THE DAYS OF AWE ARE DAYS OF GIVING! Your donation helps Lamplighter advance God’s Kingdom in Washington DC and the nation. Please consider a gift today! To contribute CLICK HERE. 


7pm Christ Church Anglican, 2020 Bull Street, Savannah GA.

Beginning 10:30 am Remnant Church, Brunswick GA. Thru beginning of Yom Kippur. DUTCH SHEETS MINISTERING TUESDAY EVENING. 

Evening of Yom Kippur, National Day of Atonement. Grace Life Jacksonville, 2960 Plummer Cove Rd, Jacksonville, FL.

Oct. 11, 13 New Wine Ministries with Mario Bramnick
Cooper City (Fort Launderdale) FL

Oct. 18-20 Virginia Beach VA Details tomorrow! 

REVOLUTION 2019-2020 December 29-31, Trump International Hotel. With Dutch Sheets, Cindy Jacobs, Chris Mitchell Jr, Jamie & Redonnia Jackson, Gideon Group, more. REGISTRATION: $120 before Oct. 16, $150 after Oct. 16. To register on Eventbrite

TRUMP INT’L DC—Ten More Rooms Now Available at an incredible conference discount. They usually go for more than $700. The rooms will go quickly so please make plans now!
King Room $235
Two Queens Room $275
LINK to book your room
Or call the Trump International: (202) 695-1100.

GRAND HYATT DC—a third of a mile away from Trump Int’l.
Rooms for single or double occupancy $109
LINK to book your room
Or call the Grand Hyatt: (202) 582-1234

FIRST—TEN MORE ROOMS are now available for you at the special conference rate. We are doing our best to serve you. They will go fast so please register for Revolution and book these rooms quickly. 

Reconstitution… from the Reconstitution State!
OK… MINE EYES HAVE SEEN the coming of the glory of the Lord! We are now in Savannah after a tremendous meeting in Conyers, GA. Holy Spirit moved so powerfully. Thank you Lord for breakthrough! 

During these Days of Awe, the Lord sovereignly chose the Reconstitution State to release this word to the nation—complete with signs and wonders to confirm His word.  

I’ve got good news for you. God is moving to reconstitute your covenant destiny! His invitation is being released to you again—and to your region, state and for the nation. And he is commissioning many of you afresh to complete the turnaround He has set in motion for your sphere. 

Two prophetic experiences were highlighted in the Conyers service on this. They are so important for you to grasp if you want to receive God’s best. 

Months ago the Lord gave me a Throne Room experience on the reconstitution of covenant destiny. I saw a vision of the Lord seated at a large table. Beside Him on either side were discarded, crumpled up pieces of paper—invitations, commissionings, title deeds and inheritances. I kept watching as He took a discarded piece of paper and released it into the Sea of Glass. Immediately it unfurled. Faded and smudged words became crystal clear again. One by one, these invitations were being reconstituted and re-released to the body of Christ. 

Miracle—Inheritance Released DURING SERVICE!
Let me share with you a miraculous confirmation of this. One friend came up afterwards with a crazy smile. BECAUSE DURING THE VERY MESSAGE on reconstitution she received a text notice that an inheritance due her HAD BEEN RELEASED! 

Can’t make this stuff up. 

Beloved this is for you—right now—as you realign your heart and purpose covenantally with Him! Lord I loose to the Lamplighter family Your grace and anointing of RECONSTITUTION of covenant destiny! With Your covenantal re-release of invitiations, commissionings, title deeds and inheritances. Redeem the time, in Jesus’ Name!

Teshuvah and Reconstitution
Friends, that’s what this season of TESHUVAH is all about. Georgia is forerunning a grace God longs to give for Washington DC and America at this time. But it has to be emphasized that biblically there is no reconstitution without repentance or teshuvah. As the Apostle Peter admonished, “Repent and return—teshuvah! So that your sins may be washed away, and times of refreshing may come from the Presence of the Lord” (Acts 3:19).

This is so important during these Days of Awe. Remember Heaven’s Court is open for us to receive a better verdict than you and I deserve. But we must realign with God’s heart, His word, His covenant. Turnaround begins with Teshuvah!

Release from Cycle of Judgement
The second aspect of reconstitution involves the commissioning of His leadership to complete the turnaround. This was was conveyed through Joshua’s commissioning from the Lord after Moses transitioned to Heaven. 

An entire generation who made it out of Egypt had literally discarded their invitation to covenant destiny! And they all succumbed to the wilderness cycle that God had set in motion as a judgment for their disobedience. Even Moses, the great deliverer who carried this mandate before the Lord for his people, had even been removed from the earth. It looked like there was no hope!

Joshua—Commissioned for Reconstitution
Yet at that very moment the Lord reached down and re-constituted His scroll of covenant destiny for His people. And He commissioned Joshua TO COMPLETE THE TURNAROUND. Joshua was literally commissioned to lead this movement of reconstitution of God’s covenant destiny, bringing God’s people into possession of their inheritance!

It’s not a coincidence that the name Joshua, or Yeshua, is the same name as Jesus. Beloved, Moses can only take you so far. You need Jesus to bring you across the threshold! 

Hear me in this. We are in a season where leaders are being commissioned, sons and daughters of honor, to secure the promise and complete the turnaround entrusted by their forefathers. They are commissioned for reconstitution. Cycles of judgement begin to break. Because the Lord is going to shift us from the wilderness of His judgement into possessing our promise! 

Last year the Lord showed me this transition in an unusual way. On 8-18-18, I was seeking His face and receiving communion when He brought me into a prophetic experience involving a new commissioning. My former rank was removed. A new rank was granted. I knew this commissioning was for both Jolene and me. And I knew that the Lord was bringing similar experiences to many leaders in the body of Christ who are stewarding spheres of government, culture, business etc.  

The prophetic experience concluded with the words I am sharing with you below resounding in my spirit. 

“Moses My servant is dead; now therefore arise, cross this Jordan, you and all this people, to the land which I am giving to them, to the sons of Israel. Every place on which the sole of your foot treads, I have given it to you, just as I spoke to Moses… 

Be strong and courageous, for you shall GIVE THIS PEOPLE POSSESSION of the land which I swore to their fathers to give them” (Joshua 1:1-6).

With this visitation the Lord spoke to us about a new way forward for our land. This was the theme of our Revolution gathering at the Trump International, and it was our word for 2019. As we enter into the forerunning of 2020, I can tell you that our alignment with God’s covenant has already unlocked His new way forward for our nation. Your labor and endurance has not been in vain. Together we are going to complete the turnaround and release His inheritance. You are now being commissioned for this RECONSTITUTION!

No King but Jesus…