Monday 8pm ET with Chris Mitchell, Jon & Jolene
MARCH 4, 8PM. SECURE YOUR SEATS! Given today’s unprecedented Supreme Court “turnaround verdict,” it is timely beyond anything we could have known in the natural. What is the Lord saying prophetically? Special broadcast with Chris Mitchell Jr, Jon & Jolene.
The broadcast will launch THE INAUGURATION PROJECT March 4 through Purim. From the historic date when the US Senate was first seated and America’s presidents were first inaugurated, I sense the Lord saying HE IS SEATING HIS PEOPLE IN A NEW WAY. The window opens to come up higher!
TURNAROUND TUESDAY NOTE: Monday night’s message will be rebroadcast.
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From Jon & Jolene’s YouTube Channel: @jonjolenehamill8335
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MARCH 4! MAKE A DONATION! Celebrate Jon’s birthday with a contribution towards Lamplighter’s work in Washington DC and the nation this year. Let’s see the Lord genuinely REDEEM AMERICA. To donate CLICK HERE:
SECURE THE SEAT. The word of the Lord has proven true. When the Lord spoke to us to launch an “Inauguration Project” on March 4, we had no idea that the US Supreme Court would release their decision today validating Trump’s right to be on Colorado’s ballot, and actually every state ballot. By unanimous decision. Unprecedented.
The only thing we actually knew about March 4 was that it was my birthday. At the time launching a prayer project today seemed a little arrogant, not to mention inconvenient. Now it all makes sense! So join us now through Purim, March 24, for what has already become a precedent-setting prayer project.
GOD IS SEATING NEW GOVERNMENT! Two weeks ago we announced the project with these words. Obviously the Supreme Court ruling clears many obstacles for Donald J. Trump to potentially secure the seat of the presidency. This fact will undoubtedly shape the future of our nation.
But beloved, what the Lord emphasized most is that He is seating many of His covenant people with Him, in a way similar to Elijah, Jeremiah, etc. And that our being seated with Him in heavenly places is paramount for America’s seats of government in the natural to be secured. Trump’s victory is all the more reason to partner with God NOW to secure your own seat for the future.
Want a confirmation? Most of you know that for the past month this very verdict had been given as a prayer focus to many leaders, Jolene and me included. The project took Mike and Cindy Jacobs inside the Supreme Court for the Colorado hearing. We prayed at a distance. It also took us to South Florida to pray. The Lord then spoke to us about the significance of March 4 this year, directing us to launch the Inauguration Project to secure our seats for the national turnaround the Lord intends to give.
And on March 4, by a unanimous decision by the Supreme Court, Trump is back on the ballot.
“SECURE YOUR SEAT—GOD IS SEATING A NEW GOVERNMENT.” IF God can do it for President Trump He can do it for you. Join us tonight!