CALL TONIGHT! 9pm EST. Conference call number: (605) 313-5156 access code 552-690. Use *6 to mute/unmute. Invite your friends to join us! 

REVOLUTION 2019-2020, December 29-31, Trump International Hotel. With Dutch Sheets, Cindy Jacobs, Chris Mitchell Jr, Jamie & Redonnia Jackson, Gideon Group, more. REGISTRATION: $120 before Oct. 16, $150 after Oct. 16. To register on Eventbrite CLICK HERE. 

TRACKS OF GLORY, DAYS OF AWE! Glory Train is rolling! Dutch Sheets joins in Georgia and Florida! For schedule CLICK HERE.

“The future does not belong to globalists!” President Trump intoned at the United Nations yesterday, after making an unprecedented, revolutionary stand at the United Nations against global religious persecution. 

“The future does not belong to Trump!” Came the immediate reply. “Impeach!”

Please read this posting with care. Alot is being conveyed. Our nation was founded on checks and balances. Our freedom is preserved by it. I am absolutely committed to accountability from within government and from journalism, the fourth estate. That said, the vitriol and harassment against this administration by the radicalized left in both government and the media is so far beyond the boundaries it has become dictatorial in nature and intention. And it’s tearing at the very fabric of our constitutional governance. 

Note that virtually every manufactured scandal—the years-long Mueller Investigation, Kavanaugh, etc—has been proven to be without substance at best, and absolute lies at worst. Further, we discovered the crimes of many accusers were actually worse than the allegations against the accused.

Please note I am not condoning the alleged direction of President Trump’s conversation with the President of the Ukraine. But neither am I condemning it. Especially after reading the text of the conversation in context, it seems that Trump was actually responding to the Ukraine President’s inquiries on many of the subjects in question. Perhaps I would have advised greater discretion. But like most Americans I do not in any way believe it constitutes an impeachable offense.

And beloved the perpetual allegations of scandal need to be resisted regardless of your political affiliation. If for no other reason than that power in Washington will inevitably change, and unless stopped here the tactics of overt destabilization will only perpetuate. 

What is God Saying? Isaiah 6
What’s God saying in the midst of all this chaos? I want to direct your attention to two aspects. It was in Israel this May that the Lord re-emphasized Isaiah 6 for our time. “In the year King Uzziah died I saw the Lord, seated on a Throne, lofty and exalted, with the train of His robe filling the temple.” Just as with Isaiah’s day, I knew we had entered a year of governmental shaking. And as with Isaiah’s day, God is unveiling His unshakeable Throne.

This message expanded exponentially upon landing in London, England. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu announced he was unable to form a coalition government, and new elections were needed. We might just see another repeat in the near future.

Meanwhile, at about the same time UK Prime Minister Theresa May announced her resignation. The highest seats of authority were shaking. At the pulpit of London apostle Betty King I prophesied a year of governmental shaking at the highest level for Israel, England, and America. I prophesied that during this time the Lord would be restoring His governmental glory to these covenant nations—with an unveiling of the majesty of our King, seated on the Throne. Holy, Holy, Holy is the Lord of hosts! The awe of God will be restored. The respect due His Name will resound in government and culture once again. And multitudes will awaken to their need of the Savior as an anointing of holy conviction again sweeps these three nations. 

That’s the core directive of the Glory Train by the way. The release of God’s governmental glory. So looking forward to resuming this journey through Georgia and Florida.

What’s God Saying? 2020 Elections
OK I’ve been sitting on this for a while. During one of the Glory Train services with Emma Stark in early September, I saw a vision. I have held it, pondered it, prayed into it, and sense to release a brief overview today.

In the vision a bridge to the White House appeared. I walked across the bridge and went tentatively through an open door. The At that moment the Lord spoke to me clearly, “I keep moving to open doors you keep trying to shut!” The rebuke was substantive given details I won’t go into. But I wholeheartedly repented!

In the vision President Trump was at the top of crimson stairs in his private residence, kneeling as if praying and pondering. It seemed he was inviting me to enter into prayer. His hands were on a miniature sculpture of the Capitol. Interestingly, it was brown.

In the vision I questioned, “Was President Trump seeking to reshape the Capitol?” Immediately the word of the Lord came, “What I desire to do next in this nation requires peace between the two offices!” 

This prophetic perception is a direct reference to Zechariah 6:13.  “Yes, it is He who will build the temple of the Lord, and He who will bear the honor and sit and rule on His throne. Thus, He will be a priest on His throne, and the counsel of peace will be between the two offices.”

But I also knew intuitively the Lord was speaking about sweep in the 2020 elections which would give Trump’s political party the majority in both the House and Senate. 

I was frankly astonished. Friends, if you know Jolene and me, we are governmental but we are definitely not political. No King but Jesus! So for this prophetic perception to even cross my mind was totally out of my box. I sensed in this experience as well as in the Isaiah 6 experience that the Lord is shaking the highest seats of authority across the political spectrum, bringing much needed correction and redemptive exposure.  But in this experience I also sensed one particular party had so openly defied the Lord, in word and in deed, that He was ready to bring the gavel fully down. 

I asked the Lord why the Capitol was brown. The Lord’s voice was clear. “In 2020 brown wins!” 

Brown. The color represents humility. It also represents people of color. Black people, Native Americans, Hispanics, Asians, Indians. Various shades of brown. And in 2020, BROWN WINS. If you politicos want a key to victory, there it is.

Finally the vision shifted, and I was looking over Capitol Hill. I saw a back door open from the Senate to the Supreme Court. A person walked from one building to the next. Then the entirety of the area became a giant womb. A beautiful child was within the membrane of this womb, sucking his or her thumb. I knew this represented the prevailing of LIFE over the covenant with death and hell which empowered abortion in America. 

Genuine Teshuvah Secures a Better Verdict
Friends, the thrones of the nations are shaking. Not a coincidence we are entering into the TESHUVAH season of Rosh Hashanah and the Days of Awe. I’ll leave you with this for today. Remember that Heaven’s Court is open and accessible in an unusual way during this season. This Jewish tradition has proven absolutely true experientially. The Lord is perceived as penciling in His verdict for each human, as well as for institutions and nations, over Rosh Hashanah. During the days between Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur, we have an opportunity to obtain a better verdict  for the year by seeking God in repentance, reconciliation, and giving. Then at the close of Yom Kippur, the Day of National Atonement, Heaven’s verdict is sealed.

I am calling our Lamplighter family to this season of TESHUVAH, beginning NOW. Looking forward to our call tonight. Covenant blessings to each of you.