RICK RIDINGS JOINS PRAYER CALL WEDNESDAY! 9pm EST. Conference call number: 641-715-3605 access code 552-690. Use *6 to mute/unmute. Invite your friends to join us.

PLEASE CONTINUE “full court press” in prayer for Esther’s full recovery! 

With Jon & Jolene Hamill and Martin & Cindy Frankena
Registration: $65 (including $15 catered lunch on Saturday)
To register on EventBrite CLICK HERE

Thank you for praying with us through 7-22 or Tisha b’Av. As we shared yesterday, the Lion of Judah is roaring! It’s turnaround time. And on a global level, a freedom movement is now at hand.

We are excited that Rick Ridings is joining tonight’s call. It’s extraordinary he has called a global “turnaround fast” culminating on 7:22. You’re going to hear clear prophetic revelation mantled by unmistakeable humility and the weight of genuine governmental authority. 

But best of all, you’re going to experience the extraordinary, selfless, unyielding, relentless love of a father and mother for their child in peril. A love which has birthed a global 24-7 prayer movement in its wake. A love which is now literally conquering all.

We will also be covering the State Department’s first-ever global consortium on religious freedom, hosted by Ambassador Sam Brownback next Tuesday-Thursday, 7-24 thru 7-26. And finally, we will cover what we believe to be a global verdict of justice in favor of the saints this 7-22. So join us tonight!

Let me briefly sum up what I believe we are moving into as of 7-22 and the weeks beyond. We are moving into a time to access Heaven’s counsel and interact with Heaven’s council. And we are being summoned together on 7-22 to approach Heaven’s Court and receive His judgement restraining the supernatural forces of darkness and releasing the saints to possess the Kingdom. 

Below is a summary of a few revelatory points from the journey towards 7-22. 

January 29—Entering the Next Phase. You might remember that early on January 29, the Lord spoke to me that He is initiating the next phase of execution of His Daniel 7:22 turnaround verdict. He showed me that this verdict is being enforced in the same manner as the progressive judgements of Exodus, with the same intention in mind. A freedom movement!

April 22—Encounter at Western Wall. On April 22, during the ongoing celebration of Israel’s 70th anniversary, I felt to pray at the Western Wall. The Lord granted me a vision of Heaven’s Court. So amazing and unexpected! I saw the gavel come down, ratifying the changes to the revised divorce decree from Baal which were essentially focused on releasing LIFE AND HARVEST. His Daniel 7:22 judgement in favor of the saints. 

When I looked down it was 2:22 pm local time. My watch displays both local time and Washington DC time, and to my surprise it was exactly 7:22 am DC time! 2:22 and 7:22. I am admittedly biased. But from my perspective, you just cannot make this stuff up. To me the Lord was emphasizing 7:22 even for Washington DC. 

During this time, the Lord quickened to me revelation from Daniel 9. The prophet perceived from the scrolls of Jeremiah that after 70 years of subservience to Babylon, a freedom movement would begin. God’s covenant people would be restored to their Promised Land. And in similar fashion, a freedom movement bringing restoration was being granted by the Lord at the 70th anniversary of Israel’s rebirth.

5-22 to 7-22—Circle of Covenant. Finally at the Western Wall, the Holy Spirit spoke again the phrase which He originally quickened to me at the White House just before leaving for Israel. You probably know it by heart by now. “The circle of My covenant trumps, triumphs over, and prevails against the circle of Baal meant to confine you, and even define you.” That has been the focus of our “Circle of Covenant Prayer Project” since we began. 

Note that the Lord encountered me at the Western Wall on 4-22, and we started the project on 5-22. Culminating of course on 7-22. During this time we saw the Lord open an unprecedented door for LIFE. We introduced the revised Divorce Decree from Baal to the broader body of Christ. 

And we are culminating with a global “turnaround fast” called by Rick Ridings, welcoming the fullest manifestation of God’s verdict of justice through the gates. That said, I believe an “Isaiah 22:22” door is indeed opening—perhaps even globally—as of Sunday, July 22. Turnaround. L’Chaim or LIFE. A freedom movement. 

Heaven’s Council Convenes
While preparing for the upcoming School of Kings earlier this month, the phrase “council of the Lord” kept coming up in my spirit. I began to pray into it, sensing as noted that this subject would be important for the school. And vital for what’s ahead.

Last Saturday evening, we were ministering in Brunswick GA when I suddenly felt strongly compelled to approach the “council chamber” of the Lord. It was as though this service was set by the Lord to establish the course for times ahead. 

Immediately I saw a vision of the Lion of Judah, standing on the sea of glass. He roared, and a portal in Heaven opened which released the substance of this sea like a river to the earth. I knew it was an expression of this verdict of justice being manifested in the earth.

While praying for the upcoming global consortium on religious freedom two days ago, I had a very brief vision. My focus was on the spiritual opposition which could accompany this gathering. And it was literally a bit intimidating.

But to my surprise, I immediately perceived a convocation of Heaven’s council, with angelic hosts coming from each nation represented in the consortium. A major paradigm shift.

This brought to remembrance an encounter last October. During the Global Prophetic Summit in Dallas, my eyes were opened to see a global convocation of angelic hosts in conjunction with the private roundtable. Each angel was introduced, honored and celebrated upon entering Heaven’s council chamber. As the meeting began, it was clear that there was a synergy between the two camps. I prophesied that history would be defined during this time, and it actually was. (You can read further about this event in our book “Midnight Cry”). 

All that said… again while praying over 7-22 and the consortium, I immediately felt impressed to make a request before the Throne. Please agree with me on this. First, Lord please grant that all forces of darkness be covenantally and governmentally restrained from moving through the gates of this gathering. Access denied, in Jesus’ Name! 

Secondly, Father please grant that the angel of the Lord assigned to each nation represented be released along with the delegate from each nation, to join in a convocation of Heaven’s council which is tied to Your work in Washington DC and to this assembly on global religious freedom. 

During this very time period, on the 70th anniversary of Israel’s rebirth, grant a turning—a global release of Your freedom movement for nations, manifesting Your verdict of justice in favor of the saints.

Especially for our friend Esther, first and foremost. 

In Jesus’ Name and for Your glory! NKBJ.