CALL TONIGHT—PURIM TO PASSOVER! 9PM ET. Launching the Purim to Passover Prayer Project. Phone: (425) 436-6287 access code 552-690. Use *6 to mute/unmute. Invite your friends to join us. Pre-broadcast prayer at 8:45pm! 

ZOOM REPLAY—TURNAROUND TUESDAY PURIM CALL with Becca Greenwood, Kingsley Walker, Jon & Jolene. Powerful and poignant insights! CLICK HERE TO WATCH

PURIM TO PASSOVER! 3-16 to 4-16 join us as we watch and pray through one of the most strategic seasons of American and global history. The Lord is marching forth as a warrior. Lets follow His lead!

SEASON OF GIVING! Please consider a contribution to Lamplighter as we expand to meet God’s call! TO GIVE CLICK HERE.

PURIM BEGINS TONIGHT. Please join us for a special call! And lets plan to keep watch together from Purim to Passover. Pray for Ukraine, America, Israel and the nations to be delivered from a modern Haman structure. Covenant with death and hell annulled!

As promised we are sending you today key points to pray over—a transcript by Cindy Jacobs of a prophetic perspective on Purim. It is breathtaking. And we totally agree with Cindy’s sense that what we are experiencing is a dress rehearsal for the end times. The Lord showed this to us back in 2017, when He warned us of a coming series of “midnight crises.” How we confronted these crises, and overcome these crises, would even become a roadmap for believers in the very end of days. 

The good news is that we are destined by God to overcome! And is this not the true message of Purim? 

With that, here’s Cindy’s word. 

SHIELDS UP! Insights and Prayer Summons
By Cindy Jacobs

Hello, welcome to this special edition of Shields Up. Normally we send something out in writing, but in light of the very, very serious condition in the world, I felt that I needed to just talk to you, especially I’m talking to the intercessors of the world. Reading my book, Possessing the Gates of the Enemy, is very important for this season. If you have not read it in a while, I encourage you, please read it again, because this is a time for war. In the last couple of weeks, everything has changed. And what is going on in Ukraine and with Russia is affecting the whole world, and potentially a World War III, which many prophets have prophesied in our prophetic datelines that we share live on Facebook and Instagram. You will see that we have been giving warnings. If you do not listen to those on Thursdays at 3:00 central time, I encourage you to do so, because we are giving you spiritual intelligence in what the prophets are saying.

I’ve been asking the Lord what is happening. Now, we could go into many geopolitical things. There’s a lot of finger-pointing going on right now. I receive things from all over the world saying, “I’m for Ukraine, I’m for Russia.” That there are certainly atrocities going on you in Ukraine right now, people are grieved, Ukrainians are dying. Russians are dying. 

But we know that the captain of the Lord of hosts looks at things on a higher level. I’ve been praying and fasting and seeking the Lord, “What is going on in the heavens?”

Now we understand. Let me read this to you, although you know it, I’m sure, but let me just read it again. Ephesians 6. Now the book of Ephesians begins with magnificent statements of the authority that we have over principalities and powers. Ephesians 6, verse 10, “Finally my brethren, be strong in the Lord and the power of His might. Put on the whole armor of God that you may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil.” That word, we know, means methodology, strategy. Satan is a strategist. Many times, even in the prayer movement, we’re very tactical. We pray a little bit about this and a little bit about that, but right now, as we are looking at the potential of a global war, I am calling the intercessors across the face of the earth, whatever nation you are in, to engage in this battle.

It goes on and says, “We do not wrestle against flesh and blood.” We know that word “wrestle” here is very unique in the Greek culture, meaning hand-to-hand combat. “We wrestle against flesh and blood.” And then it says what we wrestle against: “Principalities, powers, against rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts and wickedness in the heavenly places. Therefore take up the whole armor of God that you will be able to withstand in the evil day and having done all to stand.”

If I could give you a picture of what we need to be like right now, I would say to you we need to be the bride with combat boots on. This is not a peaceful time in intercession. This is wartime. I’m calling around the world for the intercessors to go into their war room. We need to have spiritual warriors that will arise on a worldwide scale to potentially avert World War III. Now, do I think we can completely avert it? I am not sure. My thinking is we can possibly diminish it.

Intercessors praying for the U.S. are having dreams. I don’t know about other nations, I imagine it’s the same, having dreams of Washington, D.C., being bombed, of Seattle, Washington, under bombing, even nuclear attacks. Others are having vivid dreams, seeing damage on the U.S. shores. We already know it is happening in Ukraine right now, but the potential that this will tip at any moment, just like it did in World War I and the whole world be thrown into war, is … at any moment, any moment, that could happen.

We know that God loves the people of the earth. He loves the Ukrainian people. He loves the Russian people. We need to hear what God is saying about the heavens. Do you see? What is in the invisible realm over a nation or over continents? That is reality. What is happening below in the earth is a physical manifestation of what is happening in the heavens.

Now, this morning as I was praying, I heard something said, not from the Holy Spirit, but it was as if I was hearing what Satan wanted to do and the Lord alerted me to it. The words were, “Release the hounds of war 9or the gods of war.)” I began doing a study on the gods. The god of war of Russia and also Ukraine is Perun, P-E-R-U-N. But we know that there are other war gods. For instance, the war god over Rome was Mars, the Roman god of war. It’s very interesting because the Lord showed me that over regions and nations, there were these gods, Baal. This Baal spirit that we know is a strong man, many have felt was a strong man over America. Now, I’m not talking about natural geopolitical things. I’m talking about what the Bible says in the invisible realm, okay? We know through revelation that Baal is a war god. If you just Google this, Baal was known as a storm or war god.

We can see that these gods are clashing for territory. They’re called territorial spirits for a reason. They want to control different portions of the world. If they used to control them, they want to control them again because they fight for territory. They are dominant. They want to rule over, to be the gods of (little G) of certain portions of the world. We know that in Germany, as my research has shown, Wotan was a god of war, (Wodon it says some places.) If you want to just look, this is available by Googling, “What are the gods of war?” And many times, they create something called a holy war. A holy war between a monotheistic belief system and a pluralistic polytheism.

Why am I saying all this? We have authority over these powers of darkness. We have authority over them through the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth. I recommend you read Possessing the Gates, (you can get it on Kindle as well.) Get the fourth edition if you are going to buy it on Amazon. This is not a commercial for that, I just want you to be instructed. I don’t want you to go to war having holes in your armor that Satan can hit you and attack you. Every soldier needs to learn how to war. You need to understand this.

Now I want to speak to the intercessors, the generals. Many of you in the 1990’s and beyond began to study and teach how to do spiritual warfare. Prayer movements started in many parts of the world from the book Possessing the Gates. I want you to go back and do what you learn. Well, we want to bind the power of these principalities. We want to study what is happening and we want to stop them. We want to hold the line. I’m asking you wherever you are, if you’re along the Silk Road, if you’re Latin America or whatever, see some things forming. We see ancient political strife between nations. These war gods are trying to set nations against each other, and we see many kinds of wars.

You can look at this politically across Latin America and across Asia. The potential, as the prophets have been saying for 10 years, for an alliance between Russia, China, and Iran, is very great. North Korea under Kim Jong Un—they’re firing off missiles. We know that Iran would like to take out both Israel and the United States.

I also see the potential of a space war. In other words, us being attacked by satellites. We know that there are cyber wars. This is a season of war and the potential of war unlike anything we have known. This is not like the weapons used in World War I, or the weapons used in World War II.

But the good news is the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty to the pulling down of strongholds—mighty to the pulling down of strongholds.

I was thinking about what is happening with Russia and the U.S. potentially. We know that at one time there was a conflict with Cuba. We called it in the U.S. the Cuban Missile Crisis, where, if I recall my history, Russia felt like we were putting NATO right at their doorstep and so they were going to put missiles right at our doorstep. I think Cuba’s about 90 miles off the coast of Florida.

The war gods are clamoring. The hounds of war have been released or uncuffed or whatever, however you want to say, but we have authority over this in the name of Jesus.

Now, it’s going to take fasting and it’s going to take prayer. March 16th is what is known biblically as Purim. You remember the story of Purim. The story of Purim is where the Jews were in danger of being annihilated and Esther went before the king and said the famous, “If I perish, I perish.” I am calling us to believe that by March 16th, and on March 16th worldwide, we’re going to be able to pray. Pray as you know how to pray. Maybe you’re called to lead worship all day that day. Maybe worship teams will be set up. Maybe you’re called to read scripture—scriptures that God will give you by revelation. We’ll be sending out some things, as well, that you will have by revelation. But ask the Holy Spirit to show you what you’re supposed to do. We know in the army of God, there are privates and there are sergeants, there are lieutenants, and there are generals, but I am calling for all the army of God. If you didn’t know it, you’re conscripted.

It’s time for God to raise up His army and the body of Christ on a worldwide scale. Let’s do our part. Let’s do our part to see that there will not be more loss of innocent lives. Let’s pray for peace, let’s pray that the God peace will crush Satan under our feet as we pray. Let’s ask God for a great victory in the heavens and great revival.

Some have asked me if I believe this is the very end of what the Book of Revelation says, which will essentially come to the war of Armageddon. I would say this is a dress rehearsal for that. I have prayed about it. It’s not so much as I have a word of the Lord, but I have prayed about this and I do feel that this is not the final one, but is in a way a dress rehearsal. Satan wants to stop the awakening and revival in a harvest of the earth and many have felt that we are on the verge of a great end-time harvest. We know that what happens in war actually stops, many times, revival and a harvest.

Let’s wake up. I am calling you to wake up. Let me speak to the Deborahs, the women, according to the word in Judges. Deborah was to arise and to wake up and to wake up the armies of God. Let God do that. What if you can only get five people? Go to the war room. If you don’t have a war room at your church, it’s time for war. This is not peace time. This is war time. Go to war. This is not time to pray prayers as usual. No more prayer as usual, okay? Not that we can’t pray for our families or pray some kind of petition prayers, but it’s time for us to put on the armor of God, to have a clean heart, to make sure that Satan can get nothing of us, to fast and pray and stand, to stand and hold the line in the nations of the earth, that the people not perish.

God bless you. Thank you. You will be hearing some more from us. Tell your friends to sign up for the prayer alerts on Sign up for the general list and then for the Reformation Prayer Network, the 50-state prayer network we have, but also you can sign up wherever you live. God bless you. God give you grace, God protect you, God keep you, God give you wisdom and courage. It takes courage to go into battle. This is not a time to be afraid. This is not a time to fear what man can do to us. This is a time to stand up and be counted. God bless you.