
THURSDAY PRAYER CALL! 9pm EST. Note day change due to Wednesday’s presidential debate. Conference call number: 641-715-3605 access code 552-690. Use *6 to mute/unmute. Invite your friends to join us. 

TONIGHT! 7pm Rock Road Chapel, Berne (Albany) NY.

Friday evening! Jon at Feast of Tabernacles Gathering, New Wine Church, Ft. Lauderdale FL. 

Thanks for your encouragement on recent postings. We have had an exceptional time in New England, with each step marked by significant encounters with the Lord. And it’s been so good to reconnect with dear friends. We’re finding it hard to leave!

I just realized we had our 49th Glory Train meeting last night in Rutland VT, in the 49th state of our journey. God is faithful! And He is bringing a turnaround.

Pray for Debate Tonight
It almost goes without saying we need to pray for the debate tonight. Pray for both candidates. Lets stand together before God’s Throne to see His intervention. No King but Jesus!

Pray for Jon and Jolene!
Tonight, tomorrow and Friday are very strategic. I am sincerely asking for your prayer covering. We’re excited to be with the Rock Road Chapel family in Berne NY tonight. Both Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton are New Yorkers, and so we count it a privilege to minister and pray in the Empire State at this decisive moment.

Tomorrow we are connecting for a few strategic meetings in NYC on the way back to DC. Pray for Heaven’s authority and clear prophetic revelation.

We are so excited for Friday’s All Tribes gathering in Washington DC with Negiel Bigpond and Native Americans from across the land. I then fly to Fort Lauderdale for an evening “Feast of Tabernacles” gathering with Apostle Mario Bramnick. We haven’t yet ministered in Florida with the Glory Train, and I feel Tabernacles is a perfect time to see God’s glory staked in!

OK. Please pray.

10 Prophetic Perceptions
Today I want to close with ten basic prophetic perceptions from the “Conflict of Thrones” word and our journey this year. I’m not going to elaborate on them much, I’m simply going to give them.

Let me make clear again what we’ve preached across our land on the Glory Train, from the beginning of the year. The political process alone does not have the capacity to bring the turnaround to our land that we so clearly need. It’s going to take a move of Holy Spirit to dislodge the level of evil that has become embedded in our land. A spiritual revolution!

We prioritize this move of Holy Spirit. It’s why we left Washington DC to circle the nation on this Turnaround Tour. Knowing that the turnaround itself will shift the political process!

OK. That said, here are 10 prophetic perceptions.

  1. Conflict of Thrones. The year 2016 will be remembered as the year of the Conflict of Thrones, with extraordinary competition over spheres nationally and internationally. We’ve been prophesying this since summer 2015.
  2. Heaven at Your Gates. We are experiencing this Conflict of Thrones specifically because Heaven is at our gates. Revelation 19:11.
  3. 2020 Vision. Last November the Lord spoke for us to “have 20/20 vision.” Discern. Political platforms were to be evaluated according to what we wanted to see by 2020. I also felt the 2020 election would be even more significant than this one.
  4. Year of the Tithe. God compelled us all to engage in the divine exchange of tithes and offerings. Promising that as we do, he will open Heaven and rebuke the devourer on a national level.
  5. Warning of terrorism. A dream of a wave crashing into Washington DC conveyed warnings of potential terrorism in our land as well as Israel. This still holds true, and we must remain vigilant, even tonight. We also warned of the potential that a nuclear bomb could be deployed as a weapon for the first time since World War II.
  6. Two Trump Dreams. In 2007, the Lord gave me visions about Barack Obama winning the elections. This year He gave me two separate dreams regarding Trump. In the first dream he was restoring Homeland Security. In the second, he was walking off a baseball practice field alone.
  7. Turnaround Verdict—Daniel 7:22. The Re-Constitution of the United States. This verdict is in play no matter what. Judgement in favor of the saints.
  8. Two Tracks to Choose. I saw two tracks. One track led to global governance tied to idolatry and subjugation. One track led to the restoration of God’s covenant destiny—a turnaround. The elections will truly convey one choice or the other.
  9. Wisconsin is the Conductor State. On the Glory Train we saw how Wisconsin was the conductor state and could either strengthen or literally derail God’s turnaround. Lets continue to pray for House Speaker Paul Ryan.
  10. Thrones of Glory. God is crowning your vav, your covenant consecration, with His glory and government. An uncorrupted priesthood is arising to restore the Ark of His Covenant. Thrones of glory are coming forth! Isaiah 22:23.
  11. Call 911! Prayer Storm. The next phase of the restoration of the Tabernacle of David is accelerating in Israel, America, and the nations. God emphasized Amos 9:11-15. The mountains of Samaria are already dripping with sweet wine!
  12. No King but Jesus. God forbid that I should give Jezebel the inheritance of my forefathers. For both Israel and America. No King but Jesus. Amen!