CALL WEDNESDAY! 9PM ET. OPEN PRAYER LINE TONIGHT as Jon and Jolene will be ministering in the Yom Kippur service. Please pray on the line with a focus on repentance for national sins. Phone: (425) 436-6287 access code 552-690. Use *6 to mute/unmute. Invite your friends to join us. Pre-broadcast prayer at 8:45pm! 

GLORY TRAIN JACKSONVILLE! SEPTEMBER 15-17th, 7pm nightly. OVER YOM KIPPUR! With Chris Mitchell Jr, Jon & Jolene, more. Old Chapel at Beaches Museum and Railroad, hosted by Lauren Main and Chazah Fellowship.

Sept. 20-25, 10 am prayer, 2pm, 7pm services
With Negiel Bigpond, Richard Perinchief, Chris Mitchell, Jon & Jolene, more. Intercession City House of Prayer, Church of God, Intercession City FL. REGISTER AT EVENTBRITE.COM

WE ARE SO EXCITED to be coming to you today from Jacksonville Florida! Such an exceptionally beautiful region where God is on the move. We are so looking forward to ministering with Lauren Main and team. This historic seat of covenant, where Jean Ribault and the Huguenots were martyred, is the location the Lord chose for us to move through Yom Kippur. Jean Ribault died chanting Psalm 132, begging God to remember the afflictions he and his community endured. And asking that this very land would be a dwelling place for the Mighty One of Jacob. 

There’s no better place in our nation to prophesy the restoration He intends for this nation. Lets all come into agreement with Psalm 132, David’s sacred vow to establish a dwelling place for God’s covenant and glory. Remember, Lord!

Most of you are familiar with the Jewish paradigm of the Days of Awe between Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur. On Rosh Hashanah/ Yom Teruah, the Lord essentially opens the scrolls and “pencils in” His verdict—his destiny—over individuals, spheres, and even nations. Between Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur the Court of Heaven is open for His people to approach the bench in repentance or teshuvah, in order to receive a better verdict than their actions alone dictate. According to the Jewish understanding of this season, the books of destiny are sealed at the close of Yom Kippur. 

It’s no coincidence that the 20th anniversary of 9-11 occurred precisely in the middle of this time frame. Looking at national events during this window is overall absolutely unsettling. But remember a time gate has opened for redemption. The Lord spoke to me this morning that, despite circumstances, His Daniel 7:22 shift has by no means been blocked. Instead it has just begun. 

Then as if by hilarious confirmation, my receipt from Starbucks this morning was exactly $7.22. Can’t make this stuff up. I’ll take that “scroll” anytime!

But the events alone convey our need for a renewal of God’s covering at this time.

Afghanistan Debacle. The Biden administration unnecessarily ceded Afghanistan back to the very terrorist government which helped launch the 9-11 attacks, leaving one out of ten Americans behind after evacuations according to statistics cited by the President. 

Call 911! Threats from N. Korea, Iran. On an international level tensions are immediately rising due to actions from North Korea and Iran.

Gavin Newsom wins Election Recall. Last night the voting results indicated California governor Gavin Newsom won the election recall. Note that it was the Newsom administration that demanded churches across the state be shut due to covid, while maintaining that both strip clubs and abortion clinics are essential services which should remain open. 

In the spirit, the victory seems hollow. Almost as though the Lord’s intervention is about to accelerate. By the way, did you know that the only state with more evangelical Christians than California is Texas?

Texas—Supreme Court win on restricting abortions. Speaking of the great nation of Texas, here’s a bright note. During this window, the Supreme Court decided to uphold the legal right of Texas to restrict abortions. This is huge. And it advances the legal battle towards the Mississippi hearing in November.

I want to emphasize that, as prophesied, the protection of babies remains at the center of God’s heart for this year. There’s so much to this. Hopefully I’ll be able to connect with you more on this tomorrow. 

Teshuvah—No Covering Without Covenant!We have been seeking power moves from the Lord of hosts. Yet sometimes the greatest displays of power actually come in the form of wisdom. In God’s wisdom, before moving He often brings to our own desperate point of decision. In the midst the true condition of our heart becomes revealed. It may shock us. But it does not shock Him. Instead, He longs to bring us across the threshold into genuine repentance and healing. This is really the condition of the body of Christ right now. And it is absolutely necessary for His covenant alignment to brith the covering of glory for the season ahead.

Covenant is the key. Friends there is no covering without covenant. Covenant always defines our boundaries. And it is walked out in righteousness and loyalty to God and each other. 

That said, for 5782, the season of building God’s house must encompass the restoration of His intended covering, secured by His covenant. That’s really what Amos 9:11 is all about. David restored his nation’s covenant alignment with God. This is signified by the procession by which the Ark of the Covenant was brought into the capitol city of Jerusalem. Only with this alignment was the tabernacle, representing God’s covering, established. Remember how Isaiah 4 declares that God’s glory will be a covering, or canopy, over the place of covenant!

And I know the Lord drew us to Jacksonville to somehow “CALL 911.” To governmentally release the Amos 9:11 grace to restore God’s covering personally, over regions, and over the nation. And further to receive continued grace to “pursue, overtake, and recover all.” 

Please pray with us. Lets take this to heart! Covenant blessing to each of you.