MAJOR ANNOUNCEMENT WEDNESDAY! Special Prayer Call the night before National Day of Prayer. Conference call number: (605) 313-5156 access code 552-690. Use *6 to mute/unmute. Invite your friends to join us!

Turn the Tables! Daily communion through Pentecost. 

GLORY WEEKEND MICHIGAN! May 3-5, Gateway Hope Center, Jon and Jolene with Pastor Ed Watts, Flint MI. More info CLICK HERE.

MAY 7-22 JERUSALEM, ISRAEL| MAY 22-27 ENGLAND, WALES                                                                                                                                                                                                                

FANEUIL HALL JULY 22! Big news ahead. Save the date! 

GLORY TRAIN OFFERING! Sowing into Israel & England Tour, Glory Train launch at Fanueil Hall. We are believing God for $22,000 between 4-22 and 7-22. Only $16,000 to go! Lets stand together to receive His miracle provision. To contribute please CLICK HERE.

STORM WARNING. Together we are now confronting the storm of anti-semitism. And it’s more prevalent in America than we understood.

In light of Saturday’s shooting at a San Diego synagogue, it is amazing that the National Day of Prayer converges Thursday with Yom HaShoah, or Holocaust Remembrance Day. The theme of the National Day of Prayer this year is especially appropriate—what a time to “Love One Another!” 

God is making a deliberate, unmistakeable point through this convergence. Alongside our Jewish brothers and sisters, our united plea remains the same. Never again. And we stand together.

On the National Day of Prayer I am honored to be be participating in a special White House ceremony with many friends and colleagues. We are grateful for Paula White and Todd Lamphere for their invitation and, more importantly, for their ceaseless efforts to usher prayer, love and the embrace of Judeo-Christian values into the halls of governance of America. We strongly encourage you to participate in events locally and nationally. It’s a key day to unite and TURN THE TABLES!

Storm of Anti-Semitism
During Revolution 2018—actually on the 77th anniversary of our entryway into World War II at the Trump Int’l—the expression of God’s freedom movement entrusted to us was commissioned at His command. We knew then that we were called to confront in prayer a global storm of anti-semitism similar to WWII. 

The resurgence has been clear in France and throughout Europe especially. But few have associated anti-semitism with America. Even fewer have moved beyond the obvious threats of foreign jihadists to see how embedded this resurgence seems to be in the heart of our nation. 

Then came Pittsburgh. And Passover 2019. 

This past Saturday, congregants in the Chabad synagogue in Poway CA were gathered for shabbat on the final day of Passover. It happened to be the six-month anniversary of the Pittsburgh shooting. Few realized this except, perhaps, the 19 year-old gunman who stormed the sanctuary with an assault rifle.

The shooting left one dead and three injured. In a miracle amidst the tragedy, the gunman’s rifle jammed, preventing a much greater massacre. A heroic border protection agent returned fire and chased him out of the building. This agent had just started attending the synagogue after discovering his own Jewish roots. 

Note the horrific synagogue shootings in Pittsburgh and San Diego were not instigated by radical jihadist terror networks. Instead both were carried out by white supremacists. It makes you wonder where the greatest threat actually is. 

No matter what, only a united front of prayer, love and deliberate action can counter this storm of anti-semitism as well as racism in all forms. WE ARE IN THIS TOGETHER.

Freedom Movement—Israel, England, Wales, Philadelphia
And we need to gain inspiration from the forefathers of our freedom to see God’s movement in this hour fully re-constituted. That’s a large part of what this upcoming ministry tour is all about.

Shortly after the National Day of Prayer and Yom HaShoah, we launch into Israel, England and Wales to further “frame” this freedom movement through a season of consecration and reconstitution. 

In Israel we’ll be participating in Independence Day celebrations, as well as the first anniversary of the opening of the US Embassy in Jerusalem. Then we will be ministering and receiving commissioning prayer for the Glory Train. Really it’s a reconstitution of God’s freedom movement, beginning with the essential building block of His Cornerstone from Zion.

On May 22, we journey from Israel for our first time in England. We will visit the threshold where the Pilgrims departed across the waters to launch what became the freedom movement birthing our nation. Another vital building block to Zion’s cornerstone!

We then journey to Wales. And for the first time we will visit the Bible College of Wales, established by Rees Howells. Most of you know how God assigned this legendary intercessor to watch and pray over the freedom movement of his hour—specifically to turn the tide of  the antichrist, anti-semitic dictatorship of World War II! The united intercession of Howells and his bible college also helped catalyze the rebirth of Israel immediately afterwards. 

We were surprised to discover Dutch Sheets will be ministering in Wales at exactly the same time!

For years we have called our tribe to intercession from the extraordinary example of Rees Howells. Countering the spirit of this age just as Rees Howells broke through in World War II. We are so eager to experience another place of sacred commissioning for the freedom movement of this hour. Another sacred building block for the reconstitution of this movement!

And immediately after we arrive home, we gathering in Philadelphia with Jamie Fitt over Pentecost. The Jubilee Philadelphia gathering will also feature Chuck Pierce, Ed Watts, Chris Mitchell and many more. Jamie is putting up a tent on Independence Mall, just steps away from where the Declaration of Independence and the US Constitution were signed. Amazingly, it is also steps away from the oldest US synagogue continually in operation. 

It’s called Mikveh Israel. 

Mikveh Israel. A baptism movement for our consecration to God in this new freedom movement. That about sums it up! Just another sign that step by step, the Lord is establishing the re-constitution of His freedom movement on a global level and a national level. With all of this being preparation for what is immediately ahead. 

We are glad to be making this journey together! Please remember to receive the Table of the Lord daily during this time. And remember to keep Jolene and me in fervent prayer. The covenant blessing of the Lord be upon you. No King but Jesus!

Jon & Jolene

PS. Please consider a gift to Lamplighter today, sowing into God’s freedom movement! We are only $16,000 away from our goal. To contribute please CLICK HERE.