AMAZING CALL last night with Rick Ridings. This Daniel 7:22 turnaround includes a global healing movement. And the goodness of the Lord is going to turn Tisha b’Av into a day of celebration! Playback number: (641) 715-3598 Access code 552-690.

TURNAROUND FAST called by Rick and Patricia Ridings! Sundown tonight through sundown 7-22. “Full court press” in prayer and fasting for their daughter Esther’s full recovery, for global healing movement to be accelerated, and for governmental turnarounds releasing LIFE AND FREEDOM. 

BLESSING ESTHER FINANCIALLY! Esther’s turnaround has touched hearts globally. As Rick shared last night, she and her husband really need financial assistance to cover medical bills. Here is the link for giving for those wanting to help with the intensive care costs. Thank you for your generosity! https://www.gofundme.com/helpestherconquercancer

With Jon & Jolene Hamill and Martin & Cindy Frankena
Registration: $65 (including $15 catered lunch on Saturday)
To register on EventBrite

FIRST—last night’s call was so strategic and inspiring. We are hearing great reports today. Be sure to listen to the playback. And we are asking each of you to bless Rick’s daughter Esther with a generous donation. Lets sow together into the amazing turnaround God is granting—and thereby reap His blessing even this 7-22!  

It was amazing to hear from Rick Ridings the very things we have been sensing all week. That as of 7-22, a tremendous window is opening for a global release of God’s freedom movement. Even “turning” Tisha b’Av from a day of mourning into a day of celebrating the goodness of the Lord (Zech: 8:19). According to Daniel 7:22, God is rendering judgement in favor of the saints, restraining forces of darkness, and releasing the saints to possess the kingdom! 

Please join a global symphony of fasting, giving and prayer encompassing 7-22 and beyond. We will share more strategically tomorrow. For now, listen to the message. And please set your hearts to seek God’s counsel, standing in His courts and receiving His generous verdict on 7-22!

Prayer for Ambassador Brownback’s Global Summit
As shared yesterday, this coming week will feature an historic global event which embodies the blessing we feel the Lord is releasing. Sam Brownback, the US Ambassador for Religious Freedom, is hosting a precedent-setting global gathering in conjunction with Secretary of State Mike Pompeo. 

The International Religious Freedom Summit will be held July 24-26 at the State Department. It is the first ever of its kind. Prayer Storm family, across the globe, your collaborative prayers and decrees from 7-22 through 7-26 are vital to help secure the fullness of God’s intentions for this gathering! 

According to their website, “The U.S. State Department’s first ever ministerial for International Religious Freedom will be a time for government leaders and civil society partners from around the world to collaborate and advance international religious freedom.”

Foreign Ministers of at least 60 nations are attending, as well as representatives from the three Abrahamic faiths and a full spectrum of additional religious traditions. Panels with persecuted believers will be featured. Most importantly, a fresh dialogue will be started on the importance of securing religious freedom in the nations.

As is appropriate, Ambassador Brownback has requested prayer covering for this event from various streams. Jolene and I are leading prayer beforehand, and will also be onsite for much of the event. We would deeply appreciate your collaboration and covering! 

More information on the event can be found at https://www.irfroundtable.org

Please join us in covering Ambassador Brownback and the event Sunday through Wednesday. And may a freedom movement be released to the nations as these delegates gather!

Vision and Prayer—Council of God Convened
While interceding for this global convocation, I had a very brief vision which we shared yesterday. It seems important enough to warrant sharing again. 

My focus was on the spiritual challenges which could accompany this gathering. And it was literally a bit intimidating. But to my surprise, I immediately perceived the Lord’s willingness to dispatch His angelic hosts to gather at this event, even from each nation represented. A major paradigm shift. I believe we are entering a window of opportunity where Heaven’s council is convening to provide divine assistance for this international summit (see Jeremiah 23:20-22). Again your prayers are essential!

All that said… I immediately felt impressed to make two requests before the Throne. Please agree with me: 

Lord please grant that all forces of darkness be covenantally and governmentally restrained during the gathering. Access denied, in Jesus’ Name! 

Secondly, Father please grant that an angel of the Lord assigned to each nation represented be released along with the delegates from each nation, to join in a convocation of Heaven’s council tied to the assembly. Guide and protect Ambassador Brownback and his colleagues. Bless his family. Bless the intercessors. Bring a spiritual breakthrough to the extent that all the leaders assembled know and love You more. Release this freedom movement for the nations, in Jesus’ Name. 

Thank you and covenant blessings to you from Washington DC. 

Jon & Jolene