JULY 4 PRAYER CALL! 11:30pm EST with Jason Hubbard! Note time change. Conference call number: 641-715-3605 access code 552-690. Use *6 to mute/unmute. Invite your friends to join us. 

JULY 13-15 Join us Friday evening, Saturday evening, Sunday morning as God’s “burning lamp awakening” intensifies at Remnant Church, Brunswick GA! With Jamie and Redonnia Jackson.

With Jon & Jolene Hamill and Martin & Cindy Frankena
Foxchase Golf Course Banquet Hall, 300 Stevens Road, Stevens (Lancaster) PA.
Registration: $65 (including $15 catered lunch on Saturday)
To register on EventBrite CLICK HERE

From Washington to Washington, a Midnight Cry is going to resound this July 4 by the word of the Lord. Join us beginning at 11:30 pm EST. We’re going to make “key decrees.” We’re going to cry out in prayer. We’re going to thank God for freedom. And we’re going to celebrate the seventh anniversary of our covenant restoration with the Lord, when He “sevened” Himself to our land again.

“Want to pray together at midnight?” Jason Hubbard, director of the Light of the World Prayer Center in Bellingham, WA, texted me. “I think I heard the phrase, “Midnight Cry on the Fourth of July…” 

Midnight Cry on the Fourth of July. The phrase just resonated in my spirit. I immediately texted back YES. 

Then I thought about it. Sought Jolene’s advice. The answer was still yes. With the very intelligent caveat by my bride, “You go ahead, I might just be asleep.” 

That said, we look forward to joining with many of you for a sacred time of prayer. A Midnight Cry on the Fourth of July!

Our Nation—New Birth of Freedom
Seven years ago today, Jolene and I, along with our dear friend Abby Abildness of Hershey PA, brought together key leaders and intercessors for a moment of prayer at the Lincoln Memorial. Our mission was simple. To present the Lord Jesus Christ with the largely finished work of divorcing Baal at more than 10,000 altars of idolatry. We knew by the word of the Lord that this was required by Heaven’s Court to see governmental turnaround in our nation, including the move of awakening which God promised would sweep our land again. Katherine Watsey actually gave the word conveying this promise. 

We prayed that our response of obedience would be met with the satisfaction of Heaven’s Court, and that this divorce from our historic idolatry would be granted. We then presented the Lord with a Declaration of Covenant (below). Seeking covenant restoration with the Lord as a nation, asking God to marry the land again.  

And we also asked the Lord for a sign. Crack the hard shell of demonic resistance over Washington DC! This was prophesied by Rick Ridings in his “Nutcracker Vision” more than a decade beforehand. 

Awakening and Union
Previous to this moment, we literally walked out the “Nutcracker vision” in a prayer journey. We saw pressure being applied from the northeast and southeast to crack the nut. God gave us a crazy strategy. We were to pray onsite through all the primary Civil War battlefields in the South, as well as historic wells of awakening in the North, seeking the Lord for His movement of awakening and union. 

Paul and Cheryl Amabile led a team through the northern regions of the south. Vanessa Battle and Jacquie Tyre led a team through the southern regions. At the same time, Jolene and I led teams through the north, visiting the historic awakening wells of Jonathan Edwards, Charles Finney and Daniel Nash, DL Moody, and more. 

Gettysburg—Launching National Turnaround
We convened together to host a conference in Gettysburg, where the Civil War battle had been waged on July 1-3 exactly 150 years beforehand. Gettysburg is where the Civil War turned, and freedom and justice for all was secured. We were seeking the same. In a profound way this became our first turnaround conference.

Apostolic leaders John Benefiel, Negiel Bigpond and Harry Jackson joined us in Gettysburg, as well as Tom Schlueter, James Nesbit and many other prayer leaders with the HAPN and RPN networks. Apostle John, of course, was leading the movement to complete the divorcement of Baal, which began at the Call Nashville on 07-07-07. 

Their participation brought a level of authority and grace which was incredible. A corporate mantle formed for the healing of our land. 

Midnight Cry—New Birth of Freedom
It was actually in Gettysburg that the Declaration of Covenant was first presented to the Lord. The words from Lincoln’s Gettysburg Address were included in the Declaration, and prayed through onsite even as a re-enactment of the Battle was occurring.

It was Jason Hubbard who first directed me to these solemn words. He had a visitation about President Lincoln, and the simple plea which summed up our Midnight Cry for this hour.

“That this Nation, under God, shall have a NEW BIRTH OF FREEDOM; and that government of the people, by the people, and for the people shall not perish from the earth.”

On July 4 we sojourned from Gettysburg to the Lincoln Memorial in DC to formally present the Declaration of Covenant. God grant us a divorce from our historic idolatry. Take our hand in marriage again. Grant us a New Birth of Freedom.

And as a sign that You have granted our request—that the demands of Heaven’s Court have been satisfied—crack the hard shell of demonic resistance over Washington DC. 

Heaven’s Response
Most of you know the rest of the story. Exactly 50 days after we sought the Lord for this miracle, an earthquake measuring 5.8 on the Richter scale rocked Washington DC. Gargoyles toppled from the National Cathedral. The roof of a prominent temple of idolatry cracked, and their altar to Baal damaged. Even the Washington Monument cracked in the earthquake. 

Divorce granted! We knew the Lord had answered us. Even more importantly, the restoration of His covenant with us was granted.

Friends, I know in my spirit this became the legal foundation for the extraordinary turnaround we are now seeing in our land. A new birth of freedom is indeed at hand. No King but Jesus…

Below is the text of the Declaration of Covenant, presented to the Lord Jesus Christ seven years ago on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial. Be sure to read it carefully and pray through its contents. And lets shift together from the circle of Baal meant to confine us into the circle of God’s covenant love, provision, protection, and blessing. 

And again, remember the Midnight Cry on the Fourth of July, beginning at 11:30 pm. Covenant blessings to each of you!

When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political and spiritual bands which have connected them with another, and to seek and receive from their Creator both a Pardon and a re-constitution of Covenant with the Lord Jesus Christ, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to this dedication.

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness. And as an Act of Liberty, our Nation was covenanted to Jesus Christ, in the Presence of Holy Spirit, by women and men sent by Him to establish both community and governance for “the glory of God and the advancement of the Christian faith”—

And as successive generations, motivated by greed, compromised these Godly covenants–endorsing the subjugation of their brothers and sisters, both Host People and Immigrants; and embracing various forms of Baal worship, including Freemasonry and the occult—

Thereby yielding in part the corporate will of the people, in community and governance, to the influence of Baal and the consequential denial of justice, even to the unborn—

And whereas stewards of this Nation, rooted in the Land, appointed by God as repairers of the breach, have wholeheartedly repented of these sins, restored covenant, and have labored for a reprieve from the endless reproach these sins have brought upon this land and people—

Having sought and obtained from their Creator a Verdict of divorce from Baal, including the issuance of an everlasting Restraining Order and a Writ of Assistance for the restoration of all the Highest Court has granted as a covenantal right of Possession—and having throughout the year approached this Court with the same intent in every State of the Union, and in towns and cities therein, receiving the same verdict in favor of the saints;

We now, in the Presence of God, present ourselves before the Highest Court of the Kingdom of God, with the intent to re-consecrate this Nation according to the covenants made with Jesus Christ by our forefathers.

And with all solemnity and deference to Your Majesty, request that this Nation, as spoken by Isaiah and Hosea, might again be Married to the Lord, apart from all idols from which You have granted said divorce. And that Your Glory, the Presence and Power of Holy Spirit, might fully return and reside again in this land, releasing awakening, union and reformation. And that by this covenant renewal, as Abraham Lincoln articulated, our Nation, under God, might have a new birth of freedom. 

For consideration in this Petition, we present to You the Covenantal legacy of the Pilgrims, who on 11-11, 1620 committed the land and government to “the glory of God and the advancement of the Christian faith,” according to the Mayflower Compact. 

And we present to You the Covenantal legacy of the Huguenots who came to this land with the same intention—whose blood was spilled and mission aborted—whose founder died chanting Psalm 132, begging Your Majesty that this land would be a “dwelling place for the Mighty God of Jacob.”

And we present to You the original intent of many Host people of the Land—who agreed from the beginning that both ownership and stewardship belongs to their Creator and Father. Who sought with reverence to honor the Laws of Nature, and Nature’s God. To whom You endowed great wisdom, even to convey and implement principles of democratic governance that framed the United States Constitution.

And finally, we present to You the legacy of the Seed of Abraham, by which Your Covenant with Israel and Mankind has been perpetuated. Our gratitude is immeasurable that You have chosen to graft us into this Covenant—even, as Asher Intrater observed, the Pilgrims “saw themselves as a New Israel, a nation wholly covenanted with God.” To this end, we fully commit our covenantal stewardship to resource the dream of Your heart for Israel, the Jewish people, and for the nations. 

In the Name of God, Amen. Having undertaken, for the glory of God and the advancement of the Christian Faith, the sacred task of repairing our Nation’s founding covenants with our Creator; and having diligently and wholeheartedly sought forgiveness for breaches of said covenants, offensive to God and detrimental to mankind; we now solemnly and mutually, in the Presence of God and one another, combine these founding covenants as one Sacred Consecration of this land, the United States of America and all of its territories, to the Lord Jesus Christ. 

And to this combined Declaration of Covenant, and all of our founders’ intentions in establishing One Nation under God, with the witness of Heaven and Earth, we do add our agreement that this Land, its people and resources, be entirely consecrated to You. As You have engraved us in the palm of Your hand, we now ask for the Hand of God in marriage, unto whom we promise all submission and due obedience.

In witness whereof we have hereunto subscribed our names in Washington DC this 4th of July, 2011:

We, The Beloved of God, and The Lord of All, do by these present make known that we have on this 4th day of July, 2011, by solemn vow:

Covenanted to be forever bound to one another; I the Lord declare, “You will call me husband” (Hosea 2:16) “I will betroth you to Me forever. I will betroth you in righteousness and justice, in love and compassion. I will betroth you in faithfulness, and you will know the Lord” (Hosea 2:19, 20).

We, The Beloved of God, declare: “We acknowledge you alone.” (Hosea 2:20) “You are my God.” (Hosea 2:23) It is to you alone that we will be faithful. We will know no other. We, The Beloved of God, do acknowledge and declare: We betroth you in our righteousness and justice, in our love and compassion. It is You, our God, we betroth in faithfulness. We acknowledge You alone as our Bridegroom and our provider (Hosea 2:8). And we will at all times look to You—one with Your heart, in covenant with You for our land. And hereto do we make our sacred promise.


The Church, The Beloved of God

And I do receive it.


The Lord of All