ONE VOICE CALL LAUNCH NOON TUESDAY! Hosted by Paula White, with briefings from leaders in government and ministry, including Dutch Sheets, Cindy Jacobs, James Goll, others. Led by Paula White, Todd Lamphere, Dave Kubal, Jon & Jolene.

OVPM Launch Tuesday Nov. 5, 12pm ET! To join call:
1. Conference Call number: 712-775-7430, no code necessary.
2. If first line is full dial 712-775-7431 enter code 2452#
3. To join the call via webcast: Click here  or visit the One Voice Prayer Movement website and follow the instructions.

FIRST—join us at noon Tuesday, November 5 to launch the One Voice Prayer Movement with a special conference call from Washington DC, hosted by Paula White. Instructions above. Lets make history. Lets define our future together.

One Voice. One Vision. No King but Jesus!

We’ve been seeking the Lord diligently for 2020 foresight. Our post is brief tonight, but you still get a double portion. Since the beginning of the year, James Goll has been prophesying into the One Voice movement with extraordinary detail—not even knowing a One Voice Prayer Movement in the works. Also since the beginning of the year, we’ve been prophesying into the One Voice Prayer Movement, long before knowing the substance of it. 

In Third year of Cyrus, Prayer Movement Birthed
“It’s TIME!” Pastor Jamie Jackson’s words shook the walls when we prophesied together through New Years Eve into 2019. I shared prophetically from Daniel 10—In the third year of Cyrus king of Persia, a message was revealed. Daniel was praying 21 days for breakthrough on behalf of his land and people when this message came. We were entering into the third year of rule for America’s Cyrus, Donald Trump. And just as in the days of Daniel, in this third year of rule for America’s Cyrus God is summoning us to enter into a movement of intensive prayer to secure His freedom for our land and people!  

As the Lamplighter family can attest, we’ve unexpectedly been a series of 21 day prayer projects ever since. 

Fast forward to July 2. Todd Lamphere asked Dave Kubal and me to join him for a brief meeting. Paula White had sensed from the Lord it is now time to start a “One Voice Prayer Movement.” Dave, Jolene and I were asked to lead the movement under Paula and Todd. 

And with that, a prayer “Daniel-like” governmental prayer movement was literally birthed in the third year of America’s Cyrus.

We launch November 5, a year to the day in 2020 when America votes. Let me be clear this is not about politics. Even though our prayers may impact the political world, the calling is much higher. As in the days of Daniel, the One Voice Prayer Movement is all about securing God’s breakthrough and freedom His way for our land and people. 

To be clear. Just as Daniel launched into 21 days of breakthrough prayer during the third year of Cyrus, so we are seeing the birthing of a Daniel-like prayer movement in the third year of America’s Cyrus. 

James Goll—Prophetic Word on One Voice
And this movement launches November 5. If you don’t believe me, take James Goll’s word on it. Because in a recent posting announcing the One Voice Prayer Movement, the veteran leader shared an astonishing prophecy. 

“In June 2019 while ministering in Miami, FL at King Jesus Ministries, I proclaimed that soon the GREATEST GOVERNMENTAL PRAYER MOVEMENT IN THE HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES would begin—and that it would possibly be a model for governments of the nations. 

“I was given dreams at the beginning of 2019 where I saw that a united prayer force would converge to intercede for all three branches of the U.S. government and eventually cover every cabinet member in prayer. After waiting for the right location and time, I released this prophetic word in June at Apostle Maldonado’s School of the Supernatural.

“Well, this prayer movement is beginning this Tuesday, November 5th, 2019 and will continue for at least one year—perhaps longer. Lets make history together!”

Note that James received dreams from the Lord AT THE BEGINNING OF THE YEAR about this movement. Just as the Lord was speaking to us about this “Daniel movement” launching in the third year of America’s Cyrus.

James spoke to me privately about the prophetic word after prophesying this word at Apostle Muldonado’s church. My jaw dropped. He had absolutely no idea about the One Voice Prayer Movement before we spoke. But he gave specific details which only a handful of people even knew about.

A united prayer force. That’s happening now in real-time as prayer networks and movements join together. James felt it would become the greatest governmental prayer movement in the history of the United States. He saw this at the beginning of the year! It is humbling to even read these words, let alone ponder. 

All I know is this. What an awesome opportunity we all have to be part of this team! Please pray. And lets join Tuesday for a history-making call.