With Jon & Jolene Hamill, Martin & Cindy Frankena, Foxchase Golf Course, Stevens PA. To register on EventBrite CLICK HERE

KEEP THE FIRE BURNING! Please consider investing in Lamplighter today. Help us share Christ’s heart and word in real-time, releasing God’s breakthrough from Washington to Washington to Jerusalem! CLICK HERE TO CONTRIBUTE. 

“Either Jesus is coming soon, or He’s just not paying attention!”

Ever felt that way? This astute observation by Jolene was one of the few yet-unpublished revelations from the Circle of Covenant prayer project. So just for authenticity’s sake I thought I’d share it now. It kind of sums up our hour. 

Anyone who knows Jolene knows she sometimes struggles with aspects of her calling. Like the time right after she rededicated her life to Christ, where she felt the Lord asking her to give something up for Him. Boyfriends, I think. She joked to Him, “Lord I’m breaking up with you.” To which He spoke directly back, “That’s okay, I’m still calling you!”

History records that Jesus totally followed through on that promise. In the words of Jolene, it was God’s way… or God’s way eventually:-)

What is God calling you to do? For 2018, one thing is clear. He wants your lamps—of covenant, devotion, intimacy, purpose—to shine. 

Time to Shine
In our book Midnight Cry, we prophesied that the time between 2018-2020 would be marked by a “burning lamp awakening.” Matthew 25 brings a picture of this. A midnight crisis causes what could only be termed a contraction even in the prayer movement, to the extent all but a few fall asleep while the Bridegroom delays. 

As Jolene said, “Either Jesus is coming soon… or He’s just not paying attention!”

The meager number who remain vigilant on their watch eventually receive signals from Heaven of a midnight turnaround. They become the riders, the forerunners, announcing His new move. 

Behold the Bridegroom. He’s coming. Rise up to meet Him!

At the sound of this movement, the bride and her party all awaken. They trim their lamps and go out to meet the Bridegroom. A burning lamp awakening! 

This movement is beginning to take hold even now. It’s time for you to shine. 

Two Priorities
Two overarching mandates were given by the Lord as we move into 2018-2020. First, He wants or lamps to be restored to the full brightness of devotion to Him. Remember how Jesus warned that our lampstands could be removed if we did not return to our first love!  

Friends, we don’t want to be “Lamplighter” in name only. Our first priority is that our Lampstand, personally and corporately, burns brightly to Washington DC in this tumultous hour. And we want to see your lamps lit and blazing as well! 

The closer you get to the fire, the more you’re going to burn. Yes it’s a midnight hour. And it’s time to draw close to Jesus again. 

The second priority emphasized by Holy Spirit for the year is that it’s time to invest in oil. Remember, half the bridal party didn’t make it to the wedding because their supply of oil did not see them through. They were on a “midnight ride” to Sheetz or 7-11 or Exxon when the window of opportunity shut. 

Only the wise made it through. Because they invested in reserves.

What will cause your lamp to continue burning through the midnight hour? Invest now in oil. There are two ways to do this. first, by pursuing all the Holy Spirit has for you in intimacy, revelation, direction and empowerment. Gain the oil of the Spirit!

The second way to gain oil is to invest your tangible resources to gain what the Lord promises to you through this divine transaction. An open heaven. The devourer rebuked. A perpetual flow of revelation and provision. “Store up for yourselves treasures in Heaven!” Jesus admonishes. And in the midnight hour, you will see a flow of provision in the Spirit and natural to see you through to His desired end. Not by might, nor by power, but by My Spirit, says the Lord.

2020 Vision
Let me make one final point. Jesus grants power to gain wealth to establish the covenant He swore to our forefathers. The flame God has entrusted to Lamplighter, and to many other ministries, is a covenant flame. This is no more important than right now, as we move towards 2020 and the 400th anniversary of the moment which both birthed and defined America’s covenant with God. “In the presence of God and one another,” the Pilgrims wrote the Mayflower Compact and committed our land and government to “God’s glory and the advancement of the Christian faith.” 

Friends, our nation does not belong to the globalists, to the powerbrokers, to idolatry-empowered pharaohs who seek to subjugate the world for their dark purposes. Our nation belongs to Jesus Christ. Our covenant with Him has been restored. And it’s now time for His covenant flame to shine. A burning lamp awakening!

Jolene and I have devoted our ministry to seeing this ancient covenant restored in order to redefine our future. In this pursuit we’ve traversed all 50 states, from the plains of the heartland to the revival wells of New England, the ghettos of Philadelphia, the islands of Washington, the towers of New York City and the highest halls of power in Washington DC. The Lord has met us. The turnaround has taken hold. This covenant flame is impacting our government. And we are advancing again!

Remember, Jesus said that if your eye is single your body will be full of light. Lamplighter family, it’s time to obtain 2020 vision once again. Man wants you to focus on a president, but God wants you to focus on a King. And He wants this next phase of governmental turnaround to be fully released and embraced. A burning lamp awakening. 

Jesus is calling you. And it’s time for you to shine. Covenant blessings to each of you!

Please consider investing in Lamplighter Ministries today! We are believing God for $12,000. Praying continually that all donations be met by the Lord in a release of perpetual provision on your behalf. Oil in the Spirit, covenant wealth in the natural! Your donations are vital as we move towards upcoming Rome to Jerusalem tour. More on this soon! CLICK HERE TO CONTRIBUTE.