“For through the hard places a cry will come forth in this nation, and the flood of My Spirit will not cease.” Lynnie Harlow—from our book “Midnight Cry”


PRAYER CALL TONIGHT! 9pm EST. Conference call number: 641-715-3605 access code 552-690. Use *6 to mute/unmute. Invite your friends to join us!

MIDNIGHT CRY ABILENE! Friday-Saturday, January 18-20, Gold Monarch Healing Center, Abilene TX. Please note our first-ever Midnight Cry conference moves us directly into the “third year moment” marked by a blood moon. Such an important gathering! For more information click http://goldmonarchhealingcenter.com

THIS SUNDAY—MIDNIGHT CRY PRAYER CALL! January 20, 11pm-12:12am. With Mario Bramnick, Jamie & Redonnia Jackson, Connie Wilson and more. Lets watch and pray together through the blood moon and the beginning of President Trump’s third year in office! Conference call number: 641-715-3605 access code 552-690. Use *6 to mute/unmute. Invite your friends to join us!

Washington DC is beautiful in the snow. I am remembering how we ended our call Sunday evening with an impassioned plea for mercy. “Come now, let us reason together, says the Lord. Though your sins are as scarlet, they will be white as snow!” 

Blanket Washington with your mercy, Lord, like snow from heaven. Bring a turnaround to the midnight crisis of this government shutdown. Stop the party-imposed blockade. Bring them back to the table. “Come let us reason together!” Our nation depends on it. 

I am so looking forward to our conference call tonight. It is more and more clear to me that we are entering into a season shown to us by the Lord a few years ago. The season of the Midnight Cry. 

Blood Moon at Midnight—Sign of the Midnight Cry
I don’t know about you, but when a blood moon appears at exactly 12:12am Sunday, on the third anniversary of Donald Trump’s inauguration as well as Martin Luther King Day, I’ll just say the Lord has my attention. Especially after the Lord highlighted over New Years Eve the Daniel 10 passage recording how, in the third year of Cyrus, a breakthrough message was revealed to Daniel. I feel this is the season where we “go through the gates” of what has been prophesied.

Here’s the sequence the Lord spoke to us to expect as this season unfolds, as found in Matthew 25. A midnight crisis. A midnight watch. A midnight cry. A midnight turnaround. A midnight awakening. And a midnight procession to meet the Bridegroom together. We spent much of 2108 in forerunning prayer for this sequence to play out. 

I do feel this awakening is now at hand! And scriptures on the blood moon seem to suggest it is a sign His Spirit is going to be poured out. Peter’s message in Acts 2 gives context to this. Holy Spirit had just been poured out. And Peter gave understanding to his people in a way that reaches through the generations to our time, and even to the very end of the age. It is actually a parallel passage to Matthew 25, which accomplishes much the same. 

‘And it shall be in the last days,’ God says, that I will pour forth of My Spirit on all mankind; and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, and your young men shall see visions, and your old men shall dream dreams;

Even on My bondslaves, both men and women, I will in those days pour forth of My Spirit, and they shall prophesy. And I will grant wonders in the sky above and signs on the earth below, blood, and fire, and vapor of smoke.

‘The sun will be turned into darkness and the MOON INTO BLOOD, before the great and glorious day of the Lord shall come. And it shall be that everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.’ Acts 2:18-21

First Midnight Cry Conference this weekend! Maybe it’s not a coincidence that our first-ever “Midnight Cry” conference is being held over this very weekend in Abilene TX. The conference is hosted by Amy Black at the Gold Monarch Healing Center. If you’re in the area, you don’t want to miss this time!

Midnight Cry Prayer Call Sunday Evening! Please note we are also hosting a special “Midnight Cry” prayer call THIS SUNDAY EVENING. Together we get to keep a midnight watch to frame the beginning hours of this third year of Trump’s presidency, highlighted by a blood moon over Washington DC. Amazing!

I want to give you a heads-up that our “New Way Forward” project is not ending. It’s just changing. As we enter through the gates of this new season, in many ways it is just beginning. Very simply, IT’S TIME. 

“Out of the Hard Places a Cry will Come Forth”—Lynnie Harlow
I’ll never forget how the Lord began to alert us to the coming season of the Midnight Cry. In the fall of 2017, two prophetic voices, Lynnie Harlow and Mario Bramnick, literally immersed us in the same word at the same time. From Chapter 1 of the Midnight Cry:

Just after Hurricane Harvey struck the shores of Texas, our friend Lynnie Harlow released the following word.

“On Monday night I had a dream. In the dream I was asking God to protect our President. I also asked him help our President start to say things more diplomatically. I heard God loud and clear tell me “NO” to the second one. He then said, “I am using the foolish things to confound the wise. And over the next 3 months there will be a huge shaking back to back to back on a National level.

“But then breakthrough WILL COME. And through the hard places a CRY will come forth in this Nation and the flood of MY spirit will not cease.” (Midnight Cry, pp. 10-11). 

“The Midnight Cry” and the White Hosue—Mario Bramnick
When Mario Bramnick, an apostolic leader in Fort Lauderdale FL, heard about Lynnie Harlow’s word, he immediately called me. Because the Lord had spoken the same to him! 

Amazingly, Mario’s word actually emphasizes President Trump and the White House. Perhaps this word speaks directly even into this very moment as President Trump begins his third year of rulership.

Again from the Midnight Cry:

“Have you ever heard the story of the midnight cry? Like, with Paul Revere?” 

Having just prayed through a hurricane, Mario Bramnick called me to get details on Lynnie Harlow’s word. He had just heard in his spirit the phrase “midnight cry.” As in the days of Paul Revere, there’s a midnight crisis which provokes a midnight cry. 

“I’ve heard something similar, my friend.” He didn’t know I had received two prophecies, one by Cindy Jacobs, prophesying that I was a “spiritual Paul Revere…”

Mario’s focus on a coming cry actually began began in our home a few months before. Looking out our window at Washington DC, we spent some time praying in preparation for a meeting we were attending at the White House with a focus on mobilizing prayer. 

Immediately the Lord began to quicken to him how circumstances must provoke a new level of prayer. A cry from His people. Mario even felt that President Trump was being invited to lead the way. This perception is already proving very accurate. From calling a national day of prayer to invoking God to overcome friction between nations, President Trump has led the nation in crying out to Jesus. We in turn must continue to pray for him! 

President Trump is a revolutionary figure. From the beginning of his candidacy we’ve prophesied that he will be a Winston Churchill for our time. The most important question then becomes—Why does America need a Winston Churchill in this hour? 

What exactly are we facing?

Maybe this is why the Lord is so emphasizing the midnight cry for 2018. Winston Churchill’s fierce leadership through World War II was accompanied by a “burning lamp movement” of 24-7 prayer led by Welsh intercessor Rees Howells. I know the Trump administration desperately needs this magnitude of prayer as our nation confronts the challenges of our time. 

We need a midnight cry… beginning at the White House!
(The Midnight Cry, pp. 12-13).