BROTHERLY LOVE SUMMIT—August 10-13, Bethlehem PA with Jamie Fitt, Darrian Summerville, Jon and Jolene. Ignite God’s lampstands this Moravian Pentecost! More information click here. 

GLORY TRAIN LAUNCH—VIRGINIA BEACH! 7pm August 18 with Pastor Chris Mitchell, 4211 Pleasant Valley Road, VA Beach

To contribute to Mike and Cindy Jacobs towards the Global Prophetic Summit click here. 

To contribute to Lamplighter Ministries towards the Glory Train, please click here.

Threats from North Korea have initiated many conversations with prophetic leaders and intercessors over the past few days. Great points have been made. In prayer last night, I genuinely sensed the Lord saying it’s time for the pharaoh-like structure of North Korea’s government to now fall. 

How? That’s a good question. Presumption is never a good idea, but especially when decisions involve deploying nuclear weapons. I am praying for God to release clear counsel that will catalyze this shift while keeping casualties at a minimum. 

Stand in the Council of God
As I shared on last night’s conference call, I feel the Lord is calling us all to a higher level during these 10 days—to literally stand in the council of the Lord. Note that your giving is linked to an open heaven. I know in my spirit this immediate opportunity is somehow being activated in conjunction with your obedience in giving during this time. “From every man whose heart moves him, you shall receive the contribution for me…” (Exodus 25:2). 

Standing in Heaven’s council is more significant even than participating in the councils of kings or presidents. Through prayer you and I are invited to somehow influence the governmental center of the universe! And there are times when this interaction becomes even more heightened.

“But who has stood in the council of the Lord, that he should see and hear His word? Who has given heed to His word and listened?… But if they had stood in My council, then they would have announced My words to My people, and would have turned them back from their evil way and from the evil of their deeds” (Jer. 23:18, 22).

Covenant Secures Your Access
Some may say that only a select few are initiated into Heaven’s council, solely as an expression of divine sovereignty. Legitimate prophetic experiences by trustworthy leaders certainly bear witness that this one way in which our participation in Heaven’s council can be initiated. 

However Jeremiah makes clear for all of us that standing in God’s council is primarily a responsibility we have the right to either accept or decline. If they had stood in My council… these are sobering words!

Keep in mind that first and foremost, your covenant secures your access to the Throne. You are seated with Christ in heavenly places. You have a seat at the table! Not just as a spectator, but as a decision-maker in the broader “cabinet” before the Throne.

Covenants establish thrones of governance. Your seat is secured first by your covenant with Jesus Christ, when you received His body and blood for your redemption. Secondly, your access to Heaven’s council over specific spheres is largely dependent on your calling, your covenant with Him over these specific spheres, and your obedience. How have you stewarded your responsibility? How have you stewarded your heart? 

Keep in mind also that your life and spiritual discernment can be hindered by false covenants made by either you or your forefathers. Again, covenants establish thrones of governance. This is why generational deliverance is so important. 

God’s Counsel—Word and Spirit
The ultimate plumbline of God’s counsel is of course the Bible. Ever have a passage seemingly leap off the pages at you? That’s God’s counsel. And if you are seeking to receive fresh wisdom from Heaven it is absolutely essential for you to “eat the scrolls” of His Word. 

Another “sound amplification system” given for your assistance is the gift of speaking in tongues. “In the spirit we speak mysteries,” admonished the Apostle Paul—who then told us to pray that we may interpret what was prayed (1 Corinthians 14). I cannot tell you how many times I’ve prayed over situations in the Spirit, seeking God for the interpretation of the mysteries He alone knew to cover. Sometimes I feel a breakthrough from the intensity of the burden without receiving any further understanding. But many times the Lord quickens to me fresh revelation by His Spirit. This brings clarity, strength and oftentimes instruction to move forward.  

Stand in the Council of God
That said, the fate of America and many nations now seems to be at stake. And my sense is that as we seek Him over this time, many of you will become consciously aware that you have both participated in His council and received His counsel. There is no more important time than right now! 

Global Prophetic Summit
As we target our giving today, I want to invite you to make a contribution towards a global phenomenon involving His council. Mark your calendars too. Because on November 16-18, Cindy Jacobs is convening a global council of prophets for “The Global Prophetic Summit!” 

I sense in my spirit this gathering will spark something as pivotal as the Reformation, which began 500 years beforehand almost to the day. 

For years Jolene and I have been involved in the Apostolic Council of Prophetic Elders (ACPE), convened yearly by Cindy Jacobs. Two years ago James Goll prophesied at the ACPE that Cindy is being called to convene a “Global Prophetic Council.” The sheer enormity of identifying and inviting more than 300 respected prophets from more than 50 nations is staggering. The cost taken on by Generals International to facilitate this gathering runs into hundreds of thousands of dollars. 

But Cindy and Mike live by Christ’s precept that “where your treasure is, that’s where your heart is.” And very simply, they value the council and counsel of God’s prophets. This precedent-setting gathering is destined to bring relationship, alignment and reformation in the body of Christ internationally, releasing a global resonance of His voice!

Remember it was Cindy who perceived the blockade of finances across the spectrum of the body of Christ. Through your intercession and giving in this “Covenant Wealth Project,” we are contributing to His breakthrough! Lets honor Cindy and Mike and their longstanding commitment to receive and release Heaven’s counsel. Please sow generously towards this gathering! 

To contribute to Mike and Cindy towards the Global Prophetic Summit click here. 

To contribute to Lamplighter Ministries towards the Glory Train, please click here.

Covenant blessings to each of you, in Jesus’ Name!