1pm ET Turnaround Tuesday

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August 19
, 1PM ET with Jon & Jolene 

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FIRST—PRAY NOW FOR YOUR SONS AND DAUGHTERS. Many are in a “gap” time in their lives, struggling to straddle the distance between where they are and where they long to be in their lives. Jesus made them to aspire. To dream higher, grow stronger and sharper, to sacrifice in pursuit of a goal which propels them beyond their current limitations. 

Sometimes it’s hard to watch as they struggle. But remember they are seen by God as “more than conquerors through Him who loved us” (Romans 8:37). Your prayers can accelerate their victories! Take time especially to pray in the Spirit over them. 

Really that sums up all of our pleas before the Throne, right? Lord give us strength to run the race and finish our course in victory!

Many of you are eagles of the Lord. You have learned how to soar with Him. You have learned to see accurately at great distances, and engage in deep dives to take down your prey. Many of you have even learned how to squawk 🙂

But if you’re like me, you have been surprised to be largely confined to your nest right now, plucking out all that is dysfunctional and deadly, and believing God courageously for recovery. In other words, you’re in a molting season. 

Without this season you’d be fine—for a few more years at least. But you have been offered more from the Lord. The requirement for an eagle is to pluck out feathers, pluck out their overgrown claws, and even pluck out their beaks! In other words, they let go of all that worked so well in the former season, even for their own self-protection. 

It takes courage. If you don’t believe this, just ask Joshua and Caleb and all the men who were required to be circumcised just before waging war to conquer the promised land. It was their version of molting.

What is your version? How is God working with you right now? Join us for a very special Turnaround Tuesday broadcast! 

“They that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength. They shall mount up with wings as eagles. They shall run and not grow weary and walk and not faint!” (Isaiah 40:31).