Prayer Call Open Line Tonight!

OPEN LINE—WEDNESDAY NIGHT PRAYER CALL! 9PM ET. Jon & Jolene are traveling so please join, share and pray on the call. Phone: (425) 436-6287 access code 552-690. Use *6 to mute/unmute. Invite your friends to join us. Pre-broadcast prayer at 8:45pm!

For link to the original posting “Armageddon: Tick Tock to the Holy Clock” CLICK HERE.

DEAR FRIENDS,“And the word of the Lord came to me a second time, saying, “What do you see?” And I said, “I see a boiling pot, tilting towards us from the north…” (Jer. 1:13-14).

FIRST—JOLENE AND I are excited to join tonight in Dallas with Becca Greenwood and her SPAN network. Which means that you all have an open forum on tonight’s prayer call to intercede and share. Please pray with the focus on homeland security and wisdom for our leaders to meet the global challenges now at hand. See below for more. 

And pray for us. The trip will be very quick for us as we have a very busy schedule next week at home in DC. No King but Jesus!

SECOND—THANKS AGAIN to all of you who participated in the Gideon Reclamation Project! It was one of our most penetrating projects ever. And we together experienced Christ’s breakthrough. 

Probably the centerpiece of the project was the posting “Armageddon—Tick Tock to the Holy Clock,” which brings clarity to the timing of this very moment. In a vision at Tel Megiddo this December, Jolene saw vision of a grandfather clock superimposed on the Jezreel Valley below. The time was 10 minutes to midnight. 

Urgent Update—Warnings of War
Today I want to give you a “bottom line” update which is centered around these from the posting, as well as a prophetic warning from our friend Lynnie Harlow. For link to “Armageddon: Tick Tock to the Holy Clock” CLICK HERE.

Within the past few days, US senators have warned that China now appears to be making aggressive moves towards invading Taiwan. Many friends in the military have now been shifted to “combat readiness,” even zeroing their weapons in final preparations leading to possible deployment, seemingly for this conflict. 

Meanwhile Russia just directed their newest warship, loaded with hypersonic missiles, within striking range of the US east coast. This is an extremely aggressive move, especially as Putin ally Dmitry Medvedev “warned NATO of nuclear war if Russia is defeated in Ukraine” (Yahoo News). Russia is now engaged in a mass mobilization of troops and resources by Russia, preparing for an overwhelming and sustained attack against Ukraine. A long war that will possibly engage more European nations. 

NATO ally Turkey appears to be playing both sides, resisting NATO membership for Sweden and Finland. They are also engaging in raids against the Kurds in Iraq, who are longtime allies of the US.

And in the Covenant Land, the US and Israeli Air Forces are this week partnering in training missions simulating strikes against Iranian nuclear capabilities. This as a package of enriched uranium was confiscated at London’s Heathrow Airport before it could be delivered to an Iranian business leader in the area.

Warning! Friends, all of this is occurring at the very same time. 

Warning Dream—Protect DC Against Surprise Attack
Last week our watchman friend Lynnie Harlow received an astonishing dream from the Lord. Washington DC was completely covered by a thick green fog. She saw on the sidelines General MacArthur smoking a corn cob pipe. The green fog seemed to rise like smoke from the pipe. 

It’s important to note that historically, General MacArthur was responsible to direct military forces in the Pacific theater, including Japan, North and South Korea and China after World War II. Though there are many additional interpretations to the symbology of MacArthur, for time’s sake I’m bottom-lining it here. 

Green fog is a possible warning to pray against chemical or biological warfare. From what I’ve researched, the smoky substance released by many bioweapons carries a green tint. 

That said—please pray for God’s protection against surprise attacks, especially with bioweapons or even radioactive substances. In the spirit this feels very urgent. 

Zero Your Weapons—Prepare Your Burning Lamps!”
While writing this morning I sensed the Lord instructing us to  “Zero your weapons—prepare your burning lamps!” 

To zero your weapon means to adjust your sights so that your aim is precise. Just as a weapon in the natural needs to be “zeroed” so your own lamp needs to be “zeroed” to be effective in this season.

Remember the lamp of your body is your eye. God is saying to NOW realign your vision so that your eye is single, your body full of light! I suggest you also make sure you have an overflow of fresh oil to sustain your brightness through the midnight hour (Matt. 25). 

10 Minutes to Midnight—Armageddon Context
“Spirits of demons… went out to the kings of the whole world, to gather them together for the war of the great day of God, the Almighty… and they gathered them together to the place which in Hebrew is called HarMagedon” (Real 16:14-16). 

As we noted in the Gideon Reclamation Project, “Armageddon” is mentioned only once in the Bible. And the overarching meaning of what God is conveying through the passage is so often missed. Mount Megiddo, otherwise known as Tel Megiddo or Har Megiddo, is a watchman’s perch overlooking the Jezreel Valley, the harvest fields of Israel. At the core, Armageddon conveys a watch to conquer enemies seeking to destroy God’s harvest.

The most important biblical references to the valley below are focused on the “conflict of thrones” between Elijah and Jezebel. In other words, between God’s covenantal prophets and leaders of a global governmental structure sourced in idolatry, seeking to subjugate the people. It is absolutely the same in our day. And the harvest is at stake. 

Remember Naboth’s vineyard, located in Jezreel next to Jezebel’s stronghold. God forbid that I should give you the inheritance of my forefathers!

It is no coincidence that the harvest fields of Jezreel was also the location of Gideon’s battle. After repenting of generational Baal worship, Gideon was released to partner with the Angel of the Lord to rescue Israel from the devourers who had penetrated Israel’s porous borders to plunder their harvest. Burning lamps appeared AT MIDNIGHT in the mountains above Jezreel. The Midianites were thwarted. 

Does this bring any clarity? I hope so. Again, this is a primary reason we must become burning lamps in our time. Every generation has actually faced an “Armageddon moment” to contend for freedom in Jesus, and the harvest He is cultivating in the earth. 

Our generation appears to be moving headlong into this moment right now.