

911—Prophetic Perspective. Including the Maccabee Revolution! To listen to Jon’s message, shared on 9-11-15, please click above. 

Announcing Revolution 2015! December 9-12, over Hanukkah. Life Center, Harrisburg PA. With Dutch Sheets, James Goll, Charles Stock and others. Details to follow soon!

Happy New Year! The Jewish holiday Rosh Hashanah, or Head of the Year, begins this evening, starting off the new year 5776.

Our friend Sandy Newman, legendary apostolic leader from Kansas, gave me a preview of this year’s theme. Year of the Hammer! This means a lot to me, because three years ago on 12-12-12, Sandy prophesied that God was renaming us from Hamill to Hammer! It happened to be Hanukkah, and I was telling the story of how God miraculously lit our flame during our wedding on the first day of this Festival of Lights. Turns out the heroes of Hannukah, spiritual revolutionaries known as Maccabees, derive their name from the Hebrew word Hammer!

Friends, I believe this is the year of the Maccabee revolution. Time for spiritual revolutionaries to rise up in the Spirit and take back our land! Time to see the turnaround God longs to give.

Political rulers alone won’t get the job done. Nor will military might nor technological advancement. Economic shakings won’t turn the nation, and economic bliss won’t save us either. Instead, we must embrace this year the miracle of the Menorah, and the message behind it. Not by might nor by power, but by My Spirit, says the Lord!

Remember the Maccabees relit the lamp to reconsecrate the Temple after it had been desecrated by Baal worship. Covenant was restored. Though they only had a day’s supply of oil, the lamp burned supernaturally for eight days!

Read through Zechariah 4. The prophet saw a burning menorah as a symbol of God’s grace to overcome adversity, turn a nation, and complete the work that was started in the Lord.

The Maccabees saw the first fruits of Zechariah’s prophecy in their day. We will see a harvest of it in ours. Year of the Hammer—time for the Crown and Throne movement, which Bob Jones saw released into the earth realm on “Thanksgivukkah” 2013, to accelerate nationally and globally. Time for God’s Spiritual Revolutionaries to arise!

Lamplighter family, it’s our year. Body of Christ, it’s our year. Lets dedicate ourselves at the outset of this new season to be the burning and shining lamps God has called us to be. Light that overcomes the darkness!

And together, lets see a national turnaround. Not by might nor by power, but by My Spirit says the Lord!