of the most seasoned, effective seers and intercessors we know of across this land. Expect more of this in weeks ahead.

Become a Davids Tent intercessor
Some of you may still desire to become Davids Tent intercessors. DT intercessors commit to praying daily for the team, logistics, funding, etc as well as participating as much as possible in weekly prayer calls and praying over each prayer alert. Prayer alerts are communicated by email and occasionally by texting.

Join us for “Securing the Secret Place” gatherings
There’s nothing like receiving God’s corporate anointing together! These gatherings are strategic to position people and regions for breakthrough and sustained advancement. September 7-9 in Berne NY, and September 11 in Washington DC. Click here for more information.

Four Disciplines to Embrace

Night and Day, Pray
Holy Spirit is emphasizing His cycle for the new day–evening and morning. What is the last thing you do before falling asleep? What is the first thing you do when you wake up? I’m going to intrusively suggest praying. Take the last 15 minutes before sleeping, and the first 15 minutes immediately after waking up, to pray in the Spirit. Warning: this is much more difficult than it sounds.

Daniel Fast for a Daniel Watch 
Many are embracing a restricted diet in this season. Consider fasting sugar. Fast entertainment. Take a few days each week to fast completely. Remember how Daniel mourned over the sins of his people–especially after God quickened His promise of restoration!

Study the Jewish Fall Feasts and their meaning
Within the fall feasts, God created a perfect symmetry to frame the coming year. We will explore this more in days ahead, but Jolene and I encourage you to mine this gold for yourself! Chuck Pierce’s new book “A Time to Advance” is a very good resource. The more we embrace the rhythms of God’s chronos times, the more effective we will be in His kairos times.

Strategic Generosity
We encourage you to consider giving strategically as a discipline for this season. Which ministries are advancing Christ’s cause for your family, your region, especially your nation? Can you remember any time in history where their effectiveness is as important as right now?