Call Tonight—Open Line 

Open Line! 9PM ET Lamplighter Call
Open line tonight as Jon & Jolene are traveling. (425) 436-6287 access code 552-690. Use *6 to mute/unmute. Invite your friends to join us. Pre-broadcast prayer at 8:45pm! 

FIRST—WE ARE GRATEFUL FOR ALL WHO GENEROUSLY PARTICIPATED in year-end giving these past few weeks. Thank you! As we move towards our biggest, most significant year yet for Washington DC and the nation, we’re about halfway towards our original goal of $24,000. Which is amazing! 

That said, as with many projects, this one will be carried over into 2024 as we launch the Redeem America Project as well as continuing to bless Israel. 

SECOND—PLEASE CONTINUE TO KEEP WATCH over Israel and the Mideast. Recently the IDF took out a Hamas kingpin in Lebanon. As a result, war cries have only intensified since the new year, especially on the northern border. 

THIRD—PLEASE PRAY ALSO FOR IRAN. Though I detest the nation’s terrorist activity against Israel, my heart very much aches over the senseless terrorism suffered by Iran yesterday. Two massive bombs were detonated as crowds descended on the tomb of Qasem Soleimani, killing at least 103 people and wounding more than 140 others. Amidst the heartbreak of this tragedy, please for those who lost family and loved ones. 

It’s important to note that horrendous terror attacks against random civilians is NEVER the methodology of either Israel or the United States. Homegrown Iranian networks are suspected. 

Finally, live from a Southwest flight, here’s a word that you should keep in mind through all of 2024. But especially now. Deep dives bring safe landings!

On 12-22-23, I had a series of weighty, significant dreams. In the first, the Lord showed we are entering a kairos time of answered prayer. At a level that’s almost unimaginable. Both in quantity, quality with depth of comprehensiveness. This is great news! Although some of these answers, such as redemptive exposure for the body of Christ and the nation, are already creating shaking at an incredible magnitude. As the Lord showed Jolene, we are going to have to walk through challenging repercussions as well as weighty blessings of many of our answered prayers.

In the second dream Jolene and I were on a plane headed to San Diego. Right side of the plane, I had the window seat. The captain came on and lightly, confidently said there is a lot of very strong turbulence ahead as we approach San Diego. Please put your seatbelt on and settle in. 

It seemed at the time like we were a long way away, even halfway across the nation, and yet the turbulence was immediately below us as we descend through the final leg to land in San Diego. But the pilot never told us this.

Wait—We’re Floating—Nose First!
Then the plane suddenly seemed to begin to float, as if the engines were off. It gently glided downward and the sense of gravity gave way. We were virtually weightless. Then it seemed like we were plunging almost straight down, nose first in some sort of circular pattern. I heard Holy Spirit say, “Look out the window and enjoy the sensations because you’re having a rare, once in a lifetime experience that civilians rarely get.”

The plane then leveled out, and glided safely and smoothly in for a perfect landing into a perfect, cloudless San Diego day. The whole experience was awe and wonder!

Sharing the Two Dreams… In the Dream
In the dream I then shared the two dreams with a restless, inattentive audience. I sincerely hope that’s not you. PAY ATTENTION! 

We were gathered in a small auditorium we were using for prayer. The worship playlist was way too loud one moment, and way too soft the next. In the dream I got up to share the dream. The group got a lot out of first dream, and we all felt God’s tangible presence while sharing about sudden season of answered prayers.

Then in the dream I began to speak about the airplane dream. As the crisis culminated with a huge answer to prayer, it was huge confirmation. The pilot had the wisdom to evade most of the turbulence by going low, and we landed safely.

Even in the dream, there was much more spiritual warfare or intensity surrounding the second dream. It was far harder to keep their attention. I had to ask for the music volume to be turned down and for private conversations to cease, praying the whole time. 

For 2024—Deep Dives Bring Safe Landings
Here’s the essence of the message that provoked such challenge. For 2024, deep dives are going to bring safe landings. At times God as pilot will resort to unusual measures to protect His people. In this case, powering down the engines and forcing the plane quickly down avoided a violent, turbulent storm that would have likely caused us all to crash!

God Resides on High, and with the Lowly
Prophetically, you and I were made to soar. This year especially! Yet the God who dwells on high makes His other residence with the lowly. 

For this is what the high and exalted One Who lives forever, whose name is Holy, says: “I dwell in a high and holy place, And also with the contrite and lowly of spirit In order to revive the spirit of the lowly, and to revive the heart of the contrite.” (Isaiah 57:15).

Cool Your Jets and Go Low
As we have been prophesying since the fall fasts, we are in an extended “teshuvah season” where it is far safer to take the plunge, fall on our knees and humble ourselves than to valiantly confront storms or even stormy persons. Beware that, this year especially, atmospheric turbulence can suddenly surround people, movements and regions. 

Dear friends, from the outset of 2024 I would advise you that even when people refuse to honor your God-given stature or position, take the higher ground by bowing low. Choose to humble yourself in the sight of the Lord and let Him vindicate you His way, in His time. 

In other words—cool your jets, hotheads. Go low. Just had to throw that in because the plane imagery seemed so fitting.  

Corporately, in the midst of extraordinary turbulence, exposure and shaking in this hour, lets embrace teshuvah. Lets forgive. Joel 2 is a great model. It is worth studying. As an aside we are grateful for the pioneer intercessory missionaries at IHOPKC this week who are embracing this call. As the Apostle Peter admonishes, repent and return (teshuvah!) so that your sins may be washed away, so that kairos times of refreshing may come from the presence of the Lord! (Acts 3:19).