Ignite America in Campbellsville KY! There are several longstanding prophecies from Henry Blackaby and others about awakening igniting on the campus. Please continue to pray, we are standing for breakthrough!

Greetings from Ignite America! The gathering is off to a strong start. Ray Hughes sparked a slow burn in the depth of our beings last night, simply by telling a few stories.

One statement changed my life. The Kentucky statesman told how his father was a well-digger. “One day I looked into a well,” he intoned, “and I saw the blue sky. That’s when I realized that HEAVEN IS IN THE WELLS!”

Heaven is in the wells. That explains so much of God’s ministry in this hour! Uncapping the sacred wells where Heaven’s deposit once changed the nation and world, and seeing these wells re-constituted for this generation.

There’s a rushing stream breaking forth in the land. You’ll get your nutrients, your strength from this river. Ancient pain will be dislodged in a moment by its currents. And once this river begins to flow, it will never lose power—even when it’s moving inside you!

Drink deeply my friends. See how this river cleanses you and strengthens you, from the outside in and even from the inside out.

Georgia—Powerful Release
Today and tomorrow I want to share with you some of the extraordinary expressions released from God’s heart last week in Brunswick, Georgia. Something’s going on. Over the past month, from Berne NY to “Burning Wick,” our own meetings have been uniquely marked by a spirit of revival. We’ve heard this from others as well.

Glory! Literally. It felt like we could have easily stepped into extended meetings. We’ve been praying for this movement for decades, and now we’re beginning to see the precious release we’ve all dreamed of.

Fresh Move of Baptism
And it’s coming like a river. One of the first things the Lord showed last week is how a fresh move of baptism is coming.

Remember this is the year of the “Mantle in the Whirlwind”—a double portion of the anointing carried by Elijah and John the Baptist. We were in prayer Thursday evening for the Crown & Throne School when I saw a vision. A crystal clear river was flowing, shining, and people by the thousands were streaming to it. Kind of like Ocean City on a hot summer day!

Most who came near simply became silhouetted by the glory of its brilliance. For this reason, I couldn’t see with my eyes who was black, who was white, asian or hispanic. I just knew every tribe, tongue and nation was there together being baptized.

I then “felt” the Lord thundering, “Sanctify My river for My next move of baptism! The Angel of the Lord is again being released to stir the waters.”

John 5 chronicles how the Angel of the Lord would be released at kairos times into the waters of the Pool of Bethsaida. When the angel stirred the waters, the first one in got healed!

Press to the Edge of Your Miracle!
I’m not going to get into this passage now, except to point out two principles. First, it’s important to note that those who received these miracles were not passive, but instead were very intentional in their pursuit. They knew the kairos time. They lined up and waited for the waters to be stirred, and jumped fully into the fresh move of God!

Like them, you must press through to the very edge of the miracle you want to receive.

Secondly, you need to know that the angels of the Lord are again being released to stir the waters and bring healing! Watch how this angelic release gains even more momentum beginning this September. Sanctify My river for My next move of baptism!

We saw a foretaste of this Saturday evening during the school. I didn’t say anything about these things to Jolene. But Saturday night she  prophesied something very unusual for her. She called people who needed healing to come to the altar and dance into their breakthrough. So many came to the altar, and received instant healing!

Baptism of Deliverance, Deliverance in Baptisms
Beloved, for years we have been calling for the heavens to open. We have been summoning the deep wells of awakening to spring forth. We are facing a deluge from the enemy. But I am compelled to bear witness that God’s covenant wells are now bubbling up! His river is beginning to move. Cleansing rivers are beginning to flow, and God wants you to prepare now to step into the waters that He is beginning to stir!

One final thing. Years ago the Lord spoke to us about this move. He said, “I am bringing a baptism of deliverance and deliverance in My baptisms!” This coming cleansing of the body of Christ will be more than superficial; its waters will penetrate through to the core of our being.

You know that dormant seeds become activated at the touch of water. Watch how this move of baptism becomes a key catalyst for harvest in this hour! And as we step into the waters, so will the multitudes.

Special thanks to Pastors Jamie and Redonnia Jackson, and Pray Georgia leaders Lynn and Ed Alderson. We love being on your team!