On Wednesday March 4, Glenda Renes, a nurse from the “epicenter” of the Washington State outbreak, shared practical solutions to keep safe in the age of coronavirus. Please make sure to listen to this important call. Replay number: (605) 313-5155 code 552690. 

CALL WEDNESDAY—9PM ET. Conference call number: (605) 313-5156 access code 552-690. Use *6 to mute/unmute. Invite your friends to join us!

FIRST—HAPPY PURIM. A year ago on Purim President Trump declared Israel’s sovereignty over the Golan Heights. This key move shored up the covenant nation’s security on the vulnerable northern border. It was amazing to pray at the White House EEOB with Mario Bramnick and other friends, then come back to discover the historic announcement—by tweet of course!

I believe God honors nations who honor Israel. Lets continue to remind the Lord of His promised protection and provision. Devourer be rebuked in Jesus’ Name!

Remember that Purim is a time to see false crowns seeking the annihilation of humanity to be exposed and conquered by the true Crown. 

Today, on Purim 2020, we begin a 31 day prayer watch for our nation, for Israel and for the nations. It is time for God’s crown to fully prevail over the enemy’s intentions through the coronavirus and other potential challenges. Further, it is time for each of us to grow in our relationship with Christ, crowned with His authority and seated with Him in heavenly places. 

During this prayer watch my goals are as follows. Lets engage together in this! 

  1. Daily devotional prayer—like Daniel, lets aim for three times per day—with prayer and reading the Word in the morning, afternoon, and evening. Suggest making the Bible the last thing you read before sleep. 
  2. Daily communion—applying the body and blood of Jesus over ourselves, our families, our spheres, our cities.
  3. Daily firepower—45 minutes praying in the Spirit. 
  4. Daily intercession for President Trump and team. Time to become White House Watchmen! Followed by prayer for local needs, whatever Holy Spirit shows. 
  5. Fasted lifestyle with complete fasts weekly. 

Please understand also there is more going on than what meets the eye, both in the enemy’s camp and in the Lord’s camp. Intercession is our highest priority. I strongly suggest praying in the Spirit at least 45 minutes a day. Given our tight schedules that may sound almost impossible. But if you persevere you will actually begin to wonder how you ever lived without this daily connection!

So lets engage together. NO KING BUT JESUS!