OCT. 1 GLORY TRAIN JOINS RADIANCE HOLLYWOOD BURN! Prayer service with Jonathan & Sharon Ngai.

OCT. 3 “A SECRET COVENANT”—key webcast by Arthur Burk! More information coming. To register click here.

OCT. 4 TABERNACLES! SKYLINE CHURCH! From Virginia Beach to San Diego… final stop at Skyline Church, San Diego CA!


REVOLUTION 2017, Museum of the Bible, Washington DC
Over Hanukkah—December 14-16, 2017. Mark your calendars! Limited seating potential so make plans now to join us. REGISTER NOW—CLICK HERE!

TONIGHT BEGINS YOM KIPPUR. Exactly forty days ago, America was awed by a total eclipse as the moon’s shade made its way from the southeast to the northwest. My understanding is that America was uniquely highlighted, as our nation alone experienced the total eclipse. 

All of which makes it a Teshuvah year according to Jewish tradition. In other words, the timing of this eclipse is meant to uniquely highlight the importance of Yom Kippur.

It’s no coincidence that the Lord compelled us to launch the Glory Train just 40 days ago. Friday August 18 in Virginia Beach. Saturday the 19th in Williamsburg. And Monday August 20, in Fredericksburg VA with David Bradshaw and the “Awaken the Dawn” crowd at the Prayer Furnace. 

Sign 1: Eclipse Marks Glory Train’s Launch
Remember we launched as a witness to the restoration of God’s glory across our nation, and that He wanted a witness of this restoration coast to coast before “Awaken the Dawn”—with 50 tents from 50 states on the National Mall over Tabernacles. Our time in Fredericksburg marked the day of the eclipse!

Since that time the Glory Train journey has brought us from the White House all the way to the shores of the Pacific coast on Yom Kippur. Throughout our journey, one simple message resounded. God desires to restore His glory as a bridal canopy over America. Covenant with Christ restored! Intimacy, protection, provision, encompassed in a new move of His Spirit. With Holy Spirit the spiritual undercurrent and overarching influence of our land.

In short—Ichabod erased, glory decreed. Please continue to make this your plea before Heaven’s Court now through tomorrow!

Our weekly Lamplighter call ushered us into Southern California Wednesday evening. When we met with Arthur Burk the next morning, he pointed out that two epic events had just occurred. First, Hugh Hefner died! Second, all planes globally were grounded due to a software glitch. It’s important to note that Arthur didn’t insinuate any correlation with the Glory Train, and I’m simply pondering on it right now.

Sign 2: Hugh Hefner Dies
But apparently, timing wise, just as we were pulling into the LA area, completing our journey from coast to coast, the “poster boy” who shifted our culture towards sexual promiscuity, misogyny and covenant breaking suddenly met his end

I personally believe this is a sign. “When the Lord has washed away the filth of the daughters of Zion, and purged the bloodshed of Jerusalem from her midst by the spirit of burning and the spirit of judgement, then the Lord will create over Zion and all her assemblies a pillar of cloud, even smoke, and the brightness of a flaming fire by night; for over all the glory shall be a bridal canopy” (Isaiah 4:4-5).

Sign 3: Air Traffic Grounded
On the same day, all air traffic globally actually ceased due to software glitches. The airspace suddenly became clear. Arthur made the extraordinary comment that this magnitude of disruption of global transportation had not occurred perhaps since the days of Noah. 

All commercial flights were grounded. Holy Spirit chills coursed through me when Arthur then observed, “Remember Satan is the prince and power of the air.” 

Not sure what this means. Except maybe God wanted to literally clear the airspace to bring a shift in the atmosphere coast to coast. 

Because just as Jesus was lifted above the earth on the cross, so His bridal canopy is lifted over us when it is established! Covenant restored, covenant established. I feel God’s gentle presence on this even as I write. 

Yom Kippur 2017
On this sacred day, lets worship the Lamb of God who was high and lifted up to atone for our sins! Lets present the Body and Blood of Jesus before God’s throne and see love, forgiveness and glory encompass our lives once again. His glory as a bridal canopy!

We so need it. As we continue praying nationally—for the Trump administration, for Washington DC, for our military and intelligence communities as we face down tremendous challenges—lets also hold the body of Christ close to our hearts in prayer. Jesus remains a Bridegroom yearning for the full affections, purity and loyalty of His covenant people. 

As we wrote Wednesday, an unexpected focus of the Glory Train has been to see many in the body of Christ get back on track. Especially from compromise. Lets approach the bench and seek a better verdict than we deserve. Lets repent where needed. So many destinies are in the balance. Yet God clearly wants to establish His thrones of glory in our midst! 

Covenant blessings to each of you this Yom Kippur.