“From this brilliant light, I was addressed by a voice, which stated, “There must come a righteous revolution!” At that moment I questioned asking, “Why?” The voice stated in a strong promising tone, “To Bring Us Back To God!”At this point I heard this phrase, which was spoken with great authority: “Court Is Now in Session!”—Bobby Conner


HANUKKAH PRAYER CALL TONIGHT—9pm EST! Conference call number: 641-715-3605 access code 552-690. Use *6 to mute/unmute. Invite your friends to join us. 

REVOLUTION 2018 THIS WEEK! December 6-8, 2018, Museum of the Bible. SPECIAL GUESTS Chuck Pierce, Rick and Patricia Ridings, Faisal Malick, more. WORSHIP by the Remnant Band with Jamie & Redonnia Jackson.

REGISTRATION on EventBrite: $95 regular rate. LIVE STREAM now available at $25 for conference. For either choice, CLICK HERE TO REGISTER

EIGHT DAYS OF GIVING through Hanukkah! Lets see the devourer rebuked and fresh oil flowing for our lamps to shine. To make a contribution CLICK HERE.

Hanukkah. Tonight across Israel, America, and the nations, one of the darkest nights of the year must now yield to the brightness of God’s holy fire. Let there be light …And He separated light from darkness.  

I am reminded of Bobby Conner’s amazing dream, shared yesterday. “Suddenly I heard a very loud sound of a gavel striking the Judges bench; quickly I looked toward the direction the sound came from. However, all I could see was blinding light, much like the rays of the sun shining in its strength. From this brilliant light, I was addressed by a voice, which stated, “There must come a righteous revolution!”

Let there be light. As demonstrated by Heaven’s Judge, this righteous revolution is a Revolution by Fire. That’s so key to understand this Hanukkah. 

Remember how Judah Maccabee lit a lamp to reconsecrate the temple in the breakthrough now known as Hannukah. Remember Jesus, Light of the World, conceived over Hanukkah and born to wage a love revolution to forever redeem humanity. 

Remember the burning lamp awakening that comes from HIS midnight cry. Jesus now stands among the lampstands, tending them, evaluating them. He wants fire. And He wants forerunners for this Revolution by Fire.

It is a desperate hour to choose. As Bobby Connor noted yesterday, “As the people of God we do hold the keys that determine which way we will go. None can remain neutral. We must seek God and TURN TO HIM with all our hearts; the future of our nation depends on it.”

Let me be clear. The future of our nation depends on what we devote ourselves to, perhaps even this week. 

Friday evening the Lord spoke to me the following, as recorded in that evening’s posting:“I say to you, do not miss your turnaround THIS WEEK! I call you to seek Me for this turnaround, to sow into this turnaround, to secure this turnaround for your sphere and nation. Seek, sow, and secure. This is the word of the Lord to you!”

These words are given by the Lord to you so you can grasp the brevity of what is now at hand. We are NOW at the pivot point of the turnaround God spoke of for 2018. And it’s time to secure this turnaround!

Seeking Holy Fire
We are seeking Jesus, the Light of the World, to release His holy fire and ignite our lamps. And we returning our focus to the passion and strength of His covenant flame. Let there be light! 

Yet we are seeking something even more. Remember the promise of 5779. God sends His fire, and then He separates light from darkness. We are seeking to see an increased current of His breaker anointing within His river of fire. To separate light from darkness.

We need a Revolution by Fire. A sweeping move of His freedom movement to separate the true illumination from the ‘false illumination’ of deception so prevalent in our culture and even government. As Bobby Conner noted yesterday, it is time for the blinders to come off and our nation to return to Him—individually, in our churches, and in our nation. 

Now more than ever we need God’s true illumination to shine! 

Hanukkah 2017 on, we as the Lamplighter family have been focused on seeing our lampstands restored. As we enter Hanukkah 2018, it’s time for holy fire. We are excited to step into this new season of brightness with you tonight on a special nationwide conference call. Please join us!

Sow and Secure Fresh Provision
Out of obedience to the Spirit’s leading, we are also launching eight days of giving. Throughout this time we are standing together in faith for you to receive a perpetual flow of oil—in the Spirit and the natural—so your lamps can shine! We have entered a key time to invest and secure the provision of our future. 

Throughout these eight days, please consider a generous contribution to Lamplighter as part of your year-end giving. Help our lamp to continue shining brightly to Washington DC… and from Washington to Washington to Jerusalem! 

Securing the Covenant Destiny of America
Finally, we are being summoned together to secure the destiny God dreamed of for this covenant nation. There’s something about a breakthrough even this even this week which will set a new way forward towards 2020. A freedom movement!

The door to Heaven’s Council is now being opened. We again believe the pathway to 2020 will be forged over Hanukkah this year. Remember that 11-11, 2020 is the 400th anniversary of the signing of the Mayflower Compact, covenanting this great experiment known as America to the Lord. 

So much is at stake. Pray we fully turn to the Lord, and fully align to secure His intended future. And lets give our all to this!

Chuck Pierce Warning—Realign by February or This is Lost
I want to close by sharing a very clear warning Chuck Pierce gave about the future of America. He released this originally during the Head of the Year 2018 gathering. My hair stood on end. Steve Strang recently quoted Chuck’s word in a Charisma article. CLICK HERE TO READ. 

“With prophets, we are called to say what will be,” Pierce says. “I don’t have a choice to be political and be Republican or Democrat. I have to choose to say, ‘This must happen or else your children will be lost.’ 

“What we have heard here is a message saying God’s hand has come down in America. Realign the nation covenantally with God’s nation called Israel. This is so key for us to get as we move forward. And now hear me prophetically: within three years, it is lost. I will go beyond what John Kilpatrick was saying. Without this shifting by February of next year, fully into place to get secure, in three years, this is lost.”

Or not. To a large extent this depends on our response. Note that the deadline the Lord gave was February 2019, not November 2018. We are gathering in Washington DC over Hanukkah because Court is Now in Session for His Revolution. And it’s time to bring us back to God!