PRAYER CALL TONIGHT! 9pm EST. Conference call number: 641-715-3605 access code 552-690. Use *6 to mute/unmute. Invite your friends to join us.

SCHOOL OF KINGS—NEW WEBSITE PAGE CLICK HERE. Coming this summer to Albany NY, Lancaster PA, Nashville TN, Aiken SC, Brunswick GA. Make plans now! 


First—In one of the most hotly contested House elections in history, Rep. Karen Handel defeated “Trump stopper” Jon Ossoff. The victory makes one thing clear. Despite intense media propaganda and coercion, the American people remain vitally committed to the movement spearheaded by Donald Trump to restore Constitutional government, shift Washington DC, and “make America great again.” 

In 2014 the Lord spoke that Georgia was the “Re-Constitution State.” I felt then that the state would be catalytic to protecting and preserving the US Constitution. Equally importantly, Georgia is key to ushering in a “reconstitution” of God’s dream for union for our land. Re-Constitution! One Nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice FOR ALL. 

Strategic Schools
I want to briefly draw your attention to two “Schools of Kings” with this precise focus. The Aiken SC-Augusta GA school on July 21-22 will be vitally important governmentally towards this end. Most of you understand the importance we feel regarding 7-22, the anniversary of the date the Lord chose to release His Daniel 7:22 verdict of justice in favor of the saints. I will share more later. But we feel that the Lord called us to facilitate this school at this time because He desires to manifest this verdict to South Carolina and Georgia. Re-Constitution!

The very next week we will be in southern Georgia for the Brunswick School of Kings. Jolene will actually be taking the lead for much of this school. Again we will share more details later. But the Lord has shown her that a justice movement marked by women, which she prophesied during the first School of Kings in St. Paul MN, is going to have a major release there. 

Tabernacles 2018!
God is establishing Thrones of Glory—from Washington to Washington to Jerusalem! All of these schools, and even the upcoming Glory Train journey, are steps towards this end. That said, mark your calendars now to join us in Washington DC this Feast of Tabernacles for the Awaken the Dawn tent gathering, followed by the Call gathering focused on this new womens movement God is birthing. We were just in Colorado Springs for planning meetings with Lou Engle and Cindy Jacobs, and it is going to be AWESOME!

Call Tonight—Key Prayer Points
Lets keep watch tonight. Cindy Jacobs alerted the Reformation Prayer Network about occult targeting of President Trump tonight and tomorrow. And our friend Carol wrote us that tonight marks the “apex” of the R@madan “night of power: 

Dear ones, wanted to highlight a significant date that our Saturday morning USA prayer team is zeroing in on. Today, June 21, is the Muslim “night of power” -the apex of R@madan, and a very spiritually charged nite, with prayer going thru the nite… It just so happens that it is also the night of the waning moon and so the occult “magic resistance” folks will be busy at least at midnight and possibly all night as well…

2018—Chet! Victory in Realm Warfare
OK. Believe it or not there’s a tremendous flow to all that we’re sharing today. I want to introduce to you revelation the Lord gave while out in Washington State. It ties into the ground we need to cover tonight on our call. The Lord has begun to “open the scrolls” regarding a new season of victory in what I’m going to call “realm warfare.” Kings govern realms. Though 2018 will be known for this, we have entered into this season already. Realms of glory overtaking realms of darkness!

Remember the recent warning dream Connie Wilson shared. From Jerusalem she saw a dark, occult cloud from the Capitol to the White House. This was just a week before the tragic shooting of Republican congressional leaders. As we prayed into this on the last two calls, Holy Spirit took hold in an amazing way, with declarations and even travailing prayer for preservation and breakthrough. 

We didn’t know what we were praying for, we just knew there was an ungodly realm superimposed on our seats of power that was threatening God’s work affecting the Capitol and White House. It turned out that the enemy was targeting President Trump’s key ally in the House, Steve Scalise, as well as 22 other leaders in the House and Senate overall. And when the shooter took aim, amazingly there were no deaths! Rep. Scalise is doing much better and is expected to make a great recovery. 

This is actually a great example of both the challenges and the victory the Lord is giving in “realm warfare” now and throughout the coming year. Not going to unpack this fully now, but here’s just a taste of what I’m perceiving.

We are entering into 2018. The Hebrew word-picture for 8 is “Chet.” Chet looks like a gate, with two pillars and a connector at the top. It is literally formed with a vav on one side—6—and a zayin on the other—the crowned vav, the number 7. Connected by a “bridal canopy.” 

You can’t make this stuff up.

Further, according to Hebrew symbology, “vav” symbolizes man while “zayin” symbolizes woman. Man and woman are coming together under the bridal canopy or tent. The vav and crowned vav are connected with a bridal canopy to form a “throne of glory.”  What a picture of THE FEAST OF TABERNACLES! 

I so appreciate David Bradshaw of the Fredericksburg Prayer Furnace for perceiving God’s heart to tabernacle with His people on the National Mall this year. Even the symbology of this new year bears witness. God is establishing His thrones of glory. This Hebrew letter Chet, in fact, is actually the first letter of “chabad” or glory!

Chosek, Rachaph, Chabad—Let There be Light!
Further, the first place in the Bible Chet appears is in Genesis 1. Darkness was on the face of the deep, but the Spirit of God was brooding over the waters. And the Lord said Let there be light! And there was light. And He separated the light from the darkness.

A realm of darkness covered the face of the depths. Darkness is the Hebrew word “chosek.” This is the first time this Hebrew word-picture is used. 

But the good news is that the Spirit of God brooded over the waters! The Hebrew word for “brood” is “rachaph.” The second time the letter Chet is used. And it’s where God released the realm of Heaven, the move of Holy Spirit, the very glory of God, to overtake the realm of darkness! 

Rachaph is also a birthing term. Like an eagle brooding over her eggs. Brood over and birth or bring forth! And as Holy Spirit hovered, the Lord said LET THERE BE LIGHT. And light was birthed! This light broke through the realm of darkness and separated light from darkness!

Chosek, rachaph, Chabad. That’s the precise picture of what the Lord is bringing forth in this hour. Covenant with God has been restored. Covenants with death and hell have been legally annulled by Heaven’s Court. It’s time for reconstitution! And the Lord is now moving to rachaph over the chosek to birth His covenant purposes. LET THERE BE LIGHT!