“Call to the Wall,” monthly prayer call tonight! 8pm EST. Conference Call number: 605-475-3250 access code 679314.

Recently the Holy Spirit spoke a very clear rebuke to me. And Lamplighter family, as I love you guys so much, I wanted you bring you into the experience as well. What are friends for, right? 

We’ve been immersed in this “Resounding Scrolls Prayer Project,” but with all the national news going on I really just wanted to focus on Jesus. I was seeking to receive Heaven’s scrolls. Real-time revelation, strategies for breakthrough, clarity on timing for ministry endeavors, etc. 

Note that God’s Word was in my hands, but my phone in my pocket. To my credit, I turned off the ringer. But somehow my pocket was buzzing—with texts and news alerts—at a much greater frequency than my Bible was communicating with me. Honestly I was complaining to the Lord that His scrolls seemed a little slow in coming. 

By inference alone, of course. Giving the Lord just enough feedback that He might figure out my frustration.

Therefore Heaven’s immediate response took my breath away. “Your information is being sourced from the wrong scrolls!” I heard.

Wrong scrolls. At that moment the contrast between the love-saturated truth of Gods’ word and the distortions of the media stories I was following became very real. 

Not that all the information from the media is wrong, but my undue focus was wrong. And the news wasn’t bringing me life.

Beholding and Becoming
For background, the Lord had previously convicted me He wanted His Word to be my last encounter at night and my first every morning. But recently I had slipped back into absorbing news feeds before bed. As a governmental intercessor, former journalist and also a former contractor for Homeland Security, there were just too many breaking stories to keep up with.

And it became discouraging. Ultimately it was draining me of life. Because you become what you behold. 

This principle is clearly articulated by the Apostle. “But we all, with unveiled face, beholding as in a mirror the glory of the Lord, are being transformed into the same image from glory to glory, just as from the Lord, the Spirit” (1 Corinthians 3:18). 

We become transformed in our lives first by beholding Jesus—by beholding His glory! But the opposite is also true. Again, an undue focus on anything can drain you of life and vitality you desperately need in this hour. Information overload can literally shut down your spirit from receiving revelation.

Friends, there are essentially two primary sources for revelation and information. Heaven has a scroll for your life. But so does hell—with all of its distortions. Ultimately our beliefs, our worldview, our expectations of life, our perceptions of ourselves and others are all shaped by which scroll we choose to believe

Let me suggest that you join me in repenting. Lets ask the Lord for forgiveness for any way in which our information flow has been sourced from what Heaven deems the wrong scrolls. So that we can more freely receive the next phase of Heaven’s direction for our lives. “Therefore repent and return, so that your sins may be wiped away, in order that times of refreshing may come from the presence of the Lord” (Acts 3:19).

Prophetic Intelligence
Final point. We all want “real-time” prophetic revelation. But here are a few questions. How are you at stewarding Heaven’s intelligence? How faithful are you? How loyal? Can you be bought or sold? What personal agendas are attached to your own pursuits? Do you even know? 

In short—can Heaven trust you?

God has framed His entire world around covenant. He shares His secrets not with the best and the brightest, but with His covenant friends. Now hopefully the best and brightest are among those who draw close to His heart. But there’s discipline involved. Seasoning, cleansing and maturing. Holy Spirit character development. Often seasoned by opportunities to either forsake His covenant or align with it. Sometimes when receiving prophetic words, silence before man is required, with the desired response secured by intercession alone.

Lord, cleanse us of defilement! Mature us. May we receive Your scrolls and tremble in Your presence, in Jesus’ Name.