HANUKKAH PRAYER CALL TOMORROW—9pm EST. Conference call number: 641-715-3605 access code 552-690. Use *6 to mute/unmute. Invite your friends to join us. 

REVOLUTION 2018! December 6-8, 2018, Museum of the Bible. SPECIAL GUESTS Chuck Pierce, Rick and Patricia Ridings, Faisal Malick, more. WORSHIP by the Remnant Band with Jamie & Redonnia Jackson.

REGISTRATION on EventBrite: $95 regular rate. CLICK HERE TO REGISTER

LIVE STREAM NOW AVAILABLE! $25 for conference. Tickets on Eventbrite registration site. Will include access to archived sessions after the conference. CLICK HERE TO REGISTER

BEGINNING TOMORROW—Eight Days of Giving through Hanukkah Lets see the devourer rebuked and fresh oil flowing for our lamps to shine!

FIRST—As most of you know, former President George HW Bush passed on late last night in Houston TX. He was 94. It’s important to note that after his presidency, the influence of President Bush continued to vastly expand within all branches of government and within both political parties. 

Lamplighter Ministries extends our sincere condolences to the Bush family and friends as his passing is mourned and legacy honored. President Trump has called for a National Day of Mourning on December 5.

New Way Forward
For months now we’ve been prophesying about a new way forward for our nation. We sensed somehow that Revolution this year was marking a commissioning of this new way forward. The two gateposts of this doorway highlighted by the Lord to us were Isaiah 6 and Joshua 1. In the year King Uzziah died, I saw the Lord seated on a throne (Isaiah 6). Moses my servant is dead, now therefore arise and cross this Jordan (Joshua 1). We also sensed that Heaven’s Council was somehow being convened over Washington DC to direct this new way forward. 

The events unfolding now through next week here in DC seem to bear witness to this prophesied transition, even governmentally. Revolution begins on December 6, with Chuck Pierce sharing a key word based on the mandate the Lord gave him to be here. Most likely President Bush will be lying in state during this time. 

It seems to me we are at a clear pivot point for God’s intended turnaround to be completed, and a freedom movement commissioned. My hope is that many of you who have expressed a desire to come to Revolution will find renewed resolve to make it in person. There is still room for at least 75 more. Please take your place. 

Now. Please take time to really absorb the prophetic word we are about to share with you from Bobby Conner. It was just posted on  Facebook three days ago. We love and respect Bobby very deeply, and when this word appeared it was like he was prophesying directly to us. Why? Well you’ll see why in a moment. 

Here’s a hint. Seemingly out of the middle of nowhere, Bobby actually prophesies a righteous revolution—with Heaven’s Court now in session! Below is the word. 

Bobby Conner Prophesies “Righteous Revolution”—And Court is in Session!
I had a dream, which was so real it seemed, as if it was an actual occurrence. In this experience I was setting alone in a huge room much like a courtroom. Suddenly I heard a very loud sound of a gavel striking the Judges bench; quickly I looked toward the direction the sound came from. However, all I could see was blinding light, much like the rays of the sun shining in it’s strength.

From this brilliant light, I was addressed by a voice, which stated, “There must come a righteous revolution!” At that moment I questioned asking, “Why?” The voice stated in a strong promising tone, “To Bring Us Back To God!”

At this point I heard this phrase, which was spoken with great authority: “Court Is Now in Session!” 

Instantly, the entire courtroom was packed with people, they were extremely quiet, you could sense they were uneasy and not sure what was about to take place. And I heard an order— “called these three witnesses!”

  1. The Individual!
  2. The Church!
  3. The Nation!

Then again from the radiant Light, the voice speaks, addressing the called witnesses, “Do you solemnly swear to tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth?” 

Again the voice from the blinding light speaks, posing a question – “Are you prepared to present your case?” 

At this point I am stunned awake. My heart was pounding, knowing we have entered into a time, to take a stand. I was troubled, knowing that we hold the key, to which way our future will go. First each of us must examine our individual life, it is easy to blame the Church, or nation, but God will first call us to account for our individual behavior.

As the people of God we do hold the keys that determine which way we will go. None can remain neutral. We must seek God and turn to Him with all our hearts; the future of our nation depends on it. 

If our nation is to be changed it must be from “the Church House” not “the White House!”

Court is NOW in Session for Turnaround
Jon here again. I hope you caught this. Heaven’s Court is now in session for a REVOLUTIONARY TURNAROUND. For authentic teshuvah that brings us back to Jesus Christ—personally, as a church, and as a nation. A Daniel 7:22 turnaround!

Secondly, Bobby makes clear that the world does not hold the key to this. Nor does even the White House. Instead you and I hold the key. As we shared on Friday evening’s posting, we MUST secure Gods’ turnaround even this week. THE FUTURE OF THE NATION DEPENDS ON IT. 

Final point. By God’s decree, Court is NOW in session. Please ponder this as we connect for the beginning of Hanukkah tomorrow and then throughout this history-defining week. 

No King but Jesus!