CALL WEDNESDAY! 9PM ET NOV. 11, Live from Plymouth MA. Hosted by Jon & Jolene with Chris Mitchell, Lori Perz, others. Conference Call: (605) 313-5156 access code 552-690. Use *6 to mute/unmute. Invite your friends to join us. Remember pre-conference call prayer begins at 8:45pm

THIS ACTUALLY HAPPENED. On the 400th anniversary of the Mayflower Compact, America’s covenant with God, a group of new Pilgrims have converged in Plymouth MA, joined with the Lion of Judah to see God’s covenant reset fully accomplished. The Lord met us immediately with two unusual, unmistakeable signs. Literally, windows above opened. And the fountains of the deep burst forth! (Gen. 7:11). You’re going to hear about Lori Perz about the significance of this passage—related to the US elections and to November 11—in just a moment. 

Earthquake… and Fireball in Sky!
But first, here’s what happened. In the morning of November 8, an unprecedented earthquake rocked the region! It measured 3.6 on the Richter scale. We felt it ourselves. Then in the evening, at precisely 7:22 pm, a fireball appeared across the sky from around Philadelphia to Plymouth and beyond! 

Fire from heaven, confirming God’s covenant. As Pilgrim governor William Bradford stated, “As one small candle can light a thousand, so the light here kindled has shone to many, even to this whole nation. Let the glorious Name of Jehovah have all the praise!”

Pilgrim House—the Covenantal Womb of 7-22
Not impressed yet? OK try this. We are meeting in the the very Pilgrim home in Plymouth harbor where we met in on 7-22, 2014 when we received together God’s Daniel 7:22 “Turnaround Verdict” in Plymouth and Faneuil Hall Boston. Thanks to our friend Linda Clark, THIS SAME HOME was the lodging and prayer place in 2014 for Jolene and me, as well as our guest Dutch Sheets. 

In other words, we have been summoned by God back to the original foundations of the Pilgrims—the first Pilgrim home—the very “womb” where we first received the Daniel 7:22 verdict—to see His Dan. 7:22 turnaround SECURED AGAIN FOR 2020! 

Can’t make this up. Seriously. You really can’t. COVENANTAL TURNAROUND BE RELEASED!

With this shared, it’s time to bless you with extraordinary revelation on this “time gate” of 11-11, 2020, the 400th anniversary of the signing of the Mayflower Compact. 

November 11—a Time Gate for Turnaround—Lori Perz
The following is what I heard leading up to the huge time gate of 11-11-1620, and weaving together related words on the significance of this hour. Thank you again to you, Jon and Jolene, for how you have forerun this and stewarded this prophetically for years as the keeper of the covenant for America!  Hard to put that kind of weight into words. Great anticipation for what God has in store for the nation on 11/11!  Absolutely praying into it.

This summer, God began to show me that much of the warfare that our nation was experiencing through the coronavirus, unrest and violence, etc. was actually connected to the 400th anniversary of our nation’s covenant with Him.  And how threatened the enemy has been by this major time gate.  As you know from Jon and Jolene, this covenant was cut by the Pilgrims on 11-11-1620 in Provincetown Harbor as they penned the Mayflower Compact.  This kairos time is massive for the destiny for America, a true demarcation, and Jon and Jolene have been forerunning this and pointing us to this time gate for years.  We thank you!  You have been pioneering this incredible breakthrough the Lord is bringing on and from this date/gate–as keepers of the covenant of America. We honor you!

God is Cleaning House! Lori & Jolene
I want to share some connected pieces:  On Nov. 2, I was on the steps of the Minnesota State Capitol with two others doing an intercessory assignment.  As I was praying about corruption in our state government, God brought me to Ezekiel 8 in which Ezekiel sees through a hole in a wall to the hidden corruption and defilement in the temple.  God began to shift my intercession to the corruption in the Church, which starts of course with individual believers, as we are the temple of Holy Spirit. 

This was confirmed by a profound prophetic encounter that Jolene had early in the morning of Nov. 4 in which God said He is cleaning His house, the Church.  Holy Spirit led her to Ezekiel 7:1-9:11 and she exhorted us to hit the dirt.  She felt the grief of the Lord over the deception in the Church and He had her mark the foreheads of those who cry over the idolatry and deception in the Church.  She prayed over every Christian she knew by name and felt the Lord marking her.

My spirit was gripped by Jolene’s encounter.  As I prayed into this more today, the Lord reminded me of what I heard for Revolution 2019-2020.  I heard God say for Revolution that He was gathering a group of 400 forerunners with foresight for 2020 with foreheads marked. 

That mark of the angel of those who grieved over the abominations in Jerusalem was a TAV (Ed Watts has amazing revelation/words on this).  Looks like a cross.  The numerical value is 400.  The TAV is the last letter, as in Yeshua as the ALEPH and TAV.  So, in this year of 5781 of ALEPH, I believe God is speaking about this “TAV moment” of the 400th anniversary as a time of finishing.  It’s an ending that will bring forth the ALEPH, the new beginning, for our nation.

Also, in connection to the 400th anniversary of our nation’s covenant with God with “cleaning house”, He reminded me of the Jewish tradition to go through the home with a white feather before Passover, cleansing the home in a “fine-tooth comb” way of any leaven.  As Jolene has prophesied we are in an “extended Passover season” as a nation, and this amazing word has certainly proven true.

I believe this week leading up to 11-11 is like a pause in the nation.  The enemy is desperately conspiring post-elections to steal the election (and the destiny of America) but this time is being leveraged by God to bring this deep cleaning to His House.  Then, He can then bring cleansing to the nation.  Judgment begins in the house of God. 

Election Day—Noah’s Ark—Securing His Refuge from Evil
This synchs up with what I shared on the Gideon thread in early October about Cheshvan 17 converging with Election Day (connected to a Noah swirl I had in 2019).  This convergence is weighty prophetically.  This is the day in Genesis 7:11 when the ancient deep was unlocked, releasing both judgment and justice.  And the rains of heaven poured out.  This flood brought a cleansing of the entire world, the cleaning house and removal of the leaven of sin on a global basis.  It also brought the protection of the elect in His ark of safety, which of course represents Yeshua. 

This also reminds me of the Pilgrims who stepped into the safety of a ship, the Mayflower, to come to the New World to establish a nation “for the glory of God and the advancement of the Christian faith”.  The Mayflower is named after the May flower:  the Lily of the Valley.  This of course is one of the names for Yeshua, and even His Bride (Song of Songs 2) and it means purity and humility.  It’s profound to think that these Separatists (part of His Bride) separated themselves from the Pharoah structure of their time.  They “came out of Babylon” and gave up everything to bravely step into Yeshua, the Lily of the Valley, their Ark of safety, to come to the New World. 

Just as there was time set aside for the cleansing of the home before Passover, which marks the deliverance of the Hebrew slaves out of Egyptian captivity, I believe we are in a window of time right now for this “white feather” cleansing of our individual houses/temples.  This white feather connects to Holy Spirit and the angelic host who will help us with this cleansing.  Once again, this will bring cleansing to the Church, which paves the way for the cleansing of the nation.  And, as Jon has prophesied, the return of God’s governmental glory to our land.  I even saw this white feather used for cleansing become the quill pen that was used to pen the Mayflower Compact.

God is cleansing His people and marking our foreheads with the “400” mark of TAV before this massive time gate in our nation’s destiny of the 400th anniversary of the Mayflower Compact.  Just as God heard the cries of His people after 400 years, so God is hearing the cries of His people in America in this hour.  May we submit to His cleansing this week (and beyond) and allow Him to remove the leaven of EGYPT from our hearts, as well as the leaven of Herod.  This leaven is the religious/political spirit of false government that is the very thing that has been trying to hold our nation captive (especially right now post-election) for 400 years! The Kinsman Redeemer is at the Threshing Floor with the winnowing fork in His hand (Luke 3:16-17).

May we allow God to open up a hole, as it were, in any self-protection or walls that we have built between us and Him.  May we have eyes to see as we move in the fear of God and humility to see what we need to see “behind the wall” in our own souls and deal with any idolatry, defilement and mixture.  May we allow Holy Spirit to come in with His feather and clean us up.  This is preparing the way for God’s glory to be made manifest in us and through us, and for the Church–and then for our nation that has a profound destiny to be a city on a hill to shine His glory light and to bring in the harvest. 

The enemy is raging right now because he doesn’t want to lose ANOTHER covenant group of people after 400 years in America, like he did with Moses and God’s covenant people after 400 years.  But, God is thundering LET MY PEOPLE GO THAT THEY MIGHT WORSHIP ME!  

As we bow our hearts low and arise and shine in the might of God, we will come out and cross this threshold of the 400th anniversary of our nation’s covenant with God–by His great mercy, grace and power!  For His glory alone.  Sailing into a “new land”/epoch of time in the ark of Yeshua.  And witness the end (TAV) of one chapter of history in America after 400 years, and a glorious new beginning (ALEPH) of another.  We worship you, Yeshua, the ALEPH and the TAV.  

King of Glory.  Truly, NO KING BUT JESUS!