BEFORE HIS FACE—JULY 22, FANEUIL HALL. With Chuck Pierce, Dutch Sheets, Jon & Jolene Hamill, many others. Worship by Jamie Fitt. Sessions 1:30 pm, 6:30 pm. Launching the Glory Train 2019-2020. 

ANNOUNCING 7-22 BOSTON STATE HOUSE TOUR with renown pastor and historian Paul Jehle. 10:45 am. Meet in front of State House by Bulfinch Pole on the right side in Ashburn Park. Please be prompt. During the tour Paul will share on the extraordinary foundations of our nation from New England. Breakthtaking. Love offering appreciated!

GLORY TRAIN PLYMOUTH MA, 7PM July 23, with Dutch Sheets, Glory Train team, New Testament Church Plymouth with Pastor Paul Jehle.

GLORY TRAIN—LANCASTER SCHOOL OF GLORY! August 2-3 with Jamie and Redonnia Jackson, Martin Frankena, Ed and Lynn Alderson, Jon & Jolene, more. Foxchase Golf Club, Stevens PA (Lancaster County). Don’t miss this incredible opportunity to “come away with Jesus!” Firewater baptisms featured. To register on Eventbrite CLICK HERE.


God’s “fire water” is flooding hearts and lives even as I write! We are now in our fifth hour of baptizing at the Glory Train School of Glory in Connecticut. I am witnessing something I haven’t really seen in New England in many years. The glory of God is genuinely manifesting! Lives are being changed before our eyes. People are already sharing about deep encounters and profound healings. And every “firewater baptism” with the Lord is being celebrated!

I was honestly wondering if the revival could take hold here as it has in Georgia. YES! All I can say is this is a dream come true. Great job Jamie and Redonnia Jackson. This is a huge statement to make. WE ARE NOW IN AWAKENING.

For those coming to Faneuil Hall—I am excited to announce that renown historian and Plymouth pastor Paul Jehle has volunteered to lead a special tour of the Boston State House! This is an incredible opportunity. You will learn aspects of the founding of our nation that will astound you. It will be great fuel for prayer. Please make plans to go! Simply show up at the Boston State House, Bulfinch pole, at 10:45 am Monday. Our sessions at Faneuil Hall will immediately follow. 

Below is the schedule for our Glory Train journey, beginning with Faneuil Hall on 7-22. 

GLORY TRAIN JOURNEY 7-22 thru 8-18

GLORY TRAIN LAUNCH! Sessions at 1:30 pm, 6:30 pm.
You are being summoned before His face. With Chuck Pierce, Dutch Sheets, worship by Jamie Fitt. Our previous 7-22 “turnaround gathering” at Faneuil Hall, proved historic. The Lord summoned us together to receive as a nation His Daniel 7:22 turnaround verdict—judgement in favor of the saints restraining the enemy and releasing the saints to possess the Kingdom. This year God’s governmental glory is literally at the thresholds of the land. It’s time to complete His turnaround and see awakening catalyzed. You will receive a fresh commissioning into this forerunning movement!

Team for the Glory Train journey includes: Jamie Fitt, Ed Watts, Jamie & Redonnia Jackson, Chris Mitchell, Ed & Lynn Alderson, Lori Perz, Lynnie Harlow, Mama Bunny Warlen, Bill & Marlene Brubaker, more. 

More information:

7-23 Glory Train Plymouth MA with Dutch Sheets, Glory Train team. Return to the place of first covenant! 7pm, New Testament Church, Cedarville with renown pastor Paul Jehle.

7-24 Morning: Tour, Lexington/Concord. The historic square where the opening battle of the American Revolution occurred is also where the declaration “No King but Jesus” was made. Lets resound this decree!

7-24 Evening: Glory Train Northampton, 7pm Resurrection Life Int’l Ministries with Thank God and Julie Maduka. Northampton MA is the historic epicenter of First Great Awakening with Jonathan Edwards, which set ablaze the entire 13 colonies for Jesus! Church address: 37 Chapel Street, Easthampton MA.  

7-26 thru 27 Glory Train Albany, Berne NY. Sessions at 7pm Friday, 9am Saturday. With Jon & Jolene, Jamie & Redonnia Jackson, Ed Watts, Ed & Lynn Alderson. Hosted by Rock Road Chapel, Berne NY with Pastor Jay Francis, Pastor Sharon Carlson. More information:

7-28 Glory Train Rome NY, Sunday, Rome Christian Center, Rome, NY. Sessions 10 am, 6pm. With Jon, Jolene, Glory Train Team. Worship by Jamie Fitt. Hosted by Pastors Ned and Sue Paquette. More information:

Rome NY is the historic epicenter of the Second Great Awakening with Charles Finney and Daniel Nash. Upstate NY was literally known as the “burnt-over district” because virtually the entire region gave their lives to Christ! As with today, the repudiation of idolatry was at the core of the release of this movement. The Second Great Awakening also swept through all the 13 colonies as well as the western frontier. 

7-29 Morning Lowville NY. Historic site of forerunning intercessor Daniel Nash of the Second Great Awakening. 

7-30 Glory Train Philadelphia. 7:30 pm with With Jon, Jolene, Glory Train Team. Hosted by Jamie Fitt and the Philadelphia Tabernacle of David community. Location: 7501 Ogontz Ave, Philadelphia PA. More information:

7-31 Glory Train Pennsauken NJ, 7pm New Beginnings Community Church. With Jon, Jolene, Glory Train Team. Hosted by pastors Tim and Beth Concannon. More information:

8-2 thru 8-3 Glory Train—School of Glory, Stevens PA.
Friday afternoon 1:00-4:00pm, evening 7:00-10:00pm.
Saturday morn. 9:30am-12:30, Catered Lunch 12:30-2:30pm, evening 7:00-10:00pm

With Jon & Jolene, Martin Frankena, Jamie and Redonnia Jackson, Glory Train Team. Worship by Nick and Myah Frey. 

To register on Eventbrite CLICK HERE.

Hosted by Doug and Kris Graybill in the beautiful Foxchase Golf Club, this annual school is always a highlight of our year! Come be refreshed, sharpen your discernment, receive breakthrough revelation and move into new levels in the Lord. You are being summoned before His face. Register now! 

8-4 Sunday eve Hershey PA, private roundtable hosted by Abby Abildness.

8-5 Gettysburg—details TBA.

8-6 Tuesday prophetic roundtable, Pentagon City.

8-7 thru 8-8 Wednesday-Thursday Onsite Prayer, Washington DC

8-18 GLORY TRAIN VIRGINIA BEACH Hosted by Chris Mitchell, Jr and Gateway City Church. Details TBA.