TONIGHT! ROSH HASHANAH PRAYER CALL 9pm EST. Conference call number: 641-715-3605 access code 552-690. Use *6 to mute/unmute. Invite your friends to join us. 

TONIGHT! ROSH HASHANAH IN TOPEKA! Glory Train Topeka with Sandy Newman. Tree of Life Fellowship—historic home of Charles Parham’s ministry—335 SW Jackson Street, Topeka KS. Join us where Holy Spirit fell and the Pentecostal movement was birthed!

SEPT. 21-22 GLORY TRAIN KANSAS CITY! Closing out Rosh Hashanah with Randy & Kelsey Bohlender and the Jackmans. Sept. 21, Multi-Purpose Room, IHOP-KC, 3535 Red Bridge Road, Kansas City MO. Sept. 22 Hillcrest Church, Prairie Village KS.


REVOLUTION 2017, Museum of the Bible, Washington DC
Over Hanukkah—December 14-16, 2017
Mark your calendars! Speakers, details to be announced. Tickets are selling quickly.  Limited seating potential so make plans now to join us.

First—on the eve of Rosh Hashanah yesterday, two human shofars sounded to the world. President Trump and Prime Minister Netanyahu took on the UN—and won. 

Both made incredible speeches that jolted the diplomatic elite and resounded a call to freedom from dictators and tyrants endangering their nations and our world. Just as before WWII, the doctrine of appeasement from previous administrations has again seduced the global diplomatic community. Trump and Netanyahu have sobered us up. I have long said that they both are carrying the torch of Churchill for this hour, and yesterday their lights burned bright. 

Thanks to all who have been praying. And thanks to President Trump, UN Secretary Nikki Haley, Secretary of State Rex Tillerson, and their staff for summoning the courage to speak truth in a way that stemmed the tide of evil. 

Or at least revealed it.

Second—as I write, Hurricane Maria is striking Puerto Rico. Lets continue praying for people its path, as well as victims of the devastating 7.1 earthquake in Mexico City. More than 200 have died. 

Mama Bunny Warlen told me that a 3.8 magnitude earthquake rocked Illinois, Indiana and Kentucky yesterday—the three states we had just ministered in before traveling to Topeka. Apparently it was the strongest quake in years. 

I don’t believe there were any injuries. But God is definitely awakening His people and getting our attention!

Book of Life is Opened
Which brings us to Rosh Hashanah and Yom Teruah today. The shofars will resound, marking our shift into the Hebrew year 5778. Jewish tradition holds that today the Book of Life is open before God’s throne, and His verdict for each person is “penciled in” for the coming year. During the ten “Days of Awe” between now and Yom Kippur, we have an open invitation from Heaven’s Court to seek a better verdict from His throne through seeking His face, repentance, reconciliation and intentional giving before His verdict is sealed on Yom Kippur,

This emphasis seems especially vital for America this year. Why? We are in a “Teshuvah Year” where a solar eclipse across our nation has marked exactly 40 days before Yom Kippur— the Day of National Atonement, the holiest day of the year in Jewish tradition. 

It is amazing how this 40 day season has been marked with hurricanes, earthquakes, fires, etc. We have literally been through the fire and been through the flood! As pictured in Isaiah 4, it’s God’s intention to draw us into His tabernacle of protection and glory as we align again with His heart and covenant.

“If We Just Do What God Told Us to Do…”
You Cannot Make This Up!

Here’s a secret to encourage you. Something incredible happened on the hill yesterday at the geographic center of our nation as we prayed for His bridal canopy to form. DeeAnn Ward had asked for a sign the Lord had heard us. Almost immediately farmer who owned a field nearby came to check on the site. What are you doing? 

We shared that we were praying for our nation. To our profound amazement, he encouraged us not to neglect praying for Donald Trump. This field owner in the center of the nation then told us, “If we just do what God told us to do, He will do what He promised to do.”

The King was literally in the field yesterday. And we had just finished doing exactly what He had told us to do. That said, during these 10 Days of Awe lets obey the voice of the King. Lets press in together to receive a better verdict than what we deserve. Tabernacles. 5778. Bridal canopy. Glory restored. His kind invitation for us must be honored and received as we approach the Highest Court. Lets realign. LETS RECEIVE A BETTER VERDICT!

Jolene Dream—Shofar Sounds for Revival and Judgement!
That said, Jolene had a series of dreams two mornings ago where the shofar literally sounded. They convey warnings of coming storms, they call for repentance and reconciliation, and they convey that revival is now at hand. From Jolene:

I had a series of three dreams as I slept at our hotel in Springfield Illinois. The first two were personal, but put the last dream in context for the interpretation. 

In the last dream, Jon and I are in a large building, kind of like a huge barn. The sides of the building were open like the flaps of a tent. There were very few people in the building with us. A storm or hurricane of some kind is brewing outside the building. We began to hit a switch that brought the sides of the building into place, similar to a garage door that rolled down.

Everyone was concerned that the elements would get inside the building from the outside. I was very concerned about the garage doors  closing off the building and instructed everyone to leave an opening for a doorway into the building. 

At this time pastors from a former season, as well as key intercessors from their church, came into our building and began to set up a worship event. Although the feeling in the dream was to “batten down the hatches” due to impeding weather, instead I felt the wisdom from the Lord to leave a doorway open even to past relationships and ministries that the Lord could be leading you to interact with again. 

Prevailing Victory
In the barn I could hear a young worship leader I know playing the guitar and singing and many people streamed into the building. His name literally means “Victory for the people.” This seems to go with a word the Lord gave me at the RPN gathering in Dallas that the Lord is bringing “Prevailing Victory.” 

I knew in the dream that this young man carried the sound of Revival and he was an integral part of what God was doing. I was also glad that the doorway had been left opened so that all these people could come in and find not only shelter from the storm but the presence of God that emanates from our friend’s worship. 

The Shofar Sounds for Revival and Judgement
The next scene of the dream I hear the sound of a shofar. I knew that the season was here for two different sounds to come forth. One was the sound of an alarm that would be a warning for people that the time was up and pending judgement was coming! And the other was the blast of the revival horn that it was time to gather for the prophesied revival. I knew in my spirit that it was the same shofar sound, but the effect would be different according to people’s life decisions and their response.

Revival and judgement are at hand! Wake up! Wake up! Even in the natural I woke up at that point.  

Jon’s note: this dream is so key. We will face challenges. But the Lord longs to give us a shelter from the storm, and revival in His shelter! That said, give yourselves to seeking God’s face, repentance, reconciliation, and generosity in giving. Again, even now we personally and corporately are being invited to receive a better verdict from God’s throne!

SEPT. 20 ROSH HASHANAH IN TOPEKA! Glory Train Topeka with Sandy Newman. Tree of Life Fellowship—historic home of Charles Parham’s ministry—335 SW Jackson Street, Topeka KS. Join us where Holy Spirit fell and the Pentecostal movement was birthed!

SEPT. 21-22 GLORY TRAIN KANSAS CITY! Closing out Rosh Hashanah with Randy & Kelsey Bohlender and Becky Jackman. Sept. 21, Multi-Purpose Room, IHOP-KC, 3535 Red Bridge Road, Kansas City MO. Sept. 22 Hillcrest Church, Prairie Village KS.

SEPT. 24 Glory Train Albuquerque! 10am, 7pm Glorybound Ministries, Albuquerque NM

OCT. 1 RADIANCE CHURCH HOLLYWOOD CA—Burn service with Jonathan & Sharon Ngai.

OCT. 4 TABERNACLES! Glory Train San Diego, Skyline Church, San Diego CA