Note: From what I understand, the key deadline for the Iranian nuclear deal is midnight tonight. Please keep interceding!

Jolene and I are so excited to invite you to Ignite America this August. Hosted by Jerry and Judy Ball, the conference brings together top college students across America with capable leaders and intercessors.

Over many years, Jerry and Judy have been focusing on Ivy League schools and college campuses nationally, coming alongside future leaders to mentor them in the Lord. One goal is expressed at their yearly gathering—to ignite college campuses with the fire of the gospel, making Jesus famous in the nation.

“I believe the Lord spoke to me that the Third Great Awakening is going to start with Ignite America this year!” These words by Judy Ball were met with a rare and profound silence on our prayer call last night. Judy felt the Lord spoke this to her during her recent trip to Israel. All I could say is YES!

Remember that Kentucky the homeland of Abraham Lincoln and the Cain Ridge Revival. It is also the homeland of Mama Bunny Warlen, a renown prayer leader and spiritual mom to so many leaders in this nation. And if I know one thing, it’s that God hears her prayers. In my opinion, this alone should tip the scales!

Another move of the Spirit is on its way—a spiritual revolution. And I bear witness that Kentucky is called to be an epicenter of this new move. Lamplighter family, together we can strike and ignite!

Ignite America, Aug. 6-9, 2015, Campbellsville KY
Hosted by Jerry and Judy Ball
with Ray Hughes, Susan Michael (ICEJ), Jonathan Ngai, Gen. Douglas Carver, Brian Barcelona, Chelsen Vicari, Jon & Jolene, many more.

Randsdell Chapel, Campbellsville University, Campbellsville KY